Bursar Office - Making Payments During COVID-19

Bursar Office

Making Payments During the COVID-19 Pandemic


How do I make my payment?

Tennessee Tech University is continuing to monitor the coronavirus outbreak and make adjustments as necessary to protect the health and safety of our students, faculty, and staff. Therefore we encourage all student payments to be made online (web check or credit card) if possible during this time through Eagle Pay via Tech Express - Students or Eagle Pay - Authorized Users which is available 24/7. If paying online is not an option, a check can be mailed to our office at the below address or made in person from 8:00AM to 3:30PM Monday through Friday at cashier windows located on the 1st floor of Derryberry Hall. Please make sure to indicate your student ID (T-Number) on the memo line of the check.

Mailing Address:
Tennessee Tech University
Business Office
Box 5037
Cookeville, TN 38505-0001

 Make Payments Now:


 Resources To Help:

If at anytime you have questions or issues making payments, please email bursar@tntech.edu or call (931) 372-3311 for assistance. 

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