College of Business - Scholarships


The College of Business offers more than $200,000 in scholarships to undergraduate students. Most of our scholarships have unique criteria, but a list of general scholarship criteria follows:

  • Applicant must be a full-time undergraduate student (enrolled for 12 or more hours).
  • Applicant should have a high school average of a "B" or higher with an acceptable ACT score, a community college GPA of 3.5, or a Tennessee Tech GPA of 3.2. (A few scholarships have GPA requirements below 3.2).
  • Applicant must have demonstrated leadership ability as a student or through other active involvement with groups, organizations, etc.
  • Applicant must be working toward a degree in Business Administration or International Business and Cultures each semester the scholarship benefits are received.
  • Applicants are selected by a scholarship committee, and recipients must send written acceptance to the College of Business.
  • Awards will be made directly to the Financial Aid Office to be credited toward the maintenance fees of the recipients.

To apply for all undergraduate scholarships, a student must submit the University Scholarship Application (see below for how to apply). The priority deadline for applying for scholarships is December 1 the year before the academic year starts. For example, if you are interested for the 2018-19 academic year, you must apply before December 1, 2018, to receive full consideration.

Tennessee Tech Scholarships

  • Please visit University Scholarship Office to learn how to apply.
  • One application makes you eligible for all Tennessee Tech scholarships for which you meet the criteria. You do not apply for scholarships individually.
  • Spring term scholarships will be considered during the same time as Fall. Most scholarships are awarded for the Fall/Spring school year. Therefore, if you do not plan to attend until the following Spring, you should still complete the application by December 1 prior to the year you wish to attend.
  • Also look at our Departmental & Transfer Scholarships
  • If you are interested in providing a scholarship opportunity, click here.

Graduate Scholarships

All Business Graduate students must contact the College of Business Graduate Office about scholarships:

Contact Us:
Tennessee Tech University
Campus Box 5023
Cookeville, TN 38505
Phone: 931.372.3600

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I apply for Business scholarships?

All departments on campus use one scholarship application that is coordinated by the University Scholarship Office. Admitted students may apply for scholarships by logging into your Eagle Online account, choosing the Student tab and the Scholarship option.

Scholarship Office
Tennessee Tech University
Campus Box 5166
Cookeville, TN 38505-0001
(931) 372-6159

Is there a priority deadline?

Yes. Students that apply by the priority deadline of December 1st of the preceding year will be considered for all scholarships.  For example, if a student wanted to apply for a scholarship for the 2023-2024 academic year, he or she would need to complete the appropriate online scholarship application by Dec. 1, 2022.

Please note: that no exceptions to this deadline can be made due to university policies and procedures.

Are there any parts of the scholarship application to which I need to pay specific attention?

Yes. Our scholarship applications are run through a scoring system. A total of 30 percent of the points are based on past and present extracurricular/leadership activities, and 10 percent of the points are based on past and present work experience. It is very important that you fill out these sections as thoroughly as possible.

Are there specific criteria for the scholarships?

Yes. Most of the scholarships have unique criteria, but a list of general scholarship criteria can be found at the top of this page. All applicants will be considered for every scholarship for which they qualify.

How much are the undergraduate business scholarships?

For 2017-2018, our scholarship offers ranged from $500 to $4,500 per academic year, with our average award being $1,603 per academic year.

How many business scholarships are awarded?

The number of scholarships awarded each year varies. It depends on the amount of interest earned on our scholarship endowments and the amount provided for annual scholarships. Typically, the college awards between 100 and 150 scholarships to undergraduate students.

If I receive a scholarship, how will I be notified?

The college will notify first round recipients by the mid to later February.

If I receive a scholarship, how will I receive my money?

Awards are reported to the Scholarship Manager to be credited directly toward your maintenance fees. If you receive your bill for the semester and your scholarship is not listed, contact the college at (931) 372-6231. You will not receive a check.


Is my scholarship automatically re-awarded each year?

No. The College’s scholarships are awarded for one academic year. If the recipient still meets all the requirements for the scholarship and would like to be considered again for the next academic year, he or she must submit a new application by Dec. 1.

If I have other questions who do I contact?

College of Business
Tennessee Tech University
Campus Box 5023
Cookeville, TN 38505-0001
(931) 372-6231


  • FAFSA: Free Application for Federal Student Aid
  • The FAFSA is also the official federal document for determining financial need and eligibility for all forms of financial aid in addition to scholarships. If you are eligible for the Tennessee Education Lottery Scholarship, you must complete the FAFSA.
  • The FAFSA is processed by the Office of Financial Aid; the Scholarship Office refers to it only for our need-based scholarships. For questions or information about the FAFSA, visit the Financial Aid website.


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