Mathematics - Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

What courses constitute for a minor in mathematics?

A minor in mathematics consists of 15 credit hours of mathematics courses including at least 6 credit hours at the 3000-level or higher.  In addition, a minor in mathematics must include MATH 1910 and MATH 1920 and may not include a course numbered below MATH 1910.  To declare the minor, you will need to state the minor on your Undergraduate Application for Graduation, and it will be placed on your undergraduate transcript.


Where is the Math Tutoring Lab?

Clement 313C

Spring 2024 Hours

  • Mondays — 2pm-6pm
  • Tuesdays — 9:30am-12pm; 3pm-4:50pm
  • Wednesdays — 2pm-6pm
  • Thursdays — 9am-11:45am; 3pm-6pm
  • Fridays — 8am-9am


How can I get a private tutor?

The front desk secretary in the Math Department office keeps a contact list of private tutors.


I only have to take one mathematics class for my degree program. What general education mathematics class should I take?

You must discuss this with your advisor as it depends on your curriculum. However, you should consider taking Math 1010-Math for General Studies or Math 1530-Introductory Statistics. These are better choices for your final mathematics class than Math 1710-Pre-Calculus Algebra since the main purpose of the pre-calculus algebra course is to prepare students for business calculus.


How can I double major in math and another discipline?

About one-fourth of our mathematics majors actually earn two undergraduate degrees. To earn two undergraduate degrees a student must earn at least 30 credit hours beyond the coursework for the first degree and satisfy the graduation requirements for both degree programs. This is most easily done by mathematics majors when the second degree is from another program in the College of Arts and Sciences. A typical combination would include degrees in mathematics and physics.


What are the Career Opportunities in Mathematics?

Graduates of mathematics programs work for banks, insurance companies, public utilities, pharmaceutical companies, computer companies, communication companies, financial industries, and government agencies. Some work as actuaries and assemble and analyze statistical data to calculate probabilities of accidents, sickness, and property loss. Others are operations research analysts and apply scientific methods and mathematical principles to organizational problems. Statisticians design, implement, and interpret numerical results of surveys, polls, and experiments.


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