Sociology & Political Science - Steps for the Internship Program

Steps for the Internship Program

  1. Meet with your academic advisor and faculty mentor during advisement to make sure that the internship fits into your schedule and you meet all prerequisites for course.

    You should be prepared to volunteer approximately 125 hours over the semester. 
  2. An email will be sent to all majors about date and time of mandatory informational meeting.

  3. Attend scheduled informational meeting semester prior to starting internship (you will receive paperwork, be placed on the course permit list and go over logistics of the course. This meeting is MANDATORY

  4. Your permit will be put into the system and you will receive email to your Tennessee Tech account with the appropriate CRN number to register for course

  5. Register for Course

  6. Attend second meeting at end of semester prior to starting internship to go over ePortfolio requirements for course

  7. Contact agencies, conduct interviews, select an agency, and arrange work schedule. You may contact several agencies by phone prior to choosing the one which best meets your interests.   ONLY SOCIAL SERVICE AGENGIES ARE APPROVED. ALL Internships are UNPAID.           

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