classroom observations

Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning

Classroom Observations 

Our classroom observation services are available to all faculty for all courses. We offer three different methods for conducting classroom observations. Read about each method below and contact us to schedule your classroom observation today! 

Traditional - A traditional classroom observation consists of a member of the CITL Team observing your class during a regularly scheduled class session. This method does not require the recording of any course content, just the ability for our staff to observe your class in real time. The process for this option follows the steps below: 

  1. A pre-meeting: during this meeting, instructors meet with member(s) of the CITL Team to determine what goals, outcomes, and objectives they have for their observation. This is also a valuable time to tell the observer about your course.
  2. The course observation.
  3. A debrief: during this time, member(s) of the CITL Team will go over their observations, review and discuss the goals and objectives outlined during the pre-meeting, and determine the steps you will take moving forward. 

Swivl - This observation method utilizes the use of a Swivl to record the class session and provide additional perspectives and material for the observation. The process for the observation is the same as the traditional method, with the addition of having recorded footage to review and the use of the Swivl during the class. 

Virtual Reality - Our VR method employees virtual reality to allow member(s) of the CITL Team to walk through scenarios and work through a variety of approaches in real time. 

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