Campus Resources
TN Tech Student Academic Success Centers
College of Engineering:
Clement 208 / (931) 372-3553
College of Education & Human Sciences:
TJ Farr 101 / (931) 372-6036
College of Arts & Sciences:
Henderson Hall 202 / (931) 372-3610
College of Business:
Johnson Hall 107 / (931) 372-3371
College of Agriculture and Human Ecology:
Oakley Hall 116 / (931) 372-6850
College of Interdisciplinary Studies:
SW Hall 146A / (931) 372-6238
Other Campus Resources
Bursar's Office (Business Office): (931) 372-3311
Campus Recreation and Fitness Center: (931) 372-6212
Center for Career Development: (931) 372-3232
Dean of Students: Katherine Williams: (931) 372-3123
Disability Services: (931) 372-6119
Eagle Card Office: (931) 372-6232
Financial Aid: (931) 372-3073
Student Health Services: (931) 372-3320
Office of Minority Affairs: (931) 372-3392
Residential Life: (931) 372-3414
Student Engagement: (931) 372-3123
University Police: (931) 372-3234
Women's Center: (931) 372-3850