Ranil Gurusinghe, Ph.D.
Ranil Gurusinghe, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Email Address:
(931) 372-6849
Lab Science Commons, Rm 2316
Ph.D., Physical Chemistry, Kent State University, 2016
BS, Chemistry, University of Peradeniya (Sri Lanka), 2010
Professional Experience:
Tenure-track Assistant Professor of Physical Chemistry, 2022 - Current
Research Scientist, University of Missouri-Columbia, 2019 - 2022
R&D Scientist, Hikma Pharmaceuticals, 2016 – 2019
Gurusinghe Lab, “Gru Lab”, studies spectroscopy, reaction dynamics, and kinetics using
various Fourier transform microwave and millimeterwave (FTMW and FTmmW) spectroscopic
and resonance-enhanced ionization techniques that are developed and implemented in
our laboratory.
Areas of research interest:
Gru lab welcomes TTU students who are interested in learning and implementing spectroscopic instrument development, laser techniques, molecular beams, spectroscopic data fitting, and computational modeling.
Key Publications:
R.M. Gurusinghe, N. Dias, R. Krueger, A. G. Suits. “Uniform supersonic flow sampling for detection by chirped-pulse rotational spectroscopy”, J. Chem. Phys. 156, 014202 (2022). Link
R.M. Gurusinghe, N. Dias, A. M. Mebel, A. G. Suits. “Radical–Radical Reaction Dynamics Probed Using Millimeterwave Spectroscopy: Propargyl + NH2/ND2”, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 13, 91–97 (2022). Link
R. M. Gurusinghe, A. Fox-Loe, M. J. Tubergen. “Structures of guaiacol and the guaiacol-argon van der Waals complex from rotational spectroscopy of guaiacol isotopologues”. J. Mol. Struct. 1246 (2021). Link
R. M. Gurusinghe, M. J. Tubergen. “Probing the Electronic Environment of Methylindoles using Internal Rotation and 14N Nuclear Quadrupole Coupling”. J. Phys. Chem. A 2016, 120, 3491–3496 (2016). Link