Josephine McQuail
Josephine McQuail
Email Address:
(931) 372-6207
South Hall (SOUT) 235
Dr. Josephine A. McQuail is Professor of English at TTU. She was recently awarded a Non-instructional research grant (sabbatical) which she is using to research William Blake and James Joyce in London, England. Other grants and awards she has received include the Hal E. Ramer award in 2013, given by Women in Higher Education in Tennessee, which enabled her to deliver a paper on the New Zealand writer Janet Frame at the Gothic Association of New Zealand and Australia (GANZA) in Auckland, NZ. Summer 2014, she received a URECA! grant to accompany a TTU undergraduate student to London, where they both delivered papers at the Literary London conference. She serves as a Trustee in the William Blake Society of St. James Piccadilly, London. At U.C. Berkeley she was awarded a Maude Fife Fellowship, and her Master's thesis at University of Virginia won the Department of English Emily Clark Balch essay award. She served as Executive Director of the Northeast Modern Language Association, a regional division of the Modern Language Association, 2003-2006. She is an officer in the state and in the national American Association of University Professors. She also serves as President of the TTU Tennessee Education Association. She is active as well in the United Campus Workers. Recent publications include " ' How can Life be still?': Teaching Janet Frame's _A State of Siege_ and Virginia Woolf's _To the Lighthouse_" which appears in _Antipodes: A Global Journal of Australian/New Zealand Literature_; "Contingent Realities for Women: National and Regional Trends," in the summer 2014 _Modern Language Studies_; and “The Burden of Science in Huxley’s _Brave New World_,” which appears in the book _Critical Insights_: _Brave New World_, edited by M. Keith Booker and published by Grey House in 2013.