Dr. Ali Estejab
Dr. Ali Estejab
Assistant Professor
Chemical Engineering
Email Address:
(931) 372-3678
Prescott 306
Dr. Ali Estejab is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Tennessee Technological University. he served as a postdoctoral associate at Clemson University, SC. His research included the effects of solvents at thermo- and electro-catalytical interfaces. He completed his Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering at Ohio University, OH in 2018.
Dr. Estejab holds a B.S. and M.S. in Chemical Engineering as well. The emphasis of his research is on energy and environmental applications, an interest in interfacial science and separation techniques with over twenty published peer-reviewed papers and international conference presentations. More recently, this has included an appearance as an author for a book chapter about interactions and models on water/solid interface interactions on thermo-and electrocatalysis for wetting and non-wetting surfaces.
Dr. Estejab brings a wide range of experience in environmental engineering, having captured and managed more than two million dollars in project contracts (Engineering, Procurement, and Construction) within his roles in industry.