Exceptional Learning Ph.D. - Faculty Highlights

Faculty Highlights


  • 2018

    Akenson, J. E. (2018, February 14). Teaching Maggie’s 3rd graders: Big ideas, building blocks, and country music. Country Underground Australia. Retrieved from http://countryunderground.com.au/teaching-maggies-3rd-graders/

    Anthony, H. G. (January/February 2018). [Review of the book Strategy Games to Enhance Problem-Solving Ability in Mathematics by Posamentier & Krulik]. Mathematics Teacher, 111(4), 317.

    Beach, J., Howard, M., Marcum, R. & Webster, S. (in press). Nature applications and technology used responsibly in early childhood education. Young Children.

    Beaird, G., Geist, M.J., & Lewis, E.J. (2018). Design thinking: Opportunities for application in nursing education. Nurse Education Today, 64, 115–118. doi: 10.1016/j.nedt

    Chitiyo, G. & Chitiyo, M. (2018). HIV/AIDS and the socio-emotional development of children in Southern Africa. In Szente, J. (Ed)., Assisting children caught in disasters: A resource book for educators. (pp. 81–91). New York, NY: Springer.

    Chitiyo, G., Graves, L., Wendt, S., & Akenson, A. B. (in review). Establishing interrater reliability and interrater agreement of a teacher candidate observation rubric. Teacher Education and Practice.

    Chitiyo, M., Park, M., Chitiyo, G., Hur, C., Chitiyo, J., Makoni, R., & Dzenga, C. G. (in review). Exploring antecedents to preservice teachers’ attitudes towards children with disabilities in Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research.

    Eldaba, A., & Isbell, J. K. (2018). Writing gravity: Second language international female graduate students’ academic writing experiences. In K. Bista (Ed.), Global perspectives on international student experience in higher education: Tensions and issues. New York, NY: Routledge.

    Geist, M., Anthony, H. G., & Majors, T. (2018). Authentic healthcare scenarios make math meaningful. Mathematics Teacher, 111(7), 496–502.

    Geist, M.J., Sanders, J.R., Harris, K., Cass, C. (in press). Clinical immersion: An approach for fostering critical thinking, cross-disciplinary communication, and innovation in nursing and engineering undergraduate students. Nurse Educator. doi: 10.1097/NNE.0000000000000547

    Howard, M., & Hutson, S. (in press). Positively impacting mealtime experience for elementary school children. Journal of Ethnographic and Qualitative Research.

    Hutson, S., & Baker, J. (in review). Barriers to participation in the special supplemental nutrition program for women, infants, and children (WIC). Health Education and Behavior Journal.

    Isbell, J. K., Baker, J. C., Zagumny, L., Spears, A., & Camuti, A. (2018). Maintaining the myth: How Tennessee perpetuates deficit ideology about recipients of government-funded healthcare. Journal of Poverty, 22(1), 23–41. doi:10.1080/10875549.2017.1348424

    Isbell, J. K., Byford, G., Landis, N., & Stephens, J. (2018). Close-up on co-teaching: Teacher candidates’ and mentors’ perspectives on co-teaching experiences in secondary classrooms. Teacher Education & Practice, 32(1).

    Isbell, J. K., Chaudhuri, J., & Schaeffer, D. L. (2018). “It just messes your mind”: U.S. international students’ perceptions and experiences with academic text sourcing. Journal of International Students, 8(1), 308–331.doi:10.5281/zenodo.1134309

    Kennedy, K. J., & King, S. A. (2018). All aboard: Using positive behavior supports on the school bus. Beyond Behavior. doi: 10.1177/1074295618797272

    Krosnick, S., Baker, J.C., & Moore, K. (May 2018). The Pet Plant Project: Treating plant blindness by making plants personal. American Biology Teacher, 80(5), 339–345. https://doi.org/10.1525/abt.2018.80.5.339

    Luna, L., Majors, T., & Meadows, J. R. (2018). Effective engineering models for a multicultural education transformation in STEM: Engineering for all. In C. Clark, Z. Haad, & A. VandeHei, (Eds.), Volume 2: Multicultural Curriculum Transformation in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) of the PK-12 Multicultural Curriculum Transformation Handbook Series (pp.195–204). Lanham, MD: Lexington Press.

    Rezsnyak, C., Potter, D., & Chitiyo G. (in review). Impact of an atoms-first approach on student outcomes in a two-semester General Chemistry course.

    Roe, B., Smith, S., & Kolodziej, N. (in press). Teaching reading in today’s elementary schools (12th ed. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.

    Silber-Furman, D., & Zagumny, L. (2018). Dare to hope: A critical examination of culturally and linguistically diverse international students—Graduate students’ experiences in the Southeastern United States. In K. Bista (Ed.), International Student Mobility and Opportunities for Growth in the Global Marketplace (pp. 135–146). Hershey, PA: IG Global.

    Sisk, C., & Baker, J. (in press). Children with special health care needs: Partners in participatory research. In I.R. Berson, M.J. Berson, & C. Gray (Eds.), Participatory methodologies to elevate children’s voice and agency (pages to be determined). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

    Sisk, C., Chitiyo, G. & Akenson, A. B. (2018). Predictors of social relationships for children with special health care needs. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 4, 92–99. doi:10.1016/j.pedn.2018.03.009

    Spears, A., & Reagan, K. (2018). Better Nate than ever: Boy meets Broadway! In P. Greathouse & B. Eisenbach (Eds.), Queer adolescent literature as a complement to the English Language Arts Curriculum (pages to be determined).

    Wendt, S., Spears, A., & Fidan, P. (2018). Using children’s nonfiction trade books to address scientific misconceptions. The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Educational Studies,12(3), 31–43. doi:10.18848/2327-011X/CGP/v12i03/31-43

  • 2017

    Akenson, J. E. (2017, June 5). Columbia (Central High School): The gem of teaching Country music. Country Underground Australia. Retrieved from http://countryunderground.com.au/columbia-central-high-school/

    Akenson, J. E., & Lloyd, M. (2017). Bud not Buddy in social studies: Trials and tribulations during the Great Depression. In P. Greathouse (Eds.), J. Kaywell, & B. Eisenbach, Adolescent literature as a complement to the content areas: Humanities and social sciences (pp. 23–33). New York, NY: Rowman and Littlefield.

    Anthony, H. G., & Isbell, J. K. (2017). Finding solutions in Do the math: Secrets, lies, and algebra. In P. Greathouse, B. Eisenbach, & J. Kaywell (Eds.), Adolescent literature as a complement to the content areas: Science and math (pp. 131–146). Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield.

    Anthony, H. G., Kolodziej, N., & Meadows, J. R. (2017). From disenchanted to intrigued: Unveiling the Number Devil’s tricks in precalculus and calculus (Chapter 12). In P. Greathouse, J. Kaywell, & B. Eisenbach (Eds.), Adolescent Literature as a Complement to the Content Areas: Science and Math. (pp. 147–162). Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield.

    Anthony, H. G., Robinson, S. J., & Wilson, C. D. (2017). Math success for STEM majors: Active learning strategies and engineering contexts. Published in the Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Zone 2 Spring Conference: Engineering Everywhere for Everyone. San Juan, Puerto Rico.

    Chitiyo, M., Hughes, E. M., Haihambo, C. K., Taukeni, S., Montgomery, K. M., & Chitiyo, G. (2017). An assessment of special education professional development needs in Namibia. Man-Disability-Society 2(32), 5—18.

    Isbell, J. K., Baker, J. C., Zagumny, L., Spears, A., & Camuti, A. (2017). Maintaining the myth: How Tennessee perpetuates deficit ideology about recipients of government funded healthcare. Journal of Poverty. 22(1), 23–41. doi:10.1080/10875549.2017.1348424

    Johnson, H., & King, S. A. (2017). Increasing food variety and intake using high-probability sequencing. DADD Online Journal, 4(1), 80–91.

    King, S. A., Powell, S. R., Lemons, C. J., & Davidson, K. A. (2017). Comparison of mathematics performance of children and adolescents with and without Down syndrome. Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities, 52(2), 208–222.

    Lemons, C. J., King, S. A., Davidson, K. A., Puranik, C. S., Al Otaiba, S., & Fidler, D. J. (2017). Personalized reading intervention for children with Down syndrome. Journal of School Psychology, 66, 67–84.

    Meadows, J. R. (2017). Teacher evaluation and improving mathematics instruction: A change model for implementing productive feedback. The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Educational Studies. 12(2), 15–26.

    Moore, K. & Baker, J. (2017). Using “A Chemy Called Al” in the adolescent chemistry classroom. In P. Greathouse, B. Eisenbach, & J. Kaywell (Eds), Adolescent literature as a complement to the content areas: Science and Math. Lanham, MD: Rowman &Littlefield Education.

    Silber-Furman, D. (2017). Book review of Hajenko, T. (2017). Zapomniane inwalidztwo w dobie wychowania integracjonalnego. [The forgotten disability in the era of educational integration]. Wyzsza Szkola im. Bogdana Janskiego: Poland, Warszawa.

    Silber-Furman, D. (2017). Vocabulary instruction: A meaningful approach, Tennessee Reading Teacher, 43(1), 60—74.

    Sisk, C., & Howard, M. (2017) Amplifying voices of children with diagnosed disabilities: Perceptions of health care experiences. Journal of the International Association for Special Education, 17(1), 49–60.

    Swafford, M., & Giordano, K. (2017). Universal design: Ensuring success for all FCS students. Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences 109(4), 47–52

    Swafford, M., Chitiyo, R., & Anderson, M. (2017). TECTA: Impacting child care in Tennessee. Tennessee’s Children, 57(1), 6–10.

    Wendt, S., & Spears, A. (2017). Hold your breath! Using Code Orange to teach the history, nature, and threat of infectious disease in the middle school classroom. In P. Greathouse & B. Eisenbach (Eds.), Using young adult literature as a compliment to the content area (pp. 39–49). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishing.

  • 2016

    Akenson, J. E. (2016). Teaching bluegrass: Arts integration, Bluegrass and old-time country music—Buried roots of early days. International Country Music Journal, Winter (2016), 405–420.

    Ajuwon P. M. & Chitiyo G. (2016). Survey of the use of assistive technology in schools in Nigeria. The Journal of the International Association of Special Education, 16(1), 4–13.

    Akenson, A. B. & Silber-Furman, D. (2016). Collaboration between parents of children with disabilities and their teachers. In M. Malik, T. Hanejko, & A. Marcinkiewicz (Eds.) Nuaczyciel w pracy z uczniem niepełnosprawnym (Tom II). [Parents who work with disabled students (Volume II)]. Warsaw, Poland: Skoła Wyższa im. Bogusława Jańskiego.

    Anthony, H., & Howard, M. (2016, November). Questioning selves, questioning minds: U.S. women’s persistence in doctoral programs. In L. Gómez Chova, A. López Martínez, & I. Candel Torres (Eds.), Proceedings of the 9th annual International Conference of Education, Research, and Innovation (ICERI) (pp. 2753–2760). Seville, Spain: IATED Academy. doi: 10.21125/iceri.2016.1594

    Aruda, M. A., Griffin, V.J., Schwartz, K., & Geist, M.J. (2016). The evolving role of pediatric nurse practitioners. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners. 28(2), 68–74.

    Chitiyo, M., Hughes, E. M., Changara, D. M., Chitiyo G., & Montgomery, K. M. (2016). Special education professional development needs in Zimbabwe. International Journal of Inclusive Education21(1), 48–62. doi: 10.1080/13603116.2016.1184326

    Graves, L. M., Dainty, H., & Baker, J.E. (2016). Dis-alternative stories: Disability awareness, teacher preparation, and the writing process. READ: An Online Journal for Literacy Educators, 1(2), 45–55.

    Haynes, A., Lisic, E., Goltz, M., Stein, B., & Harris, K. (2016). CAT-Apps: Moving beyond just assessing to improving critical thinking skills. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 16(4), 44–61. doi: 10.14434/josotl.v16i4.19407

    Isbell, J. K., Baker, J. C., Zagumny, L., Spears, A., & Camuti, A. (2016). Maintaining the myth: How Tennessee perpetuates deficit ideology about recipients of government-sponsored healthcare. Journal of Poverty, 22(1), 23–41.

    King, S. A. (2016). Evaluating choice-stimulus preference for students at-risk for emotional disturbance. Journal of Behavioral Education, 25, 431–454.

    King, S. A., Kennedy, K. K., & Dainty, H. (2016). Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports: A promising approach to reducing bullying in schools. In A. Osanloo, C. Reed, & J. Schwartz (Eds.), Creating and negotiating collaborative spaces for socially-just anti-bullying interventions for K-12 schools (pp. 335–354). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

    King, S. A., Lemons, C. J., & Davidson, K. A. (2016). Math interventions for students with autism spectrum disorders: A best evidence synthesis. Exceptional Children, 82(4), 443–462. doi: 10.1177/0014402915625066

    Kolodziej, N., Brashears, K., & Lloyd, M.H. (2016, Spring/Summer). Using games to enhance students’ understanding of semantics and syntax. The Reading Professor, 38(1), 16–20.

    Kostewicz, D. E., King, S. A., Datchuk, S. D., Brennan, K. A., & Casey, S. D. (2016). Data collection and measurement assessment in behavioral research: 1958–2013. Behavior Analysis: Research and Practice, 16(1), 19–33. doi: 10.1037/bar0000031

    Ledford, J. R., King, S. A., Harbin, E. R., & Zimmerman, E. R. (2016). Antecedent social skills interventions for individuals with ASD: What works, for whom, and under what conditions? Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities. 33(1), 3–13. doi: 10.1177/1088357616634024

    Lemons, C. J., King, S. A., Davidson, K. A., Berryessa, T. L., Gajjar, S. A., & Sacks, L. H. (2016). An inadvertent concurrent replication: Same roadmap, different journey. Remedial and Special Education, 37(4), 213–222.

    Lloyd, M. H., Brashears, K., & Kolodziej, N. (2016). The Facilitate-Listen-Engage (FLE) model: Strategies for promoting classroom discourse. School Community Journal, 26(2), 291–304.

    Price, E., Goldberg, F., Robinson, S., & McKean, M. (2016). The validity of peer grading using Calibrated Peer Review in a guided-inquiry, conceptual physics course. Physical Review Physics Education Research, 12(2), 1–12. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevPhysEducRes.12.020145

    Stein, B., Haynes, A., & Redding, M. (2016). National dissemination of the CAT Instrument: Lessons learned and implications. Proceedings of the 2016 AAAS/NSF Envisioning the Future of Undergraduate STEM Education: Research and Practice Symposium. Washington, DC: AAAS/NSF.

    Swafford, M., & Rafferty, E. (2016). Critical thinking skills in family and consumer sciences education. Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences, 108(4), 13–17.

    Taukeni, S., Chitiyo, G., Chitiyo, M., Asino, I, & Shipena, G. (2016). Assessing post-traumatic stress disorder among school-going children affected by the 2011 floods in northern Namibia. Jàmbá: Journal of Disaster Risk Studies. 8(2), 1–6.

    Zagumny, L., Anthony, H. G., & Pardue, S. J. (2016). Becoming women engineers: Dismantled notions and distorted perspectives. Journal of Intercultural Affairs, 2(1), Article 7.

  • 2015

    Arce, P. E., Geist, M., Sanders, J. R., Arce-Trigatti, A., Loggins, L., Biernacki, J. J., Pascal, J. A., & Wiant, K. (2015). The renaissance foundry: A powerful learning and thinking system to develop 21st century Da Vinci engineers. Critical Conversations: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 1(2),176–202.

    Bounds, P. (2015). Perceptual regions in Poland: An investigation of Poznan speech perceptions. The Journal of Linguistic Geography, 3(1), 34-45.

    Chitiyo, G., Taukeni, S., & Chitiyo M. (2015). The observation method. In C.I.O. Okeke & M. M. van Wyk (Eds), Educational research: An African approach. Cape Town, South Africa: Oxford University Press.

    Chitiyo, M., Charema, J., & Rumano, M. (2014). Educating Zimbabwe for the 21st Century: What every educator should know. Hauppauge: Nova Science.

    Colquitt, A., & Howard, M. (2015). High quality picture book portrayals of disabilities: Family perspectives on characteristics and educational significance. Tennessee’s Children, 55(2), 16–26.

    Garber, D., & Kolodziej, N. (2015, November). 2+2 = A story of a revolution in teacher education. National Teacher Education Journal, 8(3), 87–91.

    Haynes, A., Lisic, E., Harris, K., Leming, K., Shanks, K., & Stein, B. (2015). Using the Critical Thinking Assessment Test (CAT) as a model for designing within-course assessments: Changing how faculty assess student learning. Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines, 30(3), 38–48.

    Kubina, R. M., Kostewicz, D. E., Brennan, K. A., & King, S. A. (2015). A critical review of line graphs in behavior analytic journals. Educational Psychology Review, 29(3), 1–15. doi: 10.1007/s10648-015-9339-x

    Lemons, C. J., King, S. A., Davidson, K. A., Puranik, C. S., Mrachko, A. A., Partanen, J., Al Otaiba, S., & Fidler, D. J. (2015). Adapting phonological awareness interventions for children with Down syndrome based on the behavioral phenotype: A promising approach? Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 53(4), 271–288.

    Lemons, C. J., Powell, S. R., King, S. A., & Davidson, K. A. (2015). Mathematics interventions for children and adolescents with Down syndrome: A research synthesis. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 59(8), 767–783.

    Lemons, C.J., King, S.A., Davidson, K.A., Puranik, C.S., Al Otaiba, C., Fulmer, D., Mrachko, A.A., Partanen, J., & Fidler, D.J. (2015). Developing an early reading intervention aligned with the Down syndrome behavioral phenotype. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, 32(3), 176–187. doi: 1088357615618941.

    Meadows, J. R. (2015). More than accountability: Understanding teacher perceptions of evaluation, observation, and feedback in grades 3–8 mathematics instruction (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from Proquest Dissertation and Theses. (Publication No. 3740835).

    Spears, A. (2015). Mothers’ resistance to the 20-minute commitment. Tennessee Educational Leadership, 42(1), 37–39.

    Stein, B.S. (2015). Expanding use of the Critical Thinking Assessment Test (CAT): Assessing and improving critical thinking, National Academy of Science Conference on Assessing Hard-to-Measure Cognitive, Intrapersonal, and Interpersonal Competencies. National Academy of Science, Washington, DC.

    Hutson, S., Anderson, M., & Swafford, M. (2015). Applying the post-modern double ABC-X model to family food insecurity. Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences, 107(1), 19–24.

    Swafford, M., Wingate, K. Zagumny, L., & Richey, D. (2015). Families in poverty: Perceptions of family-centered practices. Journal of Early Intervention, 37(2), 138–154 doi: 10.1177/1053815115602880

    Swafford, M., Ramsey, E., & Mullens, L. (2015). Family and consumer sciences body of knowledge promoting strong community alliances with public schools. Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences, 107(2), 18–22.

    Wendt, S., Isbell, J. K., Fidan, P., & Pittman, C. (2015). Female elementary teacher candidates' attitudes and self-efficacy for teaching engineering concepts. The International Journal of Science in Society, 7(3), 1–11. doi:10.18848/1836-6236/CGP/v07i03/51453

    Zagumny, L., Baker, J., & Bishop, T. (2015). Neoliberal assessments and the rise of the educator preparation program enterprise. In M. Abendroth & B. Porfolio (Eds.), Understanding Neoliberal rule in higher education: Educational fronts for local and global justice Volume II. Information Age Press.

  • 2014

    Chitiyo, M., Chitiyo, G., Chitiyo, J., Oyedele, V. I., Makoni, R., Fonnah, D. J., & Chipangure, L. (2014). Understanding the nature and causes of problem behavior in Zimbabwean schools: Teacher perceptions. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 18(11), 1091–1106. doi: 10.1080/13603116.2013.875068

    Geist, M. J., & Catlette, M. (2014). TAP into NCLEX success: A primer for novice nurse educators. Teaching and Learning in Nursing, 9(3)l 115–119.

    Geist, M. J., Larimore, D., Rawiszer, H., & Abdelatif, A. (2014). Flipped versus traditional instruction and achievement in a baccalaureate nursing pharmacology course. Nursing Education Perspectives, 36(2),114–115. doi: 10.5480/13-1292

    Hill, D. R., King, S. A., & Mrachko, A. A. (2014). Students with autism, service dogs, and public schools: A review of state laws. Journal of Disability Policy Studies, 25(2), 106–116.

    King, S., & Kostewicz, D. E. (2014). Choice-stimulus preference assessment for children with- or at-risk for emotional disturbance in educational settings: An improvement for practice? Education and Treatment of Children, 37, 531–558.

    King, S., & Lemons, C. J. (2014). Response-to-intervention at the secondary and elementary level: An exploratory survey of educators. Learning Disabilities: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 20, 189–199.

    Kolodziej, N. (2013/2014). ReadWriteThink—A free online resource to support literacy. Tennessee Reading Teacher, 40(2), 5664.

    Majors, T. W. & Engelhardt, P. V. (2014). Gender and LEAP pedagogy: What does the gender force concept inventory have to say? In P. V. Engelhardt, A. D. Churukian, and D. L. Jones (Eds.) 2014 Physics Education Research Conference (PERC) Proceedings. Retrieved from https://www.compadre.org/per/perc/conference.cfm?Y=2014

    Spears, A. (2014). Mind(ful) mothering: A critical poststructural exploration of mothers’ resistance to dominant discourse on early literacy development. (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from Proquest Dissertation and Theses. (UMI Publication No. 3673030).

    Spears, A. (2014). Reaching out to families: The need for literacy training programs for families of preschoolers. Tennessee’s Children, 55(1), 4–5.

    Swafford, M., Bailey, S., & Beasley, K. (2014). Positive environments enhance student learning and behavior. Techniques: Connecting Education and Careers, 89(5), 32–35.

  • 2013

    Baker, J. C., Isbell, J. K., Wendt, J., & Wilson, B. (2013). V-SPACE: Training teachers to use iPads for creating virtual spaces for accessing content in English. International Journal of Technology in Teaching & Learning, 9(1), 64–80. Retrieved from http://www.sicet.org/journals/ijttl/issue1301/4_wendt.pdf

    Baker, J., Isbell, J., Wendt, J., & Wilson, B. (2013). V-SPACE: Virtual spaces for accessing content in English. In R. McBride & M. Searson (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education 24th International Conference (pp. 3647–3652). Chesapeake, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). http://www.editlib.org/p/48673/

    Bounds, P., Kretzschmar, W. A., Hettel, J., Pederson, L., Juuso, I., Opas-Hanninen, L. L., & Seppanen, T. (2013). The digital archive of Southern speech (DASS). The Southern Journal of Linguistics, 37(2), 17–39.

    Fidan, I. & Baker, J. (2013). Designing the future: Integrating cutting-edge design and manufacturing tools into 9th and 10th grade STEM education. American Society for Engineering Education and Conference Proceedings. Paper ID #6281. Retrieved from http://www.asee.org/public/conferences/20/papers/6281/view

    Isbell, J. K. (2013). “Who are you to judge me?”: What we can learn from low-income, rural early school leavers. In P. C. Gorski & J. Landsman (Eds.), The Poverty and education reader: A call for equity in many voices (pp. 147–155). Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing.

    Price, E., Goldberg, F., Robinson, S. J., Harlow, D., McKean, M., Keene S., & Czarnocki, K. (2013). Development and evaluation of a large-enrolled, active-learning physics curriculum. Proceedings of the 2013 Physics Education Research Conference. doi: 10.1119/perc.2013.pr.059

    Roe, B., Kolodziej, N., Stoodt-Hill, B., & Burns, P. (2013). Secondary school literacy instruction: The content areas (11th ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.


  • 2018

    Regional & National

    Bounds, P., Cramer, J., & Tamasi, S. (2018). Labels of Southern Identity. Southeastern Conference on Linguistics. Blacksburg, VA. April 19–21.

    Callender, A., King, S.A. (2018). Why Wait Until Adulthood: Providing Functional Skills Instruction in the School Setting to Elementary Students. Council for Exceptional Children. Tampa, FL. February.

    Howard, M. (2018). Resilience TRUMPS ACEs. Child Care Ministries Conference. Lebanon, Tennessee. February.

    Isbell, J. K., Spears, A., Smith, T. & Laffoon, A. (2018). It’s work: Studying labor history through primary source critical inquiry. National Council for the Social Studies annual conference. Chicago, IL. November.

    Johnson, H., King, S. A. (2018). Increasing food intake of a child with autism spectrum disorder using high-probability sequencing. Council for Exceptional Children. Tampa, FL. February.

    Kennedy, K. (2018). ABA for TEIS. Workshop for Upper Cumberland TEIS Employees, Cookeville, TN. June.

    Kennedy, K. & King, S. (2018). A review of the literature on behavior management interventions for school buses. Council for Exceptional Children Convention. Tampa, Fl. February.

    King, S. A., Kennedy, K., Ward, A. (2018). Behavior Management Interventions for School Buses: A Review of the Literature. Council for Exceptional Children. Tampa, FL. February.

    King, S.A., Davidson, K., Chitiyo, A., & Apple, D. (2018). Watching the Watchers: A Closer Look at Literature Reviews in Special Education. Council for Exceptional Children. Tampa, FL. February.

    Kolodziej, N. (2018). Enhancing Vocabulary Attainment through Brain-Based Pedagogy. The Science of Innovation Conference. San Francisco. CA. February.

    Meadows, J. R. (2018). Classroom Observation Protocol for Undergraduate STEM (COPUS). Tech Teaches Series. Cookeville, TN. February 8.

    Meadows, J. R. & Gipson F. (2018). Learning from Mistakes: Using Errors to Boost Understanding. Middle Tennessee Mathematics Teachers Association. Hendersonville, TN. February.

    Price, E., Robinson, S., & Miller, P. (2018). Adapting the Next Generation Physics and Everyday Thinking materials for a hybrid course environment. PhysTEC Meeting. MD, Feb 7-9.

    Silber-Furman, D. (2018). Multiculturalism in the classroom. World Class Instruction and Assessment (WIDA) Conference. Detroit, MI on October 24-26.

    Wendt, S., Moore, K., Meadows, J., & Fidan, P. (2018). Using discrepant events to jump-start inquiry. NSTA National Conference in Science Education. Atlanta, GA. March.

    Zagumny, L. (2018). The realities of assessment and accreditation. Inaugural Tennessee Assessment and Accreditation Summit. Cookeville, TN, October 26.

    Baker, A. (2018). Conference on College Composition and Communication. Research Network Forum. Kansas City MO. March 14.


    Anthony, H. G. (2018). Common mistakes in algebra. Middle Tennessee Mathematics Teachers Association, Hendersonville, TN. February.

    Anthony, H. G., Robinson, S. J., & Wilson, C. D. (2018). Math success for STEM majors: Active learning strategies and engineering contexts. Tennessee STEM Education Research Conference. Murfreesboro, TN. February.

    Chitiyo, A., & King, S. A. (2018). A reviews of reviews and meta-analyses of reading interventions for students with emotional and behavioral disorders. Association for Behavior Analysis International Conference. San Diego, CA.

    Isbell, J. K., Baker, J. C., Roberts, J., and Calendar, A. (2018). Opening the Secret City: Tapping resources from a historic research lab to build reading rigor in English, history, and science. International Conference of the Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Network. Granada, Spain.

    Kennedy, K. & Freer Conley, C. (2018). Challenges to cheers: A PBS training for parents and alternative education professionals. International Conference on Positive Behavior Support. San Diego, California. April.

    King, S. A., Chitiyo, A. (2018). Characteristics of Literature Reviews Published in the Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis. Applied Behavior Analysis International. San Diego, CA. May.

    Lloyd, M., & Kolodziej, N. (2018). Classroom Discourse and the FLE Model: An Essential Component in Building a Classroom Community. International Literacy Association’s Annual Conference. Austin, TX. July.

    Spears, A., & Meadows, J. (2018). Using Growth Mindset Literature to Increase Confidence and Motivation with Resilient Readers. International Literacy Association Conference and Exhibits. Austin, TX. July.

    Wendt, S., Spears, A., Fidan, P. (2018). Using Children’s Nonfiction Trade Books to Address Scientific Misconceptions. International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences. Granada, Spain. July.

    Silber-Furman, D. & Zagumny, L. (2018). Culturally and Linguistically Diverse International Graduate Students’ Experiences in the Southeastern US: A Criticalist Examination. International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. Urbana-Champaign, IL, May 16-19.

    Silber-Furman, D. & Malik , M. (2018). Czym Skorupka za Mlodu Nasiaknie...Kilka Slow o Ksztaltowaniu w Wieku Najmlodszym Stosunku do Pracy [As the Twig is Bent so Grows the Tree.. Some words about shaping at a young age dispositions towards work]. Miedzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowa, Wyzsza Szkola Predsiebierczosci, International Science Conference. Warszawa, Poland, March 10. [Collaboration via Web]

    Silber-Furman, D. (2018). International Education through a Critical Lens. International Conference of the National Association of Multicultural Education. Memphis TN, November 27-30.

    Zagumny, L., Elizer, N. H., and Powell, A. (2018). Traversing an equity-intentional, qualitatively rich doctoral program: A new generation of engaged scholars pushing back in troubled times. International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. Urbana-Champaign, May 17-20.

  • 2017

    Regional & National

    Akenson, A. B., Chitiyo, G., Whitehead, R., Zagumny L., & Ablakwa C. (2017). Reviewing the evaluation: Year 2 of a five-year chess in schools program. American Evaluation Association (AEA) 2017 Annual Conference. Washington, DC. November 6–11

    Anthony, H. G. (2017). Secondary mathematics PRAXIS updates in Tennessee. Tennessee Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators. Martin, TN. September.

    Anthony, H. G., & Vogel, J. (2017). Mathematics content Praxis data in Tennessee. Rapid Talk presented at the Eleventh Annual Tennessee STEM Education Research Conference. Murfreesboro, TN. February.

    Anthony, H. G., Kolitsch, S., & Vogel, J. (2017). Investigations with right triangles. Tennessee Mathematics/Science for Elementary Education Conference. Sevierville, TN. May.

    Anthony, H. G., Robinson, S. J., & Wilson, C. D. (2017). Math success for STEM majors: Active learning strategies and engineering contexts. American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Zone 2 Spring Conference: Engineering Everywhere for Everyone. San Juan, Puerto Rico. March.

    Anthony, H. G., Vogel, J., & Kolitsch, S. (2017). Investigations with right triangles. Tennessee Mathematics Teachers Association, Martin, TN. September.

    Baker, J. E., & Spears, A. (2017). Using mentor texts in the elementary science classroom to support comprehension through writing. Tennessee Science Teachers Association (TSTA) Conference. Murfreesboro, TN. November.

    Bounds, P., Cramer, J., & Tamasi, S. (2017). Colloquium: Linguistic Planets of Belief and the American South. Diversity and Variation in Language (DiVar 1). Atlanta, GA. February 11.

    Bounds, P., Cramer, J., & Tamasi, S. (2017). Workshop: Changing Perceptions of Southerness: Southerness and our Linguistic Planets of Belief. Linguistic Society of America Institute. July 19.

    Chitiyo, A., & King, S. (2017). Characteristics of literature reviews published in Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis: 2006 – 2016. Tennessee Association for Applied Behavior Analysts East TN Regional Conference. Knoxville, TN. May.

    Chitiyo, A., & King, S. (2017). Characteristics of literature reviews published in Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis: 2006 – 2016. Tennessee Association for Applied Behavior Analysts’ annual conference, Nashville, TN. October.

    Crawford, K., & Baker, J. C. (2017). Aligning edTPA to CAEP. Breakout presentation at Tennessee Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (TACTE). September.

    Davidson, K., King, S. A., & Lemons, C. J. (2017). Answering Text-Dependent Where Questions: A Strategy for Students with Intellectual Disabilities. Council for Exceptional Children. Boston, MA. April.

    Fletcher, S. C., & Anthony, H. G. (2017). Differentiating algebra tasks for all learners. Middle Tennessee Mathematics Teachers Association. Brentwood, TN. February.

    Geist, M. J. (2017). Strategies for Problem Identification and Prototyping by Interdisciplinary Student Teams. Venturewell Open Conference. Washington, DC.

    Howard, M. (2017). ACES: The impact on pediatric health and wellness. Pediatric Health & Wellness Upper Cumberland Mini-Conference. April.

    Isbell, J., Baker, J.C., Roberts, J., & Callender, A. (2017). Opening the Secret City: Tapping Resources from a Historic Research Lab to Guide Interdisciplinary Secondary Teaching and Learning. Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Research Network. Japan. July 26–28.

    Johnson, H., & King, S. A. (2017). Addressing Food Selectivity for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder Using High-Probability Sequencing: A Systematic Review. Council for Exceptional Children. Boston, MA. April.

    Johnson, H., King, S. A. (2017). Increasing Food Intake of a Child with Autism Spectrum Disorder using High-Probability Sequencing. Tennessee Council for Exceptional Children. Nashville, TN. October.

    Kennedy, K. (2017). A positive behavior interventions and support training package for bus drivers. Oral Council for Exceptional Children 2017 Convention. Boston, MA. April.

    Kennedy, K. (2017). Applying for the Liz Whorley professional growth award. Annual DKG, Xi State Conference. Sewanee, TN. June.

    Kennedy, K. (2017). Celebrating the success while changing the challenges in the classroom: Using PBS. Annual DKG, Xi State Conference. Sewanee, TN. June.

    Kennedy, K. (2017). Behavior management interventions on school buses: What does the literature say? Georgia Association for Positive Behavior Support Conference. Dulath, GA. November.

    Kennedy, K. (2017). PBIS on the bus: A case study review. Teaching Exceptional Children Behavior Disorders Division Conference. Tempe, AZ. October.

    Kennedy, K. & Freer Conley, C. (2017). Using Positive behavior supports in the classroom of alternative school populations. Tennessee Alternative Education Association Conference. Murfreesboro, TN. July.

    Kennedy, K. & Freer Conley, C. (2017). A PBS Training for Alternative School Educators and Parents. Teaching Exceptional Children Behavior Disorders Division Conference. Tempe, AZ. October.

    Kennedy, K. & King, S. (2017). A review of the literature on behavior management interventions for school buses. KYABA Annual Conference. Louisville, KY. July.

    Kennedy, K. Freer Conley, C. (2017). Using Positive behavior supports in the home with a focus on alternative school populations. Workshop presented to parents of alternative school children, Journey Church, Lebanon. TN. January-February.

    Kennedy, K. K., & King, S. A. (2017). A Positive Behavior Interventions and Support Training Package for Bus Drivers. Council for Exceptional Children. Boston, MA. April.

    Kennedy, K., & King, S. A. (2017). All aboard: Using positive behavior supports on the school bus. Teacher Educators for Children with Behavior Disorders. Tempe, Arizona. October.

    Kennedy, K., & Freer Conley, C. (2017). Using positive behavior supports in the classroom of Alternative School Populations. Workshop for Wilson County Alternative School Teachers. Lebanon, TN. January.

    King, S. (2017). Choice-stimulus preference assessment for students with emotional disturbance: An improvement for practice? Tennessee Council for Exceptional Children. Nashville, TN. October.

    King, S. A. (2017). Navigating the IRB. College of Education & Human Sciences Spring Retreat. Cookeville, TN. January.

    King, S. A., & Kennedy, K. K. (2017). A review of the literature on behavior management interventions for school buses. Kentucky Association for Behavior Analysis. Louisville, KY. July.

    King, S. A., & Kennedy, K. K. (2017). Managing behavior on school buses: Tips from the literature. Georgia Association for Positive Behavior Support. Duluth, GA. November.

    Kolodziej, N. (2017). Adolescents...How can I teach them to read if they can't pay attention? TTU/IRA Annual Literacy Conference. Cookeville, TN. June.

    Kolodziej, N. (2017). Spelling Strategies for Beginning Writers. Elevating and Celebrating Effective Teaching and Teachers (ECET2) Convening. Cookeville, TN. October.

    Kolodziej, N., & Jones, H. (2017). Words Their Way: Meeting Students’ Developmental Spelling Needs. Smithville Elementary School. Smithville, TN. February.

    Lloyd, M., & Kolodziej, N. (2017). Forging a Coalition between Reading, Writing, and Discourse: How to Engage Students during Literacy Instruction. White County Schools. Sparta, TN. November.

    Meadows, J. R. (2017). Mindset Matters. Invited presentation for the TN Tech Learning About Learning Academic Learning Community. Millard Oakley STEM Center. Cookeville, TN. December 8.

    Meadows, J. R. (2017). Encouraging a Growth Mindset in Your Students. TN Tech International Reading Association, Cookeville, TN. June.

    Meadows, J. R. & Baker, J. (2017). Project Learning Tree & Project WILD Training. Full-day professional development workshop. Millard Oakley STEM Center. Cookeville, TN. April.

    Meadows, J. R. & Baker, J. (2017). Project WET Training. Full-day professional development workshop. Millard Oakley STEM Center. Cookeville, TN. February.

    Meadows, J. R. & Lowe, T. (2017). Building Conceptual Understanding One Brick at a Time: Teaching Math Using Legos. Middle Tennessee Mathematics Teachers Association. Brentwood, TN. February.

    Meadows, J. R. & Suters, L. (2017). Bloom’s Taxonomy: Pedagogical Insights. TN Tech College of Business Faculty Retreat. Cookeville, TN. August 24.

    Meadows, J. R. & Suters, L. (2017). Making the Most out of Math Methods: Supporting and Providing Feedback to Candidates. Teacher Performance Assessment Implementation Conference. San Jose, California. November.

    Meadows, J. R., Spears, A., Suters, L., Lloyd, Mindy. (2017). Engineering Engagement: Leveraging Formative Assessment Practices to Motivate and Enlighten. Association of American Colleges and Universities Network for Academic Renewal Transforming STEM Higher Education: Discovery, Innovation, and the Value of Evidence Conference. San Francisco, California. November.

    Motevalli, V., Canfield, S., Chitiyo, G., Davis, M., Fidan, I., Stretz, H. (2017). Increase the Impact of Manufacturing Research through Integrating and Techno-Entrepreneurship in the Undergraduate Summer Research Experience. NSF Engineering Education and Centers Grantees Conference. Arlington, VA. October 29-31.

    1. Fidan, G. Chitiyo, I. Fidan, (2017). Assessment and Evaluation of Undergraduate Summer Internships in Various Advanced Manufacturing Projects. ASEE Annual Conference. Columbus, OH, June 25-28.

    Panter, N. & Meadows, J. R. (2017). Preparing Students to Leave the Academic Nest: Using Creative Inquiry to Develop Fledglings. Annual SoTL Commons Conference. Savannah, Georgia. March.

    Ramsey, E., Chitiyo, R., Swafford, M., & Shipley, L (2017). Does education impact attitudes toward social policy programs and recipients who use them? American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences. Dallas, TX. June.

    Roe, B., Smith, S., & Kolodziej, N. (2017). Preparing Classroom-Ready Elementary Education Teachers: Reading Methods. Cengage Virtual Webinar. November.

    Shipley, L., Anderson, M., Swafford, M., Chitiyo, R., & Mullens, L. (2017). Women's leadership initiative. WHET Conference. Lebannon, TN. September.

    Shipley, L., Anderson, M., Swafford, M., Chitiyo, R., & Mullens, L. (2017). Women's leadership initiative. Tennessee Association of Family and Consumer Sciences. Cookeville, TN. April.

    Shipley, L., Anderson, M., Swafford, M., Chityo, R., & Mullens, L. (2017). Women's leadership initiative. American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences Annual meeting. Dallas, TX. June.

    Silber-Furman, D. & Dingess, M. (2017). Multiculturalism in the Classroom: Practical Tips on How to Meet Needs of ELL Students. Tennessee Reading Association. Murfreesboro, TN. December 10.

    Spears, A., & Baker, J. (2017). Using Mentor Texts in the Elementary Science Classroom to Support Comprehension through Writing. TSTA Professional Development Conference. Murfreesboro, TN.

    Spears, A., & Rogers, A. (2017). Legos & literacy: Using Legos to boost spelling and reading comprehension during small group instructional time. Tennessee Tech University–International Reading Association. Cookeville, TN. June.

    Spears, A., & Rogers, A. L. (2017). Legos, Literacy, and Learning. Tennessee Reading Association Conference. Murfreesboro, TN.

    Stepp, J., Wendt, S., Meadows, J. R., & Baker T. (2017). Makerspace successes and snags: 4 professors and 20 secondary librarians collaboratively strengthen learning thru an extended Makerspace PD project. American Association of School Librarians (AASL) National Conference & Exhibition. Phoenix, Arizona. November.

    Swafford, M. (2017). Post-secondary educational opportunities in Human Services career cluster content at TTU School of Human Ecology. Tennessee Department of Education CTE teacher training. Portland, TN. November.

    Swafford, M. & Giordano, K. (2017). Critical thinking and problem solving skills in FCS classroom. Tennessee Career Technical Education Conference. Nashville, TN. July.

    Swafford, M., (2017). Ethical case studies in CTE education. Professional Development for Macon County High School CTE teachers. Lafayette, TN. July.

    Swafford, M., Bond, G., & Green, J. (2017). Health crisis: How advance planning and collaboration can help. Tennessee Disability Mega Conference. Nashville, TN. May.

    Swafford, M., Chitiyo, R., & Shipley, L.A. (2017). Trauma informed care. Technological University, faculty and staff training. Cookeville, TN. November.

    Swafford, M., Ramsey, E., & Chitiyo, R. (2017). Self-regulation in Adults, NAS ACE’s Training, Basics, and Suicide. Healthy Start Training. Livingston, TN. June.

    Wendt, S., Spears, A., Rogers, A., & Fidan, P. (2017). Newton’s Nightmare. NSTA National Conference: Sun, Surf, & Science. Los Angeles, CA. March.

    Wolfe, E., Chitiyo, G., Akenson, A., Winnett, A., & Airhart, D. (2017). Horticultural Therapy: A tool for improving sociability among adults with mental illness. Tennessee Academy of Science. Martin, TN. November.

    Baker, A. (2017). Degrees of adjunct: Developing advocacy plans for hiring in composition. Council of Writing Program Administrators Annual Conference. Knoxville TN. July 21.

    Zagumny, L., Bishop, T., Fox, B., Knaus, C., & Porfilio, B. (2017). Program directors for social equity: Eliminating barriers to opportunities and success. American Educational Research Association. St. Antonio, TX, April 27-May 1.

    Zagumny, L. & Fox, B. (2017). Gender and sexuality: An examination of organizations’ roles in Cuba. Ethnographic and Qualitative Research Conference. Las Vegas, NV, January 1-3.


    Baker, J. C., & Ellis, A. (2017). Raising a Dragon: A Metaphorical Autoethnography of Life in a PhD Program. International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. Urbana-Champaign, IL. May.

    Callender, A., & King, S. A. (2017). Functional Skills Instruction for Young Children with Severe Developmental Disabilities in School Settings: A Review of the Literature. International Conference on Autism, Intellectual Disability, and Developmental Disabilities. Clearwater, Florida. January.

    Callender, A., & King, S. A. (2017). Socially Significant Functional Skills Intervention for Young Children with Severe and Moderate Developmental Disabilities. International Conference on Autism, Intellectual Disability, and Developmental Disabilities. Clearwater, Florida. January.

    Callender, A., & King, S. A. (2017). A Systematic Review of Functional Skills Instruction for Young Children with Moderate Developmental Disabilities in School Settings. Applied Behavior Analysis International. Denver, CO. May.

    Chappell, J., Baker, J. C., & Ellis, A. (2017). Playoffs and Payoffs: Game Theory Scenarios in Higher Education. International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. Urbana-Champaign, IL. May.

    Fox, J. J., Little, M. A., & King, S. A. (2017). Preliminary Analysis of a Survey Evaluating Applied Behavior Analysts’ Knowledge and Use of Evidence-Based Practices. Applied Behavior Analysis International. Denver, CO. May.

    Isbell, J. K., & Sapp, L. (2017). “A wake-up call”: Rejecting neoliberal teaching strategies in a community of students becoming teacher educators. International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Urbana-Champaign, IL. May.

    Isbell, J. K., Chaudhuri, J., Eldaba, A., Silber-Furman, D., & Kelley, J. (2017). Voices of the invisible: Advocating for international students in higher education. International conference of the National Association of Multicultural Education, Salt Lake City, UT. November.

    Johnson, H., & King, S. A. (2017). A Review of Studies Addressing Food Selectivity for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders Using High-Probability Sequencing. International Conference on Autism, Intellectual Disability, and Developmental Disabilities. Clearwater, Florida. January.

    Kennedy, K. & Freer Conley, C. (2017). New beginnings: A PBS training program for parents and juvenile justice case management providers. International Conference on Positive Behavior Support. Denver, CO. March.

    King, S. A., Chitiyo, A., & Davidson, K. (2017). Assessment of Single Case Research Syntheses in Special Education. Applied Behavior Analysis International. Denver, CO. May.

    King, S. A., Mrachko, A., & Beach, J. (2017). Twenty-first Century Technology and Applied Behavior Analysis Training: Moving Forward with Integrity. Applied Behavior Analysis International. Denver, CO. May.

    Spears, A., & Wendt, S. (2017). Cultivating kindergarten students’ use of scientific argumentation using outstanding science trade books: Increasing student comprehension and achievement. International Literacy Association Conference. Orlando, FL. July.

    Zagumny, L. Silber-Furman, D., Bishop, T., Fidan, P., Ablakwa, C., Ellis, A., Shanks, L., Thomas, G., & Sapp, L. (2017). Traversing an equity-intentional, qualitatively rich doctoral program: A new generation’s collective collaboration against audit cultures. International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. Urbana-Champaign, May 17-20.

  • 2016

    Regional & National

    Anthony, H. G. (2016). Explore geometry in construction tasks. Tennessee Mathematics Teachers Association. Murfreesboro, TN. September.

    Anthony, H. G., Pardue, S., Mills, A., Robinson, S., Wilson, S., & Litchford, A. (2016). Mathematics success for STEM majors. Tennessee STEM Education Research Conference. Murfreesboro, TN. February.

    Baker, J. & Meadows, J. R (2016). STEM safari Saturdays: Family-focused learning events for young children supported by preservice teachers. NSTA STEM Forum. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. July.

    Baker, J. E. (2016). Developmentally appropriate writers’ workshops in education courses. Middle Tennessee Writing Project (MTWP) Spring Mini-Conference. Murfreesboro, TN. April.

    Baker, J. E. & Marcum, R. (2016). Seeing the big picture and building success with early childhood candidates. National edTPA Implementation Conference. Savannah, GA. March.

    Baker, J. E. & Marcum, R. (2016). Zooming out and zooming in: Capturing the big picture as well as the details. Tennessee edTPA Conference. Cookeville, TN. November.

    Bounds, P. (2016). Linguatude: What is the gumbo of our perceptions made of? Southeastern Conference on Linguistics. March 28-31.

    Callender, A. & Howard, M. (2016). The untold story: families' journey of raising children with disabilities. The Council for Exceptional Children National Conference. St. Louis, Missouri. April.

    Callender, A., & Kennedy, K. (2016). Differentiated Instruction. In-service presented to Overton County Schools. Livingston, TN.

    Chitiyo, A., King, S. A., & Davidson, K. (2016). Evaluating meta-analyses and literature reviews featuring single case design studies in special education. Tennessee Association for Behavior Analysis. Nashville, TN. October.

    Chitiyo, G. Akenson, A., Whitehead, R., & Zagumny, L. (2016). Evaluating the use of chess to improve elementary students' learning outcomes. American Evaluation Association Annual Conference. Atlanta, GA. October.

    Colquitt, A. & Howard, M. (2016). Documentation in early childhood education. Our Daily Bread of Tennessee. Knoxville, Tennessee. August.

    Freer, C. A., Chitiyo, A., Powell, L., & King, S. A. (2016). Increasing student success by transforming mindsets . . .one staff member at a time. Roane State Symposium on Powerful Teaching. Harriman, TN. February.

    Goldberg, F. & Robinson, S. (2016). Next Generation Physics and Everyday Thinking. Workshop at AAPT Summer Meeting. Sacramento, CA. July 16-20.

    Gueist, M. J. (2016). A clinical immersion at disciplinary interfaces course: Bringing nurses and engineers together for innovation with impact. VentureWell Open Conference. Portland, Oregon.

    Howard, M. (2016). Adverse Childhood Experiences: Crucial Early Childhood Years. Statewide Legislative Breakfast. December.

    Howard, M. & Hutson, S. (2016). The Cafeteria Makeover Project. Ethnographic and Qualitative Research Conference. Las Vegas, Nevada. February.

    Isbell, J. K., & Sapp, L. (2016). “Can I have two interpretations”? Becoming teacher educators in a reading/writing community. Literacy Research Association Conference. Nashville, TN. December.

    Kennedy, K. K., & King, S. A. (2016). Reducing Challenging School Bus Behavior Using Positive Behavior Supports. Council for Exceptional Children. St. Louis, MO. April.

    Kennedy, K., & King, S. (2016). Reducing challenging school bus behavior using positive behavior supports. Council for Exceptional Children. St. Louis, MO. April.

    King, S. A. (2016). Tech eagles administrators in mentoring (TEAM): Lessons learned. Middle Tennessee State University Faculty Luncheon. Murfreesboro, TN. April.

    King, S. A., & Anthony, H. (2016). Research, grants, and conferences: Why bother? GradConnect Seminar. Cookeville, TN. September.

    King, S. A., & Kostewicz, D. E. (2016). Data Collection and Measurement Assessment in Behavioral Research. Association for Behavior Analysis International. Chicago, IL. May.

    King, S. A., & Kostewicz, D. K. (2016). Data collection and measurement assessment in behavioral research: 1958 to the present. Tennessee Association for Behavior Analysis. Nashville, TN. October.

    King, S. A., Little, A., & Fox, J. (2016). EBP: Every behaviorist’s problem. Tennessee Association for Behavior Analysis. Nashville, TN. October.

    King, S.A., Lemons, C. J., & Davidson, K. (2016). Examining math interventions for students with autism spectrum disorders. Council for Exceptional Children. St. Louis, MO. April.

    King, S.A., Lemons, C. J., & Davidson, K. (2016). Evidence-based math instruction for students with autism spectrum disorders: A synthesis. Association for Behavior Analysis International. Chicago, IL. May.

    Kolitsch, S., & Anthony, H. G. (2016). Using instructional tasks in college algebra and precalculus to improve conceptual understanding. Mathematical Association of America Southeastern Section (MAA-SE). Birmingham, AL. March.

    Kolodziej, N., & Walker, A. (2016). Words their way: An overview. Northfield Elementary School. Sparta, TN. August.

    Meadows, J. R. (2016). Math literacy. TN Tech International Reading Association, Cookeville, TN. June.

    Meadows, J. R. (2016). Growing mathematical mindsets. Tennessee Mathematics Teacher Association. Murfreesboro, TN. September.

    Meadows, J. R., Clemons, M., McGehee, N. (2016). May the force be with you: A STEM wars night to remember! NSTA STEM Forum. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. July.

    Meindl, J., Barton E., LaPaglia, M., & King, S. A. (2016). A debate: Behavior analysts should use only evidence-based interventions and practices. Tennessee Association for Behavior Analysis, Nashville, TN. October.

    Robinson, S. (2016). Next generation physical science and everyday thinking (Next Gen PET). Tennessee STEM Education Research Conference. Murfreesboro, TN. Feb 11-12.

    Robinson, S. & Engelhardt, P. (2016). Learning environment for algebra-based physics (LEAP). Workshop at AAPT Summer Meeting, Sacramento, CA. July 16-20.

    Silber-Furman, D. & Al Segar, A. (2016). Academic language equity in higher education. International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. Urbana-Champaign, May 18-21.

    Silber-Furman, D., Fidan, P., & Eldaba, A. (2016). Do not Judge a Book by its Cover: Empowering the families in Poverty through Literacy Instruction. National Association for Multicultural Education. Cleveland, Ohio. November 9-13.

    Silber-Furman, D., Raymond, M., & Dingess, M. (2016). ELLs and background knowledge from theory to classroom application. Tennessee Reading Association. Murfreesboro, TN. December 04.

    Spears, A., & Wendt, S. (2016). The next time you see: Using nonfiction texts to explore the natural world. Tennessee Tech University–International Reading Association, Cookeville, TN. June.

    Suters, L. & Meadows, J. R. (2016). Preparing Candidates for Elementary Math edTPA in Methods Courses. Tennessee edTPA Conference. Cookeville, TN. November.

    Suters, L., Spears, A., Meadows, J. R., Lloyd, M., & Powell, B. (2016). Route 66 Workshop: Creating Community Through Active Learning Techniques. TN Tech College of Engineering IREM Team. Cookeville, TN. November.

    Suters, L., Spears, A., Meadows, J. R., Lloyd, M., & Powell, B. (2016). Assessing Critical Thinking and Conceptual Understanding with the Use of Technology. TN Tech College of Engineering I-REM Team. Cookeville, TN. July.

    Suters, L., Spears, A., Meadows, J. R., Lloyd, M., & Powell, B. (2016). I-REM Team Formative Assessment Workshop. TN Tech College of Engineering I-REM Team. Cookeville, TN. April.

    Swafford, M. (2016). Critical thinking and problem-solving skills in family and consumer sciences education. Tennessee Department of Education Career Technical Conference. Nashville, TN. July 11-13.

    Swafford, M. & Bond, G. (2016). Facing critical health care issue in adult children with disabilities: Perception of families. The Arc of Tennessee Mega Conference. Nashville, TN. May.

    Wendt, S., Fidan, P., Rogers, A., Spears, A., Lowe, T., & Barnes, Z. (2016). Magic of science: Building conceptual understanding through discrepant events. TSTA Professional Development Conference. Murfreesboro, TN. December.

    Zagumny, L., Pardue, S., & Anthony, H. G. (2016). An investigative shift: Thinking differently about research on women and undergraduate engineering education. American Educational Research Association (AERA). Washington, D.C. April 8-12.

    Zamer, K., & Spears, A. (2016). Phonics or no phonics: That is the question. Tennessee Reading Association Conference. Murfreesboro, TN.

    Zagumny, L., Fox, B., Knaus, C. B., & Rogers-Ard, R. (2016). Program directors resist under the gun domination. American Educational Studies Association. Seattle, WA, November 2-6.

    Zagumny, L., Fox, B., Kasun, G. S., Gambrell, J., & De Walt, P. (2016). Intersections of love, labor, and learning in surveilled contexts: Autoethnography as a method for reshaping educational environments. American Educational Studies Association. Seattle, WA, November 2-6.

    Zagumny, L. & Fox, B. (2016). Policies, passion, and pressure: FMC, CENESEX, and NGO’s attempting to address machismo in Cuba. Public Administration Theory Network Annual Conference. San Antonio, TX, May 20-22.

    Zagumny, L. (2016). Adopting a human rights framework to support social justice through the teaching of social studies, session chair. American Educational Research Association. Washington, DC, April 8-12, 2016.


    Anthony, H. G. (2016). Dismantling the illusion of rigor in tenure and promotion. International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. Urbana-Champaign, IL. May.

    Anthony, H. G., & Howard, M. (2016). Questioning selves, questioning minds: U.S. women’s persistence in doctoral programs. International Conference of Education, Research, and Innovation (ICERI). Seville, Spain. November.

    Baker, J. C. (2016). A double-edged sword: the risks & rights of an untenured administrator. International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. Urbana-Champaign, IL. May.

    Baker, J. C., & Ezell, L. (2016). From the Sticks to Stick-with-it-ness: The Complexity of Persistence in Rural College Students. International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. Urbana-Champaign, IL. May.

    Bounds, P., & Akenson, A. B. (2016). From Gradetude to gratitude: Interdisciplinary collaboration [part of the “Exploring stories of students as partners” panel]. International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning (ISSoTL) Annual Conference, “Telling the Story of Teaching and Learning: Exploring what works, when, how, and why.” Los Angeles, CA. October 12–15

    Bounds, P. & Akenson, A. B. (2016). Gradetude: How our perceptions of grades influence who we think we are. International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning (ISSoTL) Annual Conference, “Telling the Story of Teaching and Learning: Exploring what works, when, how, and why.” Los Angeles, CA. October 12–15

    Chitiyo, G. & Akenson, A. B. (2016). Classroom assessment and test analytics. Association for Educational Assessment in Africa (AEAA) 34th Annual Conference, “Promoting Holistic Development through Innovative Educational Assessment Initiatives.” Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. July 25–29

    Davidson, K., Lemons, C. J., & King, S. A. (2016). Who, clue, place: a text-based where-question strategy for students with down syndrome. International Conference on Autism, Intellectual Disability, and Developmental Disabilities. Honolulu, Hawaii. January.

    Isbell, J. K. (2016). Bedazzled by illusion: Advancing despite the distractions. International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. Urbana-Champaign, IL. May.

    Isbell, J. K., Chaudhuri, J., & Schaeffer, D. (2016). International students’ perspectives on text sourcing and borrowing. International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. Urbana-Champaign, IL. May.

    Kennedy, K., & King, S. A. (2016). Driving into PBIS: A Framework for Training School Bus Drivers. International Conference on Positive Behavior Support. San Francisco, CA. March.

    King, S. A., Lemons, C. J., & Davidson, K. (2016). Math Interventions for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Best Evidence Synthesis. International Conference on Autism, Intellectual Disability, and Developmental Disabilities. Honolulu, Hawaii. January.

    Meadows, J. R. (2016). Teacher evaluation and improving mathematics instruction: a change model for implementing productive feedback. Eleventh International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences. London, England. August.

    Meadows, J. R. (2016). Teacher Evaluation: More than Accountability. Innovation and Leadership in Education International Conference. Calgary, Canada. July.

    Silber-Furman, D., Zagumny, L., Ellis, A., Callender, A., & McMillan, E. (2016). Navigating an equity-minded, qualitatively-rich doctoral program in neoliberal time. International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. Urbana-Champaign, May 18-21.

    Spears, A., & Wendt, S. (2016). Scientific argumentation in the kindergarten classroom: Supporting understanding of scientific knowledge using outstanding children’s literature. International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. Urbana-Champaign Illinois. May 18-21.

    Wendt, S., Spears, A., & Fidan, P. (2016). The Interrelationship between children's scientific misconceptions and nonfiction children's trade books. International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences. London, UK. August.

    Zagumny, L. & Bishop, T. (2016). Research is long, life is short: Longevity in post-qualitative research. Nordic Sociological Association Conference. Helsinki, Finland. August 11-13.

    Zagumny, L., Anthony, H., Baker, J., Isbell, J., and Sapp, L. (2016). The politics of academic advancement: Doubting the illusion of rigor. International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. Urbana-Champaign, May 18-21.

  • 2015

    Regional & National

    Anderson, M. & Swafford, M. (2015). Dual credit at TTU School of Human Ecology. TTU Oral Presentation. Cookeville, TN. June.

    Anthony, H. G. (2015). Math talks, mental math, and mathematical properties. Tennessee Mathematics/Science for Elementary Education Conference. Murfreesboro, TN. May.

    Anthony, H. G. (2015). Patty paper discoveries: Deriving area formulas. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional. Nashville, TN. November.

    Baker, J. E. (2015). Communicating and collaborating with families. Early Childhood Conference. Cookeville, TN. March.

    Baker, J. E. (2015). Intentional numeracy. Upper Cumberland Association for the Education of Young Children (UCAEYC) STEM Conference. Cookeville, TN. October.

    Baker, J. E. (2015). One banana, two bananas: Fun, fresh counting rhymes, songs, and books. Upper Cumberland Association for the Education of Young Children (UCAEYC) STEM Conference. Cookeville, TN. October.

    Baker, J. E. & Nabors, J. L. (2015). Scaffolded writing: A technique for fostering independent writing in kindergartners. Tennessee Reading Association. Franklin, TN. December.

    Baker, J. E., & Marcum, R. (2015). Mapping our way to edTPA success with the early childhood handbook. Tennessee edTPA Conference. Cookeville, TN. November.

    Baker, J. E., & Silber-Furman, D. (2015). D.A.P. on a tray! Southern Early Childhood Association (SECA) Regional Conference. New Orleans, LA. January.

    Baker, J. E., Suters, L., Howard, M., Stepp, J. (2015). Findings from federally funded STEM professional development programs: Effective practices for next generation. National Association for Research in Science Teaching Conference. Chicago, IL. April.

    Bounds, P. & Hettel, J. (2015). Signal-to-noise ratio in creation of perceptual maps. American Dialect Society. January 8-11.

    Bounds, P. & Harding, L. (2015). The assessment design feedback loop: A collaborative, multimodal approach. Conference on College Composition and Communication. March 18-21.

    Callender, A. & Howard, M. (2015). Exceptional voices. National Association for Multicultural Education. New Orleans, Louisiana. October.

    Callender, A., Johnson, V., & King, S. A. (2015). Creating and fostering independence. Tennessee Council for Exceptional Children Conference. Nashville, TN. October.

    Chitiyo G., Zagumny, L., Kilby, J., Akenson, A., & Chitiyo A. (2015). Methods of evaluating a peer mentoring program to foster social and academic engagement for minority students at a predominantly white institution. American Evaluation Association Annual Conference. Chicago, IL. November.

    Chitiyo, G., Matthews, S., Zagumny, L., Owens, R., & Sanders, D. (2015). Lessons learned from a mentoring program to promote persistence to graduation. Tennessee College Access and Success Conference. Nashville, TN. November.

    Davidson, K., Lemons, C. J., Puranik, C., Fiddler, D., & King, S. (2015). Supplemental reading instruction for secondary students with Down syndrome. Pacific Coast Research Conference, San Diego, CA. February.

    Howard, M. (2015). A closer look at close reading: Families using global and informational texts. Ethnographic & Qualitative Research Conference. Las Vegas, Nevada. February.

    Howard, M. & Smith, A. (2015). Geometry for young children.. A day in the life conference. Cumberland Presbyterian Nursery School. Cookeville, TN. January.

    Kennedy, K. (2015). Take it to the bus: Extending the PBIS framework to school buses. Oral Georgia Association for Positive Behavior Support Conference. Atlanta, GA. December.

    Kennedy, K. (2015). Introduction to school-wide positive behavior supports. Dekalb County High School Staff-wide training. Smithville, TN. January.

    Kennedy, K. (2015). Creating a tier 2 PBIS framework. Cumberland County Schools SWPBS team workshop. Crossville, TN. June.

    Kennedy, K. (2015). Tier one PBIS sustainability: Coach series. Cumberland County Schools. Crossville, TN. June.

    Kennedy, K. (2015). Celebrating the successes while changing the challenges: Using positive behavior supports in the home. World Congress on the Promotion of Mental Health. Columbia, SC. September.

    Kennedy, K. K. & King, S. A. (2015). All Aboard: Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports on the School Bus. World Congress on the Promotion of Mental Health. Columbia, SC. September.

    Kennedy, K., & King, S. (2015). Identifying reinforcers for children at-risk for emotional disturbance in educational settings. World Congress on the Promotion of Mental Health. Columbia, SC. September.

    Kennedy, K., & King, S. (2015). All aboard: Positive behavioral interventions and supports on the school bus. World Congress on the Promotion of Mental Health. Columbia, SC. September.

    Kennedy, K., & Sinclair, T. (2015). It takes two: Kicking off the new year as a co-teaching team. Summer in-service, Cumberland County Schools. Crossville, TN. June.

    Kennedy, K.,& Sinclair, T. (2015). It takes two: Tips and strategies for a positive and successful inclusion experience. TN Council for Exceptional Children Conference. Nashville, TN. October.

    King, S. (2015). Evaluation of choice-stimulus preference assessment for students with emotional disturbance. Council for Exceptional Children. San Diego, CA. April.

    King, S. (2015). Results of Choice-stimulus preference assessment for students at- risk for emotional disturbance. Pacific Coast Research Conference. San Diego, CA. February.

    King, S. (2015). Choice-stimulus preference assessment for students at-risk for emotional disturbance: An evaluation of effectiveness. Council for Children with Behavior Disorders. Atlanta, GA. September.

    King, S. A. (2015). Math interventions for children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders: A review. Presentation delivered at the Roane State Symposium on Powerful Teaching, Roane State Community College. Harriman, TN. February.

    King, S. A. (2015). Conference presentations: Proposal, submission, and general recommendations. Honor Association of Exceptional Learning seminar. Cookeville, TN. March.

    King, S. A. (2015). Introduction to disabilities for child protective service workers. Child Protective Services Investigator Post Academy. Nashville, TN. March.

    King, S. A. (2015). A primer on IRB protocol. Honor Association of Exceptional Learning seminar. Cookeville, TN. November.

    King, S. A. (2015). ABA needed! Opportunities for behavior analysts to improve outcomes in medical, community, and educational settings. Tennessee Applied Behavior Analysis Regional Meeting. Nashville, TN. July.

    King, S. A., & Anthony, H. (2015). Research, grants, and conferences: Why bother? GradConnect Seminar. Cookeville, TN. September.

    King, S. A., Lemons, C. J., & Davidson, K. A. (2015). Math interventions for students with autism spectrum disorders: A best evidence synthesis. Tennessee Association for Behavior Analysis Conference. Nashville, TN. October.

    Kostewicz, D. E., Kubina, R. M., Brennan, K., & King, S. A. (2015). A critical review of line graphs in behavior analytic journals. Florida Association for Behavior Analysis. Daytona Beach, FL. October.

    Lemons, C. J., King, S., Davidson, K. (2015). Adapting Reading Intervention for Students with Down Syndrome. Council for Exceptional Children. San Diego, CA. April.

    Lloyd, M. & Kolodziej, N. (2015). Talk that talk: Engaging students in classroom discourse. TTU/IRA Annual Literacy Conference. Cookeville, TN. June.

    Meadows, J. R. (2015). Talk it out! Mathematically productive discussions in the primary classroom. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional. Nashville, TN. November.

    Silber-Furman, D. & Baker, J. E. (2015). D.A.P. on a tray! Southern Early Childhood Association (SECA) Regional Conference. New Orleans, LA. January 15.

    Silber-Furman, D., Taylor, L., & Wehrmann, S. (2015). Teaching English Language Learners: The best strategies across the curriculum. Tennessee Reading Association. Murfreesboro, TN. December 07.

    Spears, A., & Isbell, J. K. (2015). Imagining new possibilities: Mothers challenging dominant discourses on early literacy teaching. Literacy Research Association Conference. Carlsbad, CA. December.

    Spears, A., Rogers, A., & Manginelli, A. (2015). The lasting power of a story: Representation of multicultural children’s literature in elementary literacy texts. National Association for Multicultural Education Conference. New Orleans, LA. October.

    Stein, B.S., (2015). Expanding use of the Critical Thinking Assessment Test (CAT): Assessing and improving critical thinking, national academy of science conference on assessing hard-to-measure cognitive, intrapersonal, and interpersonal competencies. National Academy of Science. Washington, DC.

    Swafford, M., Christian, S., Fritts, A., & Giordano, K. (2015). Healthy holiday treats. Family Community Extension of Putnam County Extension. Cookeville TN. November.

    Swafford, M., Sisk, C., Hutson, S. (2015). Adolescent guidance, coping with death, and nutrition apps. Healthy Start Training. Livingston, TN. May.

    Zagumny, L., & King, S. A. (2015). Institutional review and you: Changes to the IRB at TTU. College of Education & Human Sciences Fall Retreat. Cookeville, TN. August.

    Baker, A. (2015). Risking complicity: Local labor conditions and a WPA’s problem-framing heuristic.” Conference on College Composition and Communication, Tampa FL. March 20.

    Zagumny, L. & Bishop, T. (2015). A post inquiry Cuba of love. American Educational Studies Association Annual Meeting. San Antonio, TX. November 11-15.

    Zagumny, L., Fox, B., Craddock, J., Abel, C., Abel, C., Diuguid, L., & Tate-Beaver, B. (2015). Cuba at a crossroads 2015: Reflecting on a collaborative experience through NAME. National Association for Multicultural Education Conference. New Orleans, LA, October 1-4.


    Baker, J. C., Thompson, E., Fults, L., Stephens, J., & Landis, N. (2015). Collaborative autoethnography in education: Teachers’ engagement in a multi-layered approach to self-inquiry and reflection. International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. Urbana-Champaign, IL. May.

    Callender, A. & Howard, M. (2015). Lost in Translation. International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. Urbana-Champaign, Illinois. May.

    Callender, A. & Howard, M. (2015). Silenced Conversations: Social Construction of Disability in Two Cultures. International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. Urbana-Champaign, Illinois. May.

    Chitiyo, G. & Chitiyo, M. (2015). Methods of data analysis for small samples: Nonparametric tests. Biennial Conference of the International Association of Special Education. Wroclaw, Poland. June.

    Chitiyo, M. & Chitiyo, G. (2015). Small sample research: single subject designs. South Africa International Conference on Education (SAICE). Pretoria, South Africa. September 21– 23.

    Howard, M. (2015). The Value of Qualitative Research in Special Education. The International Association of Special Educators. Wroclaw, Poland. June.

    Howard, M. & Marcum, R. (2015). Take it OUTSIDE: Joining Technology and Nature Experiences for Young Children. High Scope International Conference, Ypsilanti, MI. May.

    King, S. (2015). Efficacy of multiple-stimulus preference assessment for students at-risk for emotional disturbance. Applied Behavioral International Conference, Kyoto, Japan. September.

    Kolodziej, N. (2015). Word Walls in Teacher Education Classrooms: Modeling Effective Vocabulary Instruction. European Conference in Literacy. Klagenfurt, Austria. July.

    Kostewicz, D. E., Kubina, R. M., Brennan, K., & King, S. A. (2015). A critical review of line graphs in behavior analytic journals. Association for Behavior Analysis International Conference. San Antonio, TX. May.

    Schons, C. & Isbell, J. K. (2015). Engaging with e-readers: Teacher and student perspectives on e-readers in secondary English classrooms. International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. Urbana-Champaign, IL. May 20.

    Silber-Furman, D., Chitiyo, G., Bishop, T., Zagumny, L., & Shanks, K. (2015). Post-inquiry troubling and the challenge to the practical. International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Urbana-Champaign, May 20.

    Silber-Furman, D. (2015). Quest for Success: How English Language Proficiency Shapes Identity of International College Student. International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Urbana-Champaign, May 20.

    Silber-Furman, D. & Baker, J. E. (2015). D.A.P. on a tray! Southern Early Childhood Association (SECA) Regional Conference. New Orleans, LA. January 15.

    Spears, A. (2015). Alarming admonitions: A poetic representation of mothers’ experiences with early literacy advice. International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. Urbana-Champaign Illinois. May.

    Spears, A. (2015). The mind(ful) mother: An interpretivist examination of early literacy practices of mothers of preschoolers. Hawaii International Conference on Education. Honolulu, HI. January.

    Wendt, S., Isbell, J. K., Fidan, P., & Schons, C. (2015). Female elementary teacher candidates’ attitudes and self-efficacy for teaching engineering concepts. International Conference on Science in Society. Chicago, IL. October.

    Wendt, S., Isbell, J. K., Fidan, P., & Schons, C. (2015). Teacher candidates’ attitudes and self-efficacy toward team work for teaching STEM in the elementary classroom. International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. May.

    Wendt, S., McCormick, D., & Isbell, J. K. (2015). Elementary engineers academy: Problem solving with teacher candidates in an elementary setting. Hawaii International Conference on Education. Oahu, HI. January.

  • 2014

    Regional & National

    Anthony, H. G. (2014). “Place Value with Pizzazz:” Engage your students. Middle Tennessee Mathematics Teachers Association. Clarkesville, TN. February.

    Anthony, H. G. (2014). Using number talks to enhance students’ conceptual understanding. Middle Tennessee Mathematics Teachers Association. Cookeville, TN. October.

    Anthony, H. G. (2014). Using number talks to enhance students’ conceptual understanding. Tennessee Mathematics Teachers Association. Knoxville, TN. September.

    Anthony, H. G., & Howard, M. (2014). Questioning selves, questioning minds: Women’s persistence in doctoral programs. Ethnographic & Qualitative Research Conference (EQRC). Las Vegas, NV. February.

    Anthony, H. G., & Stugart, M. (2014). Post-secondary common core-aligned model tasks. Tennessee Mathematics Teachers Association. Knoxville, TN. September.

    Baker, J. E. & Silber-Furman, D. (2014). D.A.P. on a tray! Tennessee Association for the Education of Young Children State Conference. Chattanooga, TN. October 9.

    Baker, J.E. (2014). When in doubt, make it visual! Social narratives and power cards. TTU Positive Behavior Support Initiative Fourth Annual Conference. Cookeville, TN. June.

    Bounds, P. (2014). Corpus Linguistic Methods in a composition classroom. Southeastern Conference on Linguistics. March 27-29.

    Bounds, P. & Harding, L. (2014). Building multimodal assessment tools in a composition classroom. Watson Conference on rhetoric and Composition. October 16-18.

    Bounds, P. & Hettel, J. (2014). Perceptual maps under construction: How does what we put on the maps influence what we get? Southeastern Conference on Linguistics. March 27-29.

    Chitiyo, G., Owens, R., Zagumny, L., Sanders, D., & Matthews, S. (2014). Strategies for promoting persistence to graduation among minority students at a predominantly white university. Tennessee College Access and Success Conference. Nashville, TN. November 17-18.

    Engelhardt, P. V. and Robinson, & Steve J. (2014). LEAP: A Learner-centered environment for algebra-based physics. Physics Education Research Conference. Minneapolis, MN. July

    Fain, J., Hasty, M., & Howard, M. (2014). Emergent understandings of the schooling literacy project: diverse schools generating close readings and critical responses to global and informational text. Penn Ethnography Forum. Philadelphia, PA. February.

    Fox, J., Blevins, L. Khan, Z., Jenkins, A., Kennedy, K., Murley, R., & Hunter, W. (2014). School-wide positive behavior support (SWPBS) in Tennessee: Model, history, services and future directions to assist teachers, administrators and other school personnel to enhance the positive development of students and reduce challenging behaviors. TN Council for Exceptional Children Conference. Nashville, TN. October.

    Geist, M. J. (2014). Instructional design for hands-on, minds-on learning. Coahoma Community College Faculty Development. Clarksdale, MS.

    Geist, M. J. (2014). Strategies for helping students organize information. City Colleges of Chicago Faculty Development. Chicago, IL.

    Geist, M. J. (2014). A triangulated approach to NCLEX success. University of Kentucky College of Nursing Faculty Development. Lexington, Kentucky.

    Hayes, M. Chitiyo, G., & Zagumny, L. (Feb, 2014). Implementation of a peer mentoring program to foster social and academic engagement for minority students at a predominantly white institution. Best Practice for Student Success, Inclusion & Retention Summit. Murfreesboro, TN. February 28.

    Howard, M. (2014). Questioning selves, questioning minds: Women’s persistence in doctoral programs. Ethnographic & Qualitative Research Conference. Las Vegas, Nevada. February.

    Isbell, J. K., Baker, J., Zagumny, L., Camuti, A., & Spears, A. (2014). Dismantling deficit thinking fronteras: How healthcare hierarchies mimic education theory. National Association of Multicultural Education. Tucson, AZ. November.

    Isbell, J., Baker, J., Zagumny, L., Camuti, A., & Spears, A. (2014). (Un)Caring words: How discourses of publicly-funded healthcare reproduce deficit thinking. American Educational Research Association. Philadelphia, PA. April

    Kennedy, K. (2014). All aboard: Building PBS on the bus. School bus driver in-service and training. Cumberland County Bus Garage, Crossville, TN. September.

    Kennedy, K. (2014). America’s bullying crisis: Bully documentary discussion and resources. Safe and Accountable Schools Conference. Cookeville, TN. August.

    Kennedy, K. (2014). Positive behavioral interventions and supports: Building it up. Half day in-service. Cumberland County Schools. Crossville, TN. June.

    Kennedy, K. (2014). The inclusion classroom. Full day in-service. Cumberland County Schools, Crossville, TN. September.

    Kennedy, K. (2014). Tier 3 data collection methods. Full day in-service. Pleasant Hill School, Stone Elementary, South Elementary. Crossville, TN. October.

    Kennedy, K. & Bumbalough, R. (2014). Tier II: Introduction for tier II teams. A half day countywide in-service. Cumberland County Schools. Crossville, TN. June.

    Kennedy, K., & Chitiyo, R. (2014). Using positive behavior supports in the home: changing challenges to celebrations. CEC Division for Early Childhood Conference. St. Louis, MO. October.

    King, S. A., & Davidson, K. (2014). Introduction to disabilities for child protective service workers. Child Protective Services Investigator Post Academy. Nashville, TN. October.

    Kolitsch, S., & Anthony, H. G. (2014). Using CCSS-aligned mathematics tasks in college math courses. Tennessee Council of Chairs of Mathematics (TCCM), Smyrna, TN. November.

    Kolitsch, S., & Anthony, H. G. (2014). Using CCSS-aligned mathematics tasks in college math courses. Core to College Alignment Director’s Meeting (multi-State consortium), Nashville, TN. November.

    Kolitsch, S., & Anthony, H. G. (2014). Smooth transitions: Using CCSS-aligned mathematics tasks in college math courses. Tennessee LEAD Conference (Tennessee Promise: Delivering Opportunity to All Students). Nashville, TN. October.

    Kolodziej, N. (2014). Learning stations: Practical advice for implementing them in your classroom. Association for Middle Level Educators. Nashville, TN. November.

    Majors, T., Meadows, J. R., Luna, L., & Kwon, H. (2014). Research Trends and Priorities in K–12 STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics) Outreach. Paper presented at American Society of Engineering Education Southeastern Conference: E4: Efficient and Effective Engineering Education, TN Tech, Cookeville, TN. March

    Majors, T. W., Engelhardt, P. V. & Robinson, S. J. (2014). Exploring the gender gap in an algebra-based physics course. Physics Education Research Conference. Minneapolis, MN. July.

    Meadows, J. R. (2014). Environmental experiences for early childhood. Professional development for the Childcare Resource and Referral Group. Cookeville, TN. March.

    Meadows, J. R. (2014). Imaginative Math Stories. Professional development for the Childcare Resource and Referral Group. Cookeville, TN. March.

    Meadows, J. R. (2014). Leading mathematically productive discussions. Tennessee Mathematics Teachers Association. Knoxville, TN. September.

    Meadows, J. R. (2014). Let's talk about it: Mathematically productive talk in the primary classroom. Middle Tennessee Mathematics Teachers Association. Cookeville, TN. February.

    Meadows, J. R. (2014). Mathematics formative assessment: 75 Practical Strategies for Linking Assessment, Instruction, and Learning. Middle Tennessee Mathematics Teachers Association. Cookeville, TN. February.

    Meadows, J. R. (2014). Productive discussions in the mathematics classroom. Tennessee Science Teachers Association. Murfreesboro, TN. November.

    Meadows, J. R. & Baker, J. (2014). Project learning tree and project wild training. Full-day professional development workshop. Cookeville, TN. April.

    Meadows, J. R. & Luna, L. (2014). Engineering is elementary teacher training. Full-day professional development workshop. Cookeville, TN. February.

    Silber-Furman, D. (2014). Downloading the new literacies: How technology can enhance elementary classroom from theory to applications. Tennessee Reading Association. Murfreesboro, Tennessee, December 07.

    Silber-Furman, D., Eldaba, A., & Chitiyo, R. (2014). Fostering multiculturalism and bi/multilingualism in the age of hidden curriculum. Global Summit on Childhood. Vancouver, Canada, April 11-14.

    Spears, A. (2014). Engaging readers in the writer’s toolbox. Tennessee Tech University–International Reading Association. Cookeville, TN. June.

    Spears, A. (2014). The little engineer that could: Incorporating STEM into the early childhood classroom. Tennessee Tech University–International Reading Association. Cookeville, TN. June.

    Stein, B.S. (2014). Critical thinking strategies in the classroom: Engagement to assessment. Ames, IA.

    Taukeni, S., Chitiyo G., Chitiyo, M., Asino, I., Shipena, G., & Shikaputo, M. (2014). An assessment of post-traumatic stress disorder among the school-going children affected by the impact of the 2011 floods in Oshana Region, Namibia. Southern African Society for Disaster Reduction. Windhoek, Namibia. October.

    Baker, A. (2014). Live, naked modeling and its pedagogical importance. Thomas R. Watson Conference on Rhetoric and Composition. Louisville KY. October 16.


    Akenson, J. E. (2014). Teaching structure of Tennessee rivers. Music. International Country Music Conference. Nashville, Tennessee. May 22-24.

    Baker, J. C., Bishop, T. & Zagumny, L. (2014). Neoliberal assessments and the rise of the educator preparation program enterprise. International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. Urbana-Champaign, IL. May.

    Fain, J.G. & Howard, M. (2014). Emergent understandings of the schooling literacy project: Diverse schools generating close readings and critical responses to global and informational texts. International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. Urbana-Champaign, IL. May.

    Howard, M. & Stewart, A. (2014). New literacies in the second life: A qualitative media analysis. International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois. May.

    Landis, N., Stephens, J., Byford, G., & Isbell, J. K. (2014). A close-up of co-teaching: Zooming in on teacher candidates’ co-teaching experiences. International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. Urbana-Champaign, IL. May. 

  • 2013

    Regional & National

    Akenson, J. E. (2013). Teaching Tennessee rivers: Focus on geography and language arts. Tennessee Council for the Social Studies. Franklin, Tennessee. March 8.

    Anthony, H. G. (2013). Using origami to explore proportional relationships. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional. Louisville, KY. November.

    Anthony, H. G., Cain, S., Kamm, B., & McQueen, C. (2013). Partnering with higher education to implement common core. Tennessee State Collaborative on Reforming Education (SCORE) 2013 Leadership Summit (Leading Tennessee to the Top). Nashville, TN. August.

    Anthony, H. G., Majors, T., & Amato, S. (2013). Lesson ideas from “Place value with pizzazz.” Tennessee Mathematics Teachers Association. Memphis, TN. September.

    Baker, J., & Zagumny, L. (2013). Connecting the dots: Creating an assessment narrative. Tk20 User Conference. Austin, TX. June.

    Baker, J., & Yuesheng, C. (2013). Reading literature using the psychological strategy. TTU-IRA Summer Reading Conference: Cookeville, TN. June.

    Baker, J., Ellis, A., & Thompson, E. (2013). Pleasure packs a punch: Adolescents speak about reading for fun at school. Tennessee Council for Teachers of English (TCTE). Sevierville, TN. September.

    Baker, J.E. (2013). Gizmos, gadgets, and gimmicks galore! Using cheap stuff to teach early literacy and numeracy. Upper Cumberland Association for the Education of Young Children Fall Conference. Cookeville, TN. October.

    Baker, J.E. (2013). When in doubt, make it visual! Social narratives and power cards. TTU Positive Behavior Support Initiative Third Annual Conference. Cookeville, TN. June.

    Baker, J.E., & Marcum, R. (2013). Seeing the big picture: Mapping journal articles in graduate early childhood education courses. National Association for Early Childhood Teacher Educators Conference. Washington, D.C. November.

    Bounds, P., & Harding, L. (2013). Canvas versus page: Where does the structure of an essay take us? Council of Writing Program Administrators Conference, July 18-21.

    Chitiyo, G. Chitiyo, M., & Changara, D. (2013). Evaluating the social validity of psychosocial support interventions for children orphaned by HIV/AIDS in Zimbabwe. American Evaluation Association Annual Conference in Washington DC. October.

    Engelhardt, P. V. (2013). LEAP: Learner-centered environment for algebra-based physics. STEM Education Research Conference. Murfreesboro, TN. February.

    Fain, J. & Howard, M. (2013). Emergent understandings of the schooling literacy project: Diverse schools generating close reading & critical responses to global and informational texts. Association for Christian Educator Preparation Programs. Memphis, TN. October.

    Fidan, I. & Baker, J. (2013). Designing the future: Integrating cutting-edge design and manufacturing tools into 9th and 10th grade STEM education. American Society for Engineering Education. Atlanta, GA. June.

    Geist, M. J. (2013). A layered approach to studying pharmacology: Learn, apply, transfer. Case-Western University. Cleveland, Ohio.

    Geist, M. J. (2013). Developing the 21st Century Da Vinci (STEM) Professional: Elements, functions, and adaptability of a new renaissance curriculum paradigm. World Council of Comparative Education Societies, XV Comparative Education World Congress (New Times, New Voices). Buenos Aires, Argentina.

    Howard, M. (2013). Little Engineers. Our Daily Bread Conference. Knoxville, TN. August.

    Howard, M. & Pardue, S. (2013). STEM around us: A journey through the legacy cycle. Tennessee Science Teachers Association. Murfreesboro, TN. November.

    Isbell, J. K., Baker, J., Zagumny, L., Camuti, A., & Spears, A. (2013). From education to healthcare: How deficit thinking permeates services to the economically disadvantaged. National Association of Multicultural Education. Oakland, CA. November 5-10.

    Isbell, J., Baker, J., Zagumny, L., Camuti, A., & Spears, A. (2013). (Un)caring words: How discourses of publicly-funded healthcare reproduce deficit thinking. National Association for Multicultural Education. Oakland, CA. November.

    Kennedy, K. (2013). Positive behavior on the bus: System-wide consistency. School bus driver in-service, Cumberland County Bus Garage. Crossville, TN. September.

    Kennedy, K. (2013). Practical tier 3 data collection and interventions: Making it work in the classroom. Full day in-service. Livingston, TN. June.

    Kennedy, K. (2013). The inclusion classroom. Full day in-service. Cumberland County Schools, Crossville, TN. June.

    Kennedy, K. (2013). The inclusion classroom. Half day in-service. North Cumberland Elementary. Crossville, TN. August.

    Kennedy, K., & Gwilt, A. (2013). Using structured tasks in the classroom. Positive Behavior Support and Inclusion Conference. Cookeville, TN. June.

    King, S. (2013). Assessing educators' understanding of response to intervention. Council for Exceptional Children. San Antonio, TX. April.

    King, S. (2013). Choice-stimulus preference assessment for students with emotional disturbance: An improvement for practice? Council for Graduate Students in Education Spring Research Colloquium. Pittsburgh, PA. March

    King, S. (2013). Choice-stimulus preference assessment, ED, and you: A review of findings and implications. Lecture presented at the annual meeting of the Council for Children with Behavior Disorders. Chicago, IL. September.

    King, S., & Lemons, C. J. (2013). Practical issues facing RTI implementation: A survey of practitioners in general and special education. Pacific Coast Research Conference. San Diego, CA. February.

    King, S., Hill, D. R., & Lemons, C. J. (2013). State laws and the use of service animals among children with autism. Pacific Coast Research Conference. San Diego, CA. February.

    Kolodziej, N. (2013). Engaging Adolescents in Literacy with the Use of Learning Stations. Tennessee Council of Teachers of English Annual Conference. Sevierville, TN. September.

    Kolodziej, N. (2013). I can do it myself! Decoding strategies to promote word identification skills. TTU/IRA Annual Literacy Conference. Cookeville, TN. June

    Kolodziej, N. (2013). Promoting word identification skills by explicitly teaching decoding strategies. Tennessee Reading Association. Murfreesboro, TN. December.

    Kolodziej, N. (2013). Using literacy learning stations to meet adolescents' needs. National Council of Teachers of English Annual Conference. Boston, MA. November.

    Kostewicz, D. E., Dvorchak, J. E., Mrachko, A. A., & King, S. (2013). Improving teacher- initiated interactions. North Eastern Federation for Precision Teaching. Pittsburgh, PA. July.

    Kwon, H., Meadows, J. R., Luna, L. &, Majors, T. (2013). Review of research trends and priorities in K–12 STEM outreach. American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference. Cookeville, TN. March.

    Meadows, J. R. & Baker, J. (2013). Wet and wild environmental education. Tennessee Science Teachers Association Annual Conference. Murfreesboro, TN. November

    Meadows, J. R., Spears, A., & Taylor, L. (2013). Rollercoaster of Literacy. Tennessee Council of Teachers of English Annual Conference. Sevierville, TN. September.

    Meadows, J., Spears, A., & Taylor, L. (2013). Rollercoasters in literacy. Tennessee Council of Teachers of English. Sevierville, TN. September.

    Silber-Furman, D. & Rogers, A. L. (2013). Picture me science. Tennessee Reading Association. Murfreesboro, Tennessee. December 09.

    Silber-Furman, D. & Eldaba, A. (2013). Reading strategies for struggling learners and ELL students. Tennessee Council of Teachers of English (TCTE). Sevierville, TN, September.

    Silber-Furman, D., Eldaba, A., & Al Sager, A. (2013). Worksheetless Instruction. P-16 Mini Workshops in Education. Cookeville, TN. November 07.

    Spears, A. (2013). Flourishing in the flipped classroom. Tennessee Reading Association Conference. Murfreesboro, TN. December.

    Spears, A. (2013). Surviving the shift. Tennessee Tech University–International Reading Association. Cookeville, TN. June.

    Stein, B.S., Haynes, A.F., Light, G., & Drane, D. (2013). Getting faculty involved in assessing and improving students’ critical thinking. Higher Learning Commission Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL.

    Baker, A. (2013). Depicting invisible disabilities in graphic novels. Mix 2013: Celebration of Comics. Columbus OH. September 28.

    Zagumny, L. & Baker, J. C. (2013). A newbie narrative: Transforming assessment and engaging faculty. Tk20 User Conference, AT&T Executive Education and Conference Center. Austin, Texas, June 11-13.


    Anthony, H. G., & Campbell, C. (2013). Teachers’ and students’ (mis)understandings of graphical representations in mathematics. International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Urbana-Champaign, IL. May.

    Bounds, P., & Harding, L. (2013). Multimodal composition: Reimaging space and organization to reinvigorate meaning. International Society for Scholarship on Teaching and Learning Conference. October 2-5.

    Chitiyo G., Chitiyo, M., & Musiyarira A. (2013). Special education research: methods of data analysis for small samples and single subject studies. Biennial Conference of the International Association of Special Education. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. July 7-11.

    Geist, M. J. (2013). Providing Optimum health related outcomes for children with special health care needs in the emergency department. International Conference on Nursing and Emergency Medicine. Las Vegas, Nevada. December 2-4.

    Geist, M. J. (2013). Keynote Speaker: Holistic Care of the older adult in the emergency department. International Conference on Nursing and Emergency Medicine, Las Vegas, Nevada.

    Howard, M., & Anthony, H. G. (2013). Questioning selves, questioning minds: Women’s persistence in doctoral programs. International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. Urbana-Champaign, IL. May.

    Howard, M., Spears, A., Sager, A., Cochrane, S., & Majors, T. (2013). “Tell me more about that”: Meaningful cohort relationships in Ph.D. programs. International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. Urbana-Champaign, Illinois. May.

    Isbell, J. K., Baker, J., Zagumny, L., & Camuti, A. (2013, May). Beyond (yet related to) schooling: Interrogating deficit constructions of government-funded healthcare recipients. International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. Urbana-Champaign, IL. May 15-18.

    Kostewicz, D.E., Mrachko, A. A., Dvorchak, J.E., & King, S. A. (2013). Improving teacher-initiated interactions in elementary and secondary classrooms. International Precision Teaching Conference, St. Petersburg, FL. December.


  • 2018

    Anthony, H. G. (2018–2019). Principal Investigator. High School Mathematics Teachers’ Beliefs and Perceptions of Integrated Mathematics. TTU Faculty Research Assistance Award. (funded: $3,000).

    Anthony, H. G., Godbole, A., Clark, J., & Rowell, G. (2018–2021). Co-Principal Investigator. DUE-IUSE Development & Implementation, I & II: Engaging Student Learning, Collaborative Research: STEM-powering State of Tennessee Education Majors (STEM)2. National Science Foundation. (funded: $1,121,876 (TTU); Project Total: $2,999,988).

    Anthony, H. G., Robinson, S., & Shinde, G. (2018–2023). Co-Principal Investigator. DUE Noyce Teacher Scholarships, A New Cohort for the TTU STEM Majors for Rural Teaching (TTU-SMaRT) Noyce Scholarship Program. National Science Foundation. ($1,370,314; submitted).

    Chitiyo, G., Bhattacharya, I., Biernacki, J., Rice, C., Anton, S., Languri, E., Mahajan, S., Belkacemi, R., Stretz, H., & Chavez, L. (2018-2021). Senior Personnel. REU Site: Immersive Research in Energy Generation, Storage/Conversion, and Power Transmission. National Science Foundation. (funded: $364,767).

    Chitiyo, G., Bhattacharya, I., Biernacki, J., Rice, C., Anton, S., Languri, E., Mahajan, S., Belkacemi, R., Stretz, H., Chavez, L., Lee, L., Milum, A., & Staggs, E. (2018-2021). Senior Personnel. RET Site: Energized Teachers. National Science Foundation. (Pending, $595,186).

    Chitiyo, G., Motevalli, V., Stretz, H., Fidan, I., & Canfield, S. (2018-2021). Senior Personnel, REU Site: Manufacturing and Techno-Entrepreneurship, Integrating Entrepreneurship into the Undergraduate Summer Research Experience. National Science Foundation. (Not funded, $383,743).

    Chitiyo, G., VandenBerge, D., Asante, J., Hart. E., Lee, L., Milum, A., & Staggs, E. (2018-2021). Senior Personnel. GP-EXTRA: Engaging, Enthusing, and Equipping 21st Century Geo Professionals through Karst-Region Field Experiences. National Science Foundation. (funded: $349,993).

    Howard, M. & Callender, A. (2018 –2021). Co-Principal Investigator. TEIS Eligibility Evaluation Team (Middle Tennessee Region). (funded: $4,200,000).

    Isbell, J. K., Baker, J. C., & Maxwell, L. (2018). Perspectives and experiences of rural adult learners seeking post-secondary attainment. Spencer Foundation Small Grants. (not funded, $32,671)

    Isbell, J. K., Spears, A., Laffoon, A., & Smith, T. (2018). It’s a working life: Building social studies content knowledge by accessing and thinking critically about primary sources related to work in Tennessee and beyond. Tennessee Higher Education Commission 2018 Improving Teacher Quality Grant. (Funded, $74,548).

    Spears, A. & Landis, R. (2018). Director. Reading Investigators. Tennessee Department of Education Read to be Ready Summer Grant Program. ($104,500).

  • 2017

    Anthony, H.G. & Perez, M. (2017). Principal Investigator. Academic and Economic Factors Affecting STEM Adult Learners’ Success. Tennessee Higher Education Commission Research to Reconnect. (Not Funded).

    Anthony, H.G., Fox, R., Clark, M., Slayton, J., Williams, D., & Kolbe, D. (2017–2019). Co-Principal Investigator. Expanding Integrated Mathematics in the Mid-State: Focus on Content and Modeling. TN Department of Education Mathematics Science Partnership Grant, (2-year extension) (funded: Putnam County Schools) ($1,011,950: Putnam: $238,700)

    Anthony, H.G., Geist, M., Davis, A. (2017). Principal Investigator. Making Mathematics Meaningful with Health Care and Business Applications. Tennessee Higher Education Commission Improving Teacher Quality Grant. (funded: $76,736).

    Anthony, H.G., Pardue, S., Kolbe, D. (2017–2019). Math PD Designer/Instructor. Upper Cumberland 5–8 SciMath Math Science Partnership. TN Department of Education Mathematics Science Partnership Grant, (2-year extension). (funded, $557,000).

    Anthony, H.G., Sanders, R., Geist, M., Nagel, J., Ludwig, P., Madison, J., & Lewis, E. (2017–2020). Educational Researcher. DUE-IUSE Development & Implementation, I & II: Engaging Student Learning, Collaborative Research: Engaged Student Learning at Disciplinary Interfaces. National Science Foundation. (not Funded $599,866).

    Baker, J. C. (2017). Senior Personnel. Expanding Diversity: Offering Mentoring and Resources for First Generation Students. TBR Student Engagement, Retention, and Success grant. (funded: $34,263).

    Baker, J. C., Gotcher, M., Potter, D., Ablakwa, C., Thomas, G., & Bishop, T. (2017- ongoing). Principal Investigator. Leaving the Lecture Behind: Teaching Critical Thinking Skills & Student Engagement through Contemporary Issues. Improving Teacher Quality (ITQ) Grant Program from the Tennessee Higher Education Commission (THEC). (funded: $74,833).

    Baker, J. C., Ronfeldt, M., Cowan, J., & Goldhaber, D. (2017-2018). Facilitator. Assessing Initiatives to Improve Student Teaching. American Institutes for Research, Gates Foundation. ($16,500).

    Baker, J. C., Zagumny, L., & Potter, D. (2017). Principal Investigator. Transforming Recruitment: Engaging the Pipeline and Inspiring Careers (EPIC). National Science Foundation. ($1,999,888; submitted).

    Baker, J. C., Zagumny, L., Spears, A., Rogers, A., Ablakwa, C., & Thomas, G. (2017). Principal Investigator. RTI2 Professional Development: Improving RTI2 at Putnam County and TTU. Tennessee Innovation in Preparation grant, Tennessee State Department of Education. (not funded; $41,097).

    Baker, J. C., Zagumny, L., Thomas, G., McMillan, E., & Parker, E. (2017). Principal Investigator. Women in STEM Education. Women’s Fund of Greater Chattanooga Social Change. (not funded; $10,000).

    Baker, J. E. & Spears, A. (2017). Co-Director and Instructor. Read to Be Ready Summer Literacy Camp, Putnam County Schools. Tennessee Department of Education. (funded: $30,000).

    Baker, J., Meadows, J. R., Zagumny, L., Wendt, S., Silber-Furman, D., Bishop, T., & Potter, D. (2017). Principal Investigator. Teacher demand: Supporting add-on endorsements in high need subject areas. Tennessee Innovation in Preparation grant, facilitated by the Tennessee State Department of Education. (Not Funded, $48,240).

    Callender, A., Graves, L, & King, S. A. (2017). Co-Director. Project CLASS: Collaboration, Learning, and Skills among Stakeholders for Individuals with Exceptionalities. U.S. State Department (Not funded, $100,000).

    Chitiyo, G., Dainty, H., Graves, L., Chitiyo, M., Aylward, M. L., Beach, J., & Chitiyo, R. (2017-2020). Project Director and PI. From Exclusion to Inclusion: Promoting & Advancing Special & Inclusive Education in Malawi's Secondary Schools. Partnership to Strengthen Innovation and Practice in Secondary Education. (Not Funded, $498,006).

    Chitiyo, G., Hanna, K., Hurley, S., Hurley, J., Roberts, T., Hellman, A., Lee, E., Jared, B., & Rodoli, W. (2017-2019). Co-PI. Improvement of Quality of Life for Nursing Home Residents through the ‘Music & Memory’ Program. TN Department of Health, Nursing grant. (funded, $162,201.97).

    Chitiyo, G., King, S., Beach, J., Anthony, H., & Violet, R. (2017-2021). Co-PI. Project VIBE: Immersive Virtual Instruction in Behavioral Intervention. U.S. Department of State. (Not funded, $1,377,031).

    Chitiyo, G., Pardue, S., Rao, M., Powell, E., Canfield, S. (2017-2023). Co-PI. IUSE-RED: Educating the 21st Century Global Renaissance Engineer. National Science Foundation. (not funded, $1,999,865).

    Hellman, A., Murdock, J., Swafford, M., Smith, P. & Lalani, D. (2017). AWAKEN grant. Department of Justice, Office of Violence Against Women (funded: $300,000.00)

    Meadows, J. R. (2017–2018). Principal Investigator. Making Cross-Curricular Connections: Leveraging Growth Mindset and STEM Education. EDGE Creative Inquiry Curriculum Grant. (funded: $5986.83).

    Meadows, J. R. (2017). Principal Investigator. Meaningful Math: Making the Most Out of Misconceptions. EDGE Sustainability Grant. (funded: $1,000).

    Meadows, J. R., Arce, P., Biernacki, J., Lloyd, M., Sanders, R., & Stein, B. (2017). Senior Personnel. Professional Formation of Holistic, T-Shaped Chemical Engineers. NSF Professional Formation of Engineers: Research Initiation in Engineering Formation program (Division of Engineering Education and Centers). (Not Funded, 199,996).

    Meadows, J. R., Stepp, J., Wendt, S. (2017). Instructor. Librarians and Makerspaces: Enhancing Learning and Literacy Across Content Areas. Tennessee Higher Education Commission Improving Teacher Quality Grant. (funded: $74,987).

    Sisk, C., Swafford, M., & Branson J. (2017). Train the trainer: Train the Trainer: Addressing Issues of Food Insecurity. Food Deserts Through Container Gardening Faculty Research Grant. (funded: $10,000.00).

    Spears, A. (2017). Supporting cross-curricular literacy instruction in an outdoor learning environment. Quality Enhancement Program (funded: $4,499.00).

    Spears, A., & Baker, J. (2017). Director. Reading Investigators. Tennessee Department of Education. Read to be Ready Summer Grant Program. (funded: $62,925).

  • 2016

    Baker, J. C., Ronfeldt, M., Cowan, J., Goldhaber, D. (2016–2017). Facilitator. Assessing Initiatives to Improve Student Teaching. American Institutes for Research, Gates Foundation. (funded: $11,000).

    Baker, J. C., Zagumny, L., & Isbell, L. (2016). Principal Investigator. Putnam ASSIST: Advancing School Safety by Implementing Secure Technologies. Comprehensive School Safety Initiative. (not funded; $4,209,779).

    Baker, J. C., Zagumny, L., Isbell, J. K. (2016). Putnam ASSIST: Advancing school safety by implementing secure technologies.DOJ/OJP/NIJ FY 16 Comprehensive School Safety Initiative. NIJ-2016-9093. ($4.2 million, not funded)

    Baker, J. E. (2016-2017). Co-Researcher and Faculty Advisor. Project BLAST: Beginning literacy assisted by student teachers, TTU. Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity (URECA) TEAM Grant. Amount awarded: $4,994.

    Baker, J. E., Suters, L., Trent, K. (2016-2017). Instructor. Digging deep into science literacy. Tennessee Department of Education Math-Science Partnership Grant (MSP). (funded: $59,290).

    Baker, J., Graves, L. Howard, M., & King, S. (2016). Co-Principal Investigator. Personnel Development to Improve Services and Results for Children with Disabilities. U.S. Department of Education/Office of Special Education Research and Services. (Not funded).

    Beach, J., Anthony, H.P., Fox, J., King, S. A., & Chitiyo, G. (2016). Co-PI. Project VIBE: Immersive Virtual Instruction in Behavioral Education. National Center for Special Education Research (Not funded, $1,396,202).

    Chitiyo, G., Fidan, I., Canfield, S., Henry, S. (2016-2019). Senior Personnel. AM-WATCH: Additive Manufacturing – Workforce Advancement Training Coalition and Hub. National Science Foundation. (funded: $899,989).

    Graves, L., Dainty, H., & King, S. A. (2016). Co-Director. Project SHARE: Sharing High Quality Practices for American/Russian Exceptional Learners. U.S. State Department (not funded, $100,000).

    Greathouse, P., Eisenbach, B. B., & Isbell, J. K. (2016). Preparation and practice through YA literature: Preparing rural White pre-service teachers to address diversity issues in the classroom. ALAN Foundation grant. (not funded, $1,500).

    Howard, M. (2016 –2019). Principal Investigator. Eligibility Assessment Vendor. Tennessee’s Early Intervention Resource Agency. (funded: $57,000.00).

    Howard, M. (2016 –2019). Principal Investigator. Tennessee’s Early Intervention System Contract. BRIDGES Early Intervention Resource Agency. (funded: $1,501,000.00).

    Meadows, J. R. (2016–17). Principal Investigator. Meaningful Math: Making the Most Out of Misconceptions. EDGE Creative Inquiry Curriculum Grant. (funded: $6,000).

    Spears, A. (2016). Beyond reading: Literacy in an evolving educational setting. Quality Enhancement Program ($5,999.72).

  • 2015

    Anthony, H.G. (2015–2016). Principal Investigator. Apply the Math: Integrated Mathematics and Problem Solving (Grades 9–12). Tennessee Higher Education Commission Improving Teacher Quality Grant. (Not funded).

    Anthony, H.G. & Webb, T. (2015–2017). Principal Investigator. Comprehensive Improvement of K–12 Mathematics in Overton County. TN Department of Education Mathematics Science Partnership Grant. (not funded).

    Anthony, H.G., Fox, R., Clark, M., Slayton, J., Williams, D., & Kolbe, D. (2015–2017). Co-Principal Investigator. Expanding Integrated Mathematics in the Mid-State: Focus on Content and Modeling. TN Department of Education Mathematics Science Partnership Grant. (funded: $628,361)

    Baker, J. C., Zagumny, L., Isbell, J. K., Dukewich, T. (2015). Principal Investigator. Putnam ASSIST: Advancing School Safety by Implementing Secure Technologies. National Institute of Justice FY 15 Comprehensive School Safety Initiative grant. NIJ-2015-4163. ($4.9 million, not funded)

    Baker, J. E. & Trent, K. (2015). Co-Director. Fabulous Family Fun: Engaging Pre-service Teachers, Families, and Case Workers with Family Kits for STEM and Literacy. TTU’s Quality Enhancement Program (QEP). (funded: $4,500).

    Baker, J., King, S. A., Howard, M., Dainty, H., & Graves, L. (2015). The Exceptional Learners PhD Program Training Project. Offices of Special Education Projects. (Not funded, $1,215,000).

    Baker, J., Meadows, J. R., & Spears, A. (2015). Instructor. Talking Sense: Math Talk and Number Sense for K–2. Tennessee Higher Education Commission Improving Teacher Quality Grant. (funded: $74,997).

    Chitiyo, G., Boles, J., Wendt, J., Narimetla, S., McCormick, D., Ramey, K., Engelhardt, P., Rezsnyak, C., Shanks, G. (2015–2021). Senior Personnel. Project Inspire. National Science Foundation. (funded, $2,878.880).

    Chitiyo, G., Fidan, I., Canfield, S., Rao, M., Pardue, S., Biernacki, J., Anton, S., Elsawy, A., Stretz, H., Battacharya, I., & Pardue, A. (2015–2018). Senior Personnel. RET Site: Innovation and Techno-entrepreneurship in Advanced Manufacturing (ITAM). National Science Foundation. (not funded, $597,479).

    Chitiyo, G., Rencis, J., Motevalli, V., Biernacki, J., Canfield, S., Stretz, H., Fidan, I., Qaisaimeh, A., Shirvanian, P., Battacharya, I., & Henry, S. (2015-2018). Co-PI. Senior Personnel. REU Site: Summer Research Internships in Manufacturing and Techno-Entrepreneurship Preparation. National Science Foundation. (funded, $373,907).

    Dainty, H., King, S. A., & Kennedy, K. (2015). Co-Director. Behavior support and sustainability training project (Project BESST). Tennessee Department of Education. (not funded, $3,749,994.00).

    Graves, L., Dainty, H., & King, S. A. (2015). Co-Director. Project COMPARE: Challenges of Multidisciplinary Programs for American and Russian Exceptionalities. U.S. State Department (not funded, $100,000).

    Meadows, J. R., & Kolbe, D. (2015–2016). Instructor. Upper Cumberland 5–8 SciMath Math Science Partnership. TN Department of Education Math Science Partnership Grant. (funded: $946,563).

    Shipley, L., Anderson, M., Swafford, M., Chityo, R., & Mullens, L. (2015). Women's Leadership Initiative. Student Success Center Grant (funded: $5,000.00).

    Spears, A. (2015). Impacting early literacy: Designing and implementing intervention for K–2 students. Quality Enhancement Program (funded: $5,998.62).

  • 2014


    Anthony, H. & Kolbe, D. (2014–15). Workshop Director & Task Writer. Upper Cumberland K–5 Mathematics Partnership. TN Department of Education Math Science Partnership Grant. (funded: $550,000).

    Anthony, H. G. (2014–2015). Principal Investigator. Reasoning with Fractions in Grades 3–5: Focus on Modeling and Writing. Tennessee Higher Education Commission Improving Teacher Quality Grant. (Not Funded).

    Anthony, H. G. & Cripps, L. (2014). Mathematics Coach Director. TN Department of Education Math Science Partnership Mini-Grant, Gap Closure 2014. (Not Funded)

    Anthony, H. G., Kolitsch, S., Clark, M., Kolbe, D. (2014–2015). Co-Principal Investigator. Integrated Mathematics in the Mid-State: Focus on Content and Modeling. TN Department of Education Mathematics Science Partnership Grant. (funded, $956,727).

    Anthony, H. G., Pardue, S., & Kolbe, D. (2014–2015). Math PD Designer/Instructor. Upper Cumberland 5–8 SciMath Math Science Partnership. TN Department of Education Mathematics Science Partnership Grant. (funded, $543,421).

    Anthony, H. G., Pardue, S., & Kolbe, D. (2014). Post-Secondary Facilitator. Creating SciMath Instructional Tasks for Middle School Teachers. (Oakley STEMCenter). TN Department of Education Mathematics Science Partnership Mini-Grant. (funded, $75,000).

    Baker, A. Winkle K. (2014 to 2017). Upper Cumberland Writing Project. Writing project to support teacher leaders and writing-based professional development. National Writing Project grant. (Funded 375,000).

    Baker, J. E. (2014-2015). Principal Investigator. Talking sense: Math talk and number sense for K-2, TTU. Tennessee Higher Education Commission’s Improving Teacher Quality Grant Program. (funded: $74,997).

    Baker, J. E. & Nabors, J. (2014-2015). Co-Researcher and Faculty Advisor. Scaffolded writing with kindergartners, TTU. Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity (URECA). (funded: $716).

    Chitiyo, G., Haynes, A., & Ragsdale, L. (2014). Co-Principal Investigator. Continuum of Peace: Bridging Cultures Through Peace Education. Journalists and Writers Foundation (JWF). (Not funded, $50.000).

    Chitiyo, G., Pardue, S., Powell, E. (2014-2018). Co-Principal Investigator. Rural Alliance for Innovation in STEM Employment Readiness (RAISER). National Science Foundation. (Not funded, $3.63 million).

    Chitiyo, G., Zagumny, L., Owens, R., Ojo, E., & Cavin, K. (2014-2015). Project Director and Co-Principal Investigator. Strategies for Underrepresented Students’ Success: Graduate Education and Career Preparations. TBR Student Engagement, Retention, and Success Grant Initiative. (Not funded, $22,781).

    Isbell, J. K., Baker, J. C., Roberts, J. J., & Callender, A. (2014). Opening the secret city: Tapping resources from a historic research lab to build reading rigor in English, history, and science. Tennessee Higher Education Commission Improving Teacher Quality Grant. (Funded, $69,000).

    Landis, N., Stephens, J., Byford, G., & Isbell, J. K. (2014). A Close-Up of Co-Teaching: Zooming in on Teacher Candidates’ Co-Teaching Experiences. URECA! Undergraduate research grants (funded, $1,413) and faculty advisor travel grant (Funded, $1,000).

    Meadows, J. R. & Kolbe, D. (2014–15). Task/Arc Developer and Instructor. Upper Cumberland K–5 Mathematics Partnership. TN Department of Education Math Science Partnership Grant. (funded: $550,000).

    Meadows, J. R., Stei, M. K., Russell, J., Correnti, R. (2014–17). Data Collector. States as STEM Learning Environments: Building an Indicator System to Guide Instructional Improvement at Scale. (funded: $1,793,060)

    Robinson, S. (2014-2016). Principal Investigator. Preparing Excellent Elementary Teachers for the Next Generation Science Standards: The Physics and Everyday Thinking Suite. Chevron Corporation for Curriculum Development Project. (funded: $375,000).

    Shipley, L., Swafford, M., Tomas, S., & Mullens, L., (2014). Women's Leadership Initiative. TBR grant (not funded)

    Spears, A. (2014). Engaging Readers in the Writer’s Toolbox. Tennessee Technological University Chapter of International Literacy Association (funded: $500).

  • 2013


    Anthony, H. & Robinson, S. (2011–2016). Co-Principal Investigator. TTU STEM Majors for Rural Teaching (TTU-SMaRT). National Science Foundation, DUE Noyce Teacher Scholarships. (funded: $1.2 million).

    Anthony, H. & Smith, D. (2013). Co-Project Director. Increasing Grades 6-8 Mathematics Teachers’ Content Knowledge in the CCSSM. TN Department of Education Math Science Partnership Grant. (funded: $248,622).

    Anthony, H. G., Coonce, J., Talbert, D., & Northrup, S. (2013 – 2018). Co-Principal Investigator. Connecting Chemistry with Videos/Games/Assessments (CC-VGA). National Science Foundation Exploratory Cyberlearning Grant. (Not Funded)

    Anthony, H., Geist, M., & Hunter, K. (2013). Project Director. Modeling High School Mathematics: Incorporating Engineering and Healthcare Applications to Meet Common Core State Standards for Mathematics. Tennessee Higher Education Commission Improving Teacher Quality Grant. (funded: $109,539).

    Anthony, H., Mills, A., Pardue, S., Robinson, S. & Visco, D. (2010—2015). Co-Principal Investigator. Step–Type 1A, Mathematics Success for STEM Majors (MSSM). National Science Foundation. (funded: $772,000).

    Baker, J. C. (2012-2013). Principal Investigator. An Interpretive Study of Adolescents’ Pleasure Reading Habits and the Opportunity to Read for Enjoyment in School. Tennessee Technological University Faculty Research Grant. (funded; $5,400).

    Baker, J. C. & Fidan, I. (2012-2013). Co-Principal Investigator. Tennessee Higher Education Commission, Designing the Future: Curriculum Development through Project-Based Inquiry Using Cutting-Edge Design & Modeling Tools. First to the Top STEM Professional Development Grant. (funded; $189,578).

    Baker, J. E. (2012-2013). Principal Investigator. THEC, Shaping Early STEM Learning. First to the Top STEM Professional Development Grant. (funded: $199,435).

    Baker, J. E. & Stepp, J. (2013-2014). Co-Director. For your informational text: Exploring, evaluating, and writing with common core collaborations starring librarians and teachers, TTU. Tennessee Higher Education Commission’s Improving Teacher Quality Grant Program. (funded: $74,965).

    Chitiyo, G. & Zagumny, L., Owens, R., & Ojo, E. (2013-2015). Project Director and Co-Principal Investigator. Improving Social Engagement and Academic Achievement among Minority Students. Tennessee Board of Regents Access and Diversity Initiative Grant. (funded: $52,766).

    Chitiyo, G., Taukeni, S., Asino, I., Chitiyo, M., & Shipena, G. (2013). Co-Principal Investigator. An Assessment of the Impact of Floods, and Psychosocial Support Provided to School-Going Children Affected by the Floods in the Oshana Education Region of Namibia. University of Namibia Research and Publications Committee. (funded: $12,000).

    Engelhardt, P. V. (2013 - 2015). Enhancing a Learner-centered Environment for Algebra-based Physics (LEAP) Curriculum for Diverse Student Populations –a two-year grant to develop curriculum and workbook materials for the PHYS2010/2020 algebra-based course sequence which uses the PET pedagogy. National Science Foundation. (funded: $181,159).

    Howard, M. (2009-2014). Principal Investigator. Healthy Start. Upper Cumberland Children and Families. (funded: $11,889).

    Howard, M. (2013 –Present) Principal Investigator. Tennessee Early Childhood Pilot Program. TTU Child Development Lab. (funded: $86,000.00).

    Howard, M. & Fain, J. (2013‐2014). Principal Investigator. The Family and Schooling Literacy Project. Tennessee Board of Regents Access and Diversity Initiative Grant. (funded: $60,000).

    Howard, M. & Pardue, S. (2012-2013). Co-Principal Investigator. STEM Around Us. First to the Top STEM Professional Development Grant, Tennessee Higher Education Commission. (funded: $198,706).

    Isbell, J. K., Taylor, F. L., Rogers, A., & Camuti, A. (2013-2014). Text shifting: Exploring 10th grade English teachers’ perceptions of Common Core’s Impact on their classroom text selections. International Reading Association Elva Knight Research Grant. (Not funded)

    Isbell, J., Baker, J. C., Callender, A., Roberts, J. (2013-2014). PI. Opening the Secret City: Tapping Resources from a Historic Research Lab to Build Reading Rigor in English, History, & Science. Improving Teacher Quality (ITQ) Grant Program from the Tennessee Higher Education Commission (THEC), (funded: $69,000).

    Isbell, J., Baker, J. C., Camuti, A., Spears, A., Zagumny, L. (2013). PI. Beyond (Yet Related To) Schooling: Deficit Constructions of Government-Funded Healthcare Recipients. TBR Research Grant. (not funded; $35,005.80).

    Robinson, S. (2010-present). Principal Investigator. Math Success for STEM Majors. National Science Foundation for STEM majors retention project. (funded: $755,504).

    Robinson, S. (2011–2013). Principal Investigator. TTU STEM Majors for Rural Teaching (TTU-SMaRT) Noyce Scholarship Program. National Science Foundation for Curriculum Development Project. (funded: $175,000).

    Robinson, S. (2013 – present). Principal Investigator. Enhancing the LEAP Curriculum for Algebra-Based Physics. National Science Foundation for STEM Teachers’ Scholarship Program. (funded: $1,199,900).

    Stein, B. (2010-2014). Principal Investigator. Expanding Use of the CAT Instrument: Assessing and Improving Critical Thinking. National Science Foundation. (funded: $2,499,998).

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