Millard Oakley STEM Center - STEM Foundry Heritage Fellows Program

STEM Foundry Heritage Fellows Program

Freshmen | Upperclassmen | Graduate Students


The STEM Foundry Heritage Program brings students together to build our university's awareness of diversity in STEM professions. This diversity is represented by our students' various academic journeys, STEM interests, unique experiences, and personal appreciation STEM fields special in respect to social responsibility, innovation, and progress.

Fellows receive a $500 stipend.


Please contact Dr. Andrea Arce-Trigatti




  • Become a STEM Leader: About STEM Foundry Heritage Fellows


    STEM: our fellows have an academic interest in fields considered to be associated with science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and education students that have selected a STEM field as their major concentration.

    Foundry: our fellows become experts in the Renaissance Foundry Model, an innovation-driven platform that takes student teams through six major steps to develop prototypes of innovative technology. Fellows will be trained in this platform in order to create multicultural events associated with STEM geared for community outreach and involvement.

    Heritage: our fellows are representative of and represent, through their outreach efforts, the multifaceted aspects associated with STEM fields highlighting the wide reach that STEM programs can have for community development, innovation, and growth.

    Finally, as Fellows we plan for our inaugural cohort to be one of mentorship, learning, and growth between upper-level classmen and graduate students who bring another type of academic perspective to those just entering their academic careers.

  • Apply Now

    All STEM Foundry Heritage Fellows applications are available online in the links below. Everyone is encouraged to apply. Selection will be based on the criteria of the Tennessee Board of Regents grant sponsoring this program.

    Freshman Application »

    • eagle1Our first STEM Foundry Heritage Fellows cohort will have 10 Freshmen representatives
    • Students must have an academic interest in pursuing a STEM field (as a major concentration or Education major concentration)
    • Students must be interested in community outreach and service
    • Students must be interested in being Leaders on their campus
    • Eligible candidates will receive a $500 stipend 

    Upperclassmen Application »

    • eagle2Our first STEM Foundry Heritage Fellows cohort will have 5 Upper Classmen representatives
    • Students must be enrolled in a STEM field (as a major concentration or Education major concentration) in good standing
    • Students must have demonstrated experience in community outreach and service on campus
    • Students must be interested in mentoring opportunities
    • Eligible candidates will receive a $500 stipend

    Graduate Students
    Gradaute Application »

    • Our first STEM Foundry Heritage Fellows cohort will have 5 Graduate Student representativeseagle3
    • Students must be enrolled in a STEM field (as a major concentration or Education major concentration) in good standing
    • Students must be interested in community outreach and have experience in service
    • Students must have experience mentoring undergraduate students and have a developed mentoring plan and philosophy
    • Eligible candidates will receive a $500 stipend

  • Annual Program Elements

    Professional Development

    All Fellows will be required to participate in two Foundry training events, one in the Fall (September) and one in the Spring (February).This will provide the foundation needed to develop a plan of action for the two Multicultural Events featured in this program.

    Mentoring Sessions

    All Fellows will be required to participate in eight mentoring sessions per semester.In the Fall and Spring semesters, we anticipate holding approximately two per month, all led by Upperclassmen/Graduate Students and facilitated by faculty.The purpose of these sessions is to develop a learning community that leads to the creation of the two Multicultural Events featured in this program.

    Community Events

    All Fellows will be required to participate in four Outreach and Service events on campus.Two (one per semester) will be selected by the Fellows from the STEM Center programming available, the other two include volunteering at the STEM 4 ALL Inclusive STEM Initiative (Fall) as well as the Tennessee STEM Educational Research Conference (Spring).Through these events, Fellows will gain an understanding of project management and development that will help them to create the two Multicultural Events featured in this program.

    Leadership & Engagement

    All Fellows will be charged with the design, development, and implementation of two community and campus events that features the multicultural aspects inherent in STEM. The purpose of these events is to spark conversations about the value of diversity in STEM fields.One event will be featured in the Fall, the other in the Spring.Support, mentoring, and training for these two projects will be part of the other programming activities featured here.

  • 2019-2020 Semester Outline

    Fall 2019

    Foundry training (September)
    Mentoring sessions (8 total)
    1 Outreach event
    STEM 4 All event
    1 Multicultural Event

    Spring 2020

    Foundry training (February)
    Mentoring sessions (8 total)
    1 Outreach event
    TN STEM Conference
    1 Multicultural Event

  • About the Tennessee Board of Regents Grant

    The STEM Foundry Heritage Program is supported by a TBR grant focused on Student Engagement, Retention, and Success (SERS).

    More > > 



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