Get Ready for Fall 2023
Being ready for the Fall semester is one of the most important things that Student Organizations leaders can do to ensure a successful year. By following the steps below, officers and advisors will learn about opportunities to recruit new members, make sure that their organization’s status is up to date, and learn about new policies and procedures before the start of the semester.
Join the Student Organizations Summer Contact Group
To be kept in the loop on info about Week of Welcome and other important updates over the summer, at least one officer should join the Summer Contacts Group on Eagle Engage. This should be an officer who will monitor their email throughout the summer and relay all information to the rest of the organization's officers. Advisors are invited to join as well.
To join, Log into Eagle Engage using your Tech email. Click the ‘Groups’ Tab at the top of the screen and search ‘Student Organization Summer Contacts.’ Select the blue ‘Join Group’ button at the top right of the page.
Register your Organization for Mix ‘n Mingle
One of the largest events on campus, the Mix ‘n Mingle Involvement Fair is an opportunity for students to learn all about the student organizations here at Tech! All student organizations are encouraged to participate. With a table, some flyers, a QR code for students to join your org on Eagle Engage, and maybe some candy, the Mix ‘n Mingle can be a fun and interactive experience for everyone involved!
Event Date: August 15, 2023
Register for Mix n’ Mingle
Re-register Your Organization
For complete instructions, visit the Annual Re-Registration web page.