Computer Science - Publications


  • 2015 Publications

    Journal Articles

    • W. Eberle and L. Holder, “Scalable Anomaly Detection in Graphs,” Intelligent Data Analysis, an International Journal, Volume 19(1), 2015.

  • 2014 Publications

    Journal Articles

    • Z.-Y. Chen, C.-F. Tsai, W. Eberle, W.-C. Lin, and S.-W. Ke, “Instance Selection by Genetic-Based Biological Algorithm,” Soft Computing, June 2014.

    Conference Papers

    • V. Ford, A. Siraj, and W. Eberle, “Smart Energy Fraud Detection Using Artificial Neural Networks,” IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), December 2014.
    • L. Mookiah, W. Eberle, and L. Holder, “Detecting Suspicious Behavior Using a Graph-Based Approach”, IEEE Symposium on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST), November 2014.
    • W. Eberle and L. Holder, “A Partitioning Approach to Scaling Anomaly Detection in Graph Streams,” IEEE International Conference on Big Data, October 2014.
    • W. Eberle and C. Boonthum-Denecke (Editors), “Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference,” International Conference of the Florida AI Research Society (FLAIRS), May 2014.

  • 2013 Publications

    Journal Articles

    • C.-F. Tsai, William Eberle, and C.-Y. Chu, “Genetic Algorithms in Feature and Instance Selection,” Knowledge-Based Systems, Volume 39, pp. 240-247, 2013.

    Conference Papers

    • W. Eberle, D. Talbert, E. Simpson, L. Roberts, and A. Pope, "Using Machine Learning and Predictive Modeling to Assess Admission Policies and Standards," 9th Annual National Symposium on Student Retention, November 2013.
    • William Eberle, John Karro, Neal Lerner, and Matthias Stallmann, “Integrating Communication Skills in Data Structures and Algorithms Courses,” Frontiers in Education (FIE) Conference, October 2013.
    • Christoper Morack and William Eberle, “Computer Science Widening the STEM Education Spectrum,” Frontiers in Education (FIE) Conference, October 2013.
    • Alan McCormick and William Eberle, “Discovering Fraud in Online Classified Ads,” International Conference of the Florida AI Research Society (FLAIRS), May 2013.

  • 2012 Publications

    Conference Papers

    • William Eberle, Lawrence Holder and Beverly Massengill. "Graph-Based Anomaly Detection Applied to Homeland Security Cargo Screening," International Conference of the Florida AI Research Society (FLAIRS), May 2012.
    • Stephen Canfield, Sheikh Ghafoor, and Mohamed Abdelrahman, “Enhancing the Programming Experience for First-Year Engineering Students through Hands-On Integrated Computer Experiences”, Journal of STEM Education: Innovations and Research. Volume 13, Issue 4, July-September, 2012.
    • Mike Rogers, Sheikh Ghafoor, Brett Harper, “Towards Document Composition Framework”, in Proceedings of The 2012 International Conference on Internet Computing(ICOMP12) as part of The 2012 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing (WORLDCOMP'12), July 16-19, Las Vegas, Nevada, 2012.

  • 2011 Publications

    Journal Articles

    • William Eberle, Lawrence Holder and Jeffrey Graves. "Insider Threat Detection Using a Graph-based Approach," Journal of Applied Security Research, Volume 6, Issue 1, January 2011.

    Conference Papers

    • Mike Rogers, Sheikh K. Ghafoor, Rob E. Dye, “PAWS: A Toolkit for Analyzing Service Oriented Computing Workflows Using Proxies”, in Proceedings of Parallel and Distributed Computing Symposium, December 14-16, Dallas, USA, 2011.
    • Ferrol Aderholdt, Sheikh Ghafoor, Ambareen Siraj, Stephen Scott, “Integrity Based Intrusion Detection System for Enterprise and Cloud Environments” in Proceedings of 4th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC 2011), December 5-7, Melbourne, Australia, 2011.
    • Sheikh Ghafoor, Stephen Canfield, Michael Kelley, Tristan Hill, “Assessment of Student Attitudes and its Impact in a Hands-On Programming Model for the Introductory Programming Course”, American Society for Engineering Education Middle Atlantic Section Fall Conference, October 28-29, Philadelphia, USA, 2011.
    • William Eberle and Lawrence Holder. "Compression versus Frequency for Mining Patterns and Anomalies in Graphs," Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD) Mining and Learning with Graphs (MLG), August 2011.
    • Summer Olmstead and Ambareen Siraj. "Smart Grid Insecurity: A New Generation of Threats," International Conference on Security and Management (SAM), July 2011.
    • Ambareen Siraj. "Service Learning through Development of Computer Security Awareness and Training (CSAT) Seminar," Colloquium for Information Security Education (CISSE), July 2011.
    • Joseph McDaniel and Ambareen Siraj. "Potential Use of Chaffing and Winnowing for Secure Communication in a WAMS Environment," International Conference on Wireless Communications, June 2011.
    • William Eberle and Lawrence Holder. "Graph-Based Knowledge Discovery: Compression versus Frequency," International Conference of the Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society (FLAIRS), May 2011.
    • Marbin Pazos-Revilla and Ambareen Siraj. “An Experimental Model of a FPGA-Based Fuzzy Intrusion Detection System,” International Conference on Computers and Their Applications (CATA), March 2011.

    Poster Presentations

    • Stephen Canfield, Sheikh Ghafoor, Mohammed Abdelrahman, Johne’Parker, “Enhancing the Programming Experience for Engineering Students through Hands-on Integrated Computer Experiences,” poster presented at the2011 CCLI-TUES Conference, January 26-28, Washington, DC, 2011.
    • Summer Olmstead. "Increasing Security Awareness in a Critical National Infrastructure: Smart Grid Security Resources (SGSR)," The Colloquium for Information Systems Security Education, July 2011.
    • Summer Olmstead. "Lighting the Path: A Community Information Infrastructure for Smart Grid Security Resources (CII-SGSR)," OCWiC, February 2011.

  • 2010 Publications

    Conference Papers

    • William Eberle, Lawrence Holder and Jeffery Graves. “Using a Graph-Based Approach for Discovering Cybercrime,” International Conference of the Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society (FLAIRS), May 2010.
    • Joseph McDaniel and Ambareen Siraj. “Towards A Secure Frequency Monitoring Network (FNET) System," Cyber Security and Information Intelligence Research Workshop (CSIIRW), April 2010.

    Poster Presentations

    • Matthew Honeycutt, Doug Talbert and Steve Talbert. "Interactive Knowledge Frontier Discovery with COBWEB-KFD." International Conference of the Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society (FLAIRS), May 2010.
    • Summer Olmstead. "Security Basics for the Smart Grid," KY-WiC, February 2010.

  • 2009 Publications

    Journal Articles

    • Summer Olmstead and Ambareen Siraj. "Cyberterrorism: The Threat of Virtual Warfare," Crosstalk: The Journal of Defense Software Engineering, Volume 22, Issue 7, November 2009.

    Conference Papers

    • Brandon Malone, Travis Atkison, Martha Kosa and Frank Hadlock. "Pedagogically Effective Effortless Algorithm Visualization with a PCIL," ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, October 2009.
    • William Eberle, Lawrence Holder and Jeffery Graves. “Detecting Employee Leaks Using Badge and Network IP Traffic,” IEEE Symposium on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST), October 2009.
    • Mike Rogers, Sheikh Ghafoor and Jeffery Graves. “Braid: Distributed Patient Information for Health Care,” International Conference on Internet Computing, July 2009.
    • Marbin Pazos-Revilla and Ambareen Siraj. “Integrating Fuzzy Logic with FPGA-based Technology for Network Intrusion Detection," Cyberspace Research Workshop, June 2009.
    • William Eberle and Lawrence Holder. "Applying Graph-based Anomaly Detection Approaches to the Discovery of Insider Threats," IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics (ISI), June 2009.
    • Best Paper Award
      William Eberle and Lawrence Holder. "Discovering Anomalies to Multiple Normative Patterns in Structural and Numeric Data," International Conference of the Floria Artificial Intelligence Research Society (FLAIRS), May 2009.
    • Ambareen Siraj. “Data Fusion for Improved Situational Understanding," Cyber Security and Information Intelligence Research Workshop (CSIIRW), April 2009.
      Michael Baldwin. “xDOC: A System for XML Based Document Annotation and Searching," ACM Southeast Conference (ACM-SE), March 2009.
    • Sheikh K. Ghafoor, Tomasz A. Haupt, Mahbubur Rashid, “Performance Improvement Using Malleable Applications in Cluster Environment, in Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on High Performance Computing, Networking and Communications System (HPCNCS-09), July 13-16, Orlando, Florida 2009.
    • Mike Rogers, Sheikh Ghafoor, Jeff Graves, “Braid: Distributed Patient Information for Health Care Providers”, in Proceedings of The 2009 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing (WORLDCOMP'09), July 13-16, Las Vegas, Nevada, 2009.

    Poster Presentations

    • Jeremy Ey and Doug Talbert. "The Use of Field Dissimilarity Transformation Rules in a Regional Health Information Organization Simulator," American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) Annual Symposium, November 2009.
    • Ben Eckart, Jeremy Ey, and Doug Talbert. "An Efficient Recursively Blocking Fellegi-Sunter Implementation for Automated Medical Record Linkage," American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) Annual Symposium, November 2009.
    • Rachael Breece, Jeremy Ey, Ben Eckart, ML Assink, and Doug Talbert. "Evaluating and Refining Record Matching Algorithms in the MidSouth eHealth Alliance." American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) Annual Symposium, November 2009.
    • Doug Talbert, Matthew Honeycutt, Aron Smith, and SR Talbert. "An Adaptive, Population-Sensitive Trauma Triage Decision Support Model," American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) Annual Symposium, November 2009.
    • Mike Rogers, S. Ghafoor, and Jeffrey Graves. “A Framework for Integrating Electronic Patient Record Systems,” American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) Annual Symposium, November 2009.
    • B. Harper, A. Smith, and William Greenway. “Predicting Helpful Ratings on,” International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), 2009.
    • Robert Dye, Emily Sherill, Jeffrey Graves and Matthew Honeycutt. “Augmenting Document Classifier Training with Synthetic Documents," International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), 2009.
    • Mike Rogers, Sheikh Ghafoor, Jeff Graves, “A Framework for Integrating Electronic Patient Record Systems”, poster presented at the Annual Symposium of American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA 2009),November 14-18, San Francisco, California, 2009.

  • 2008 Publications

    Conference Papers

    • Marbin Pazos-Revilla and Ambareen Siraj. “Tools and Techniques for SSE-CMM Implementation" World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (WMSCI), July 2008.
    • Brandon Malone and Ambareen Siraj. “Tracking Requirements and Threats for Secure Software Development," ACM Southeast Conference (ACM-SE), March 2008.
    • Michael Baldwin and Brandon Malone. "Utilizing smart cards for authentication and compliance tracking in a diabetes case management system," Southeast Regional Conference (ACM-SE), 2008.

  • 2007 Publications

    Journal Articles

    • Ambareen Siraj and Rayford Vaughn. “Alert Correlation with Abstract Incident Modeling in a Multi-Sensor Environment," International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, Volume 7, Issue 8, August 2007.

    Conference Papers

    • Ambareen Siraj and Rayford Vaughn. “Sensor Corroboration for Anomaly Sensors in an Intrusion Detection Environment," International Conference on Computer Applications in Industry and Engineering (CAINE), November 2007.
    • Ambareen Siraj and Rayford Vaughn. “A Dynamic Fusion Approach for Security Situation Assessment, "International Conference on Communication, Network and Information Security (CNIS), September 2007.​

  • 2006 Publications

    Journal Articles

    • Frank Hadlock, Robert Fly and Brandon Malone. “A Comprehensive Problem for Algorithm and Paradigm Visualization,” The Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, Volume 22, Issue 2, December 2006.

    Conference Papers

    • Frank Hadlock and Brandon Malone. “The Frequency Median Sequence and its Construction,” International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ICAI), June 2006.
    • S. Ramaswamy, Mike Rogers, S. Sudireddy, D. Feaker, M. Carter, S. Narra and April Crockett. “WHISPER: An Architecture for an Integrated Incident Management System," International Conference on Information Technology - New Generations (ITNG), April 2006.

  • 2005 Publications

    Conference Papers

    • April Crocket, Rodger Maarfi, Srini Ramaswamy, Eric Brown, and Mike Rogers. “Understanding the Scalability Issues for a Distributed Simulation Environment using Intelligent Coordinated Entities," Software Engineering Research and Practice (SERP), June 2005.
    • Chumki Basua, Rafael Alonso, Jeffrey Bloom, Mary Ann Merrell, James Kolpack, Matthew Honeycutt, Christiane Fellbaum and Douglas Talbert. "Automated Knowledge Discovery System (AKDS): A Business Case Study in Ontology Development and Use," Formal Ontologies Meet Industry, June 2005.
    • Eric Brown, L. Velazco, G. Kirksey, S. Ramaswamy, Mike Rogers. "On Developing a Simple In-house Digital Archive," ACM Southeast Conference (ACM-SE), March 2005.

    Poster Presentations

    • Doug Talbert, E. Roush, L. Velazco, C. White. “A Incremental Pharmacy Informatics Model for Use in a Rural Hospital,” American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) Annual Symposium, December 2005.
    • M. Santoro and Doug Talbert. “Predicting Cancer Type with Dimensionality-Reduced Gene Expression Micro-Array Data,” American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) Annual Symposium, December 2005.
    • J. Ernest, A. Bowser, S. Ghule, S. Sudireddy, J. Porter, Doug Talbert, and Martha Kosa. "Weathering Mindstorms with Drizzle and DIODE in CS0," Proceedings of the 10th Annual SIGCSE/SIGCUE Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE), June 2005.

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