Electrical and Computer Engineering - Graduate Courses

Graduate Courses

ECE graduate courses are listed below; undergraduate courses are listed on another page. The course title is a link to the course syllabus which contains additional information about the course. Course offerings depend on faculty availability and student demand.


Table of ECE Graduate Courses with Links to Course Syllabi

Course Title
ECE 1xxx
ECE 4xxx
The undergraduate courses (1000- through 4000-level) are on another page.
ECE 5xxx Dually numbered graduate courses (5000-level) are listed as the corresponding 4000-level course on the undergraduate courses page.
ECE 6040 Signal Analysis
ECE 6110 Microprocessor Systems
ECE 6130 Computer Architecture
ECE 6150 Digital VLSI Design
ECE 6170 High Performance Embedded Systems Design
ECE 6200 Linear Systems Analysis
ECE 6230 Linear Multivariable System Design
ECE 6250 Random Signals and Systems
ECE 6280 Nonlinear Automatic Control
ECE 6510 Electromagnetic Field Theory I
ECE 6530 Quantum Engineering Theory I
ECE 6580 Instrumentation and Transducer Technology
ECE 6600 Computer Methods of Power System Analysis
ECE 6620 Advanced Electric Machinery
ECE 6640 Renewable Energy and Distributed Generation
ECE 6650 Design and Control of Power Electronics Systems
ECE 6670 Power Flow Control in Modern Power Systems
ECE 6710 Communication Systems Theory
ECE 6730 Information Theory and Reliable Communication
ECE 6750 Wireless Communication Systems
ECE 6900 Special Problems in Electrical Engineering
ECE 6910 Introduction to Graduate Research
ECE 6970 Non-Thesis Design Project
ECE 6980 Directed Study
ECE 6990 Research and Thesis
ECE 7110 Advanced Digital Design
ECE 7170 Advanced Embedded Systems
ECE 7530 Quantum Electronics I
ECE 7600 Power System Control
ECE 7620 Adjustable Speed Drives
ECE 7640 Distributed Energy Systems
ECE 7650 Design and Finite Element Analysis of Electric Machines
ECE 7750 Advanced Wireless Systems
ECE 7970 Selected Topics
ECE 7980 Directed Study
ECE 7990 Research and Dissertation

Proposed ECE 6900 and ECE 7970 course offerings (subject to change):

  • to be determined

Recent ECE 6900 and ECE 7970 course offerings:

  • ECE 6900 / ECE 7970 - Wireless Power Transfer (Fall 2023, Van Neste)
  • ECE 6900 / ECE 7970 - Learning and Adaptive Control (Fall 2023, Rizvi)
  • ECE 6900 - Security and Privacy Preservation in Wireless Networks (Spring 2022, Mahmoud)
  • ECE 6900 - Security and Privacy Preservation for Wireless Networks (Spring 2021, Mahmoud)
  • ECE 6900 - Hardware Implementation of Deep Learning (Fall 2020, Hasan)
  • ECE 7970 - Machine Learning in Cybersecurity (Fall 2019, Mahmoud and Fouda)
  • ECE 6900 - Hardware Implementation of Deep Learning (Spring 2019, Hasan)
  • ECE 7970 - Advanced Cryptography Applications in Emerging Wireless Networks (Spring 2018, Mahmoud)
  • ECE 7970 - Big Data (Fall 2017, Qiu)
  • ECE 6900 - Technical Writing (Fall 2016, Anderson; ORNL site only)
  • ECE 6900 - Security and Privacy Preservation for Wireless Networks (Fall 2016, Mahmoud)
  • ECE 7970 - Intelligent Control and Protection of Power Systems (Fall 2016, Belkacemi)

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