Mechanical Engineering - Senior Capstone Archived Projects

Senior Capstone Archived Projects

Students standing with their projects

  • Fall 2017

    Fall 2017 Projects

    DENSO Group

    Students with their project

    Team Members: Joshua Martin, Luke Shattuck, Nicholas Russell, Justin Kuhn and Darrell Marlow

    Solar Car - Group 1

    Students standing with their project

    Team Members: Jonathan Stepp, Matthew Owens, Adam Rob, Levi Eskola, James McCracken and Steven Brandley

    Solar Car - Group 2

    Students standing with project

    Team Members: John Webb, Brendan Fraser, Collin Newman, Alexander Dye and Seth Williams

    Tensile Frame

    Students standing with their project

    Team Members: Daniel Hott, Dakota Strange and Devin Doty

    Vacuum Former

    Students standing with their project

    Team Members: Garrett Caldwell, Dayla Donegan, Adam DeGardeyn, Wyatt Stewart, Aldo Arroyo and Tyler Qualls

  • Spring 2017

    Spring 2017 Projects

    Assessment of Critical Infrastructure

    Students standing with their project

    Team Members: Robert Ponder, Anthony Lark, Kyle Baker, Daniel Foote, Miranda McConnell and Benjamin Hargis

    Briggs-Stratton Engine Optimization

    Students standing with their project

    Team Members: James Isom, Hunter Harris, Matthew Owens, Jon Cardenas and Robert Myers

    Calf Catcher

    Students standing with their project

    Team Members: Adam Heatherly, Fawaz Alfadhli, Annemarie Noland, Salman Alshammari and Yousef Alkafeef

    CNC Kendama Milling Table

    Students standing with their projects

    Team Members: Justin Conner, Alberto Esteban Linares, Clint Martin, Tyler Edwards, Nick Russell, Traven Proveaux and Brian Kauffman

    Fuel Testing Kit - Group 1

    Students standing with their project

    Fuel Testing Kit - Group 2

    Students standing with their project

    Team Members: Mohammad Alsediqi, Abdulrahman Almutairi, Andrew Schussler, Matt Light, Josh Watkins and Mohammad Alkarbi David Zuluaga

    Human Powered Vehicle Team

    Students standing with their project

    Team Members: Caleb Blackwell, Ellen Schultz, Lindsey Grissom, Dakota Bell, Sean Harvey, Arthur Rogers and Giovanni Mainardi

    Remote Controlled Boat

    Students standing with their project

    Team Members: Cory Davenport, Mitchell Henderson, Scott Proffitt, Matthew Braisted, John Martin and Austin Garrabrant

    TRV Test Bench

    Students standing with their project

    Team Members: Jacob Lackey, Andrew Thammavongsa, Jonathan Matlock, Noah Pratt, Eric Umphrey and Rodney Etienne

    Vintage Motorcycle Starter

    Students standing with their project

    Team Members: Chris Parker, Lucas Houge, Andrew Doyka, Jeremy Sharer, Hazza Alumtairi and Derrick Cantrell

    Volleyball Blocking Device - Group 1

    Students standing with their project

    Team Members: Josh Walker, Will Ripley, Bradley Cheatham, Marsalis Pullen, Jeremiah West and Michaela Stockdale

    Volleyball Blocking Device - Group 2

    Students standing with their project

    Team Members: Yousef Alenezi, Dr. Jie Cui, Mohammad Alrashidi, Bahar Alshammari, Talal Almutairi, Faisal Keraidis, Fahid Alajmi and Rakan Almutairi

  • Spring 2016

    Spring 2016 Projects

    Curb Hopper - Wheel Chair

    Students standing with their project

    Team Members: Ryan Burns, Dylan Cotter, Austin Carroll, Fahad Alanezi and Collin Scherdell

    Cutting Plastic Filter

    Students standing with their project

    Team Members: Jutin Thomas, William Spivey, Ben Beauchamp, Nick West and Rudy Beaty

    Experimental Test Bed

    Students standing with their project

    Team Members: Will Duke, Hunter Staggs, Matthew Powelson, Will Schenk and Chase Adcock

    Magnus Effect RC Plane

    Students standing with their project

    Team Members: Jeremy Betzler, Alex Welcome, Jacob Barbee, Bander Allweemi and Ted Reed

    Nanopositioning System

    Students standing with their project

    Team Members: Ryan Hintz, Autin Jenkins, Alex Dvorak, Paul Summers and Chris McBrydge

    Priming Test Pump

    Students standing with their project

    Team Members: Joshua East, Greyson Moffatt, Jose Mejia, Jacob Balfe and Cummins Representatives

    Tiny House Prototype

    Students standing with their projects

    Allena Ward, Dr. Meenakshi Sundaram, Zack Gray, Derakhshhandeh, Hossein, Amy Fricks and Justin Swafford

    Uganda Water Well Project

    Students standing with their project

    Team Members: Robert Jones, Benjamin Rentschler, Vance Bogard, Phillip Chesser and Riley Collins

    Welding Process Group 4

    Students standing with their project

    Team Members: Austin Gray, Chase King, Christopher Harris, Jared Davis and Elliot Normand

    Welding Process

    Students standing with their project

    Team Members: Latif Alrashidi, Michael Kostrub, Sulaiman Almbuyyidh

  • Spring 2015

    Spring 2015 Projects

    3D Printing Vending Machine

    Students standing with their project

    Team Members: Scott Hill, Jordan Blackburn, David Chesson, Samantha White and Robert Walker

    All Terrain Quad Bike

    Students standing with their project

    Team Members: Jamie Sharp, Garrett Melton, Mitchell Meek, Caleb Wilson, Brandon Garrett and Jonathan Thomas

    Center Tube Testing Device

    Students standing with their project

    Team Members: Kyle Willoughby, Michael Rainey, David Sierra, Ben VanWinkle and Logan Gott

    Diesel Fuel Heater Assembly

    Students standing with their project

    Team Members: Justin Brewer, Ethan Smelcer, Abanoub Riyad, Ben Rogers and Mohamad Al Mokhadm

    Kayak Launch System

    Students standing with their project

    Team Members: Zachary Dew, Bradley Norris, Joshua Wyatt, Ali Alshamrani and Joshua Bryant

    Model of Compressor for Heat Pump

    Students standing with their projects

    Team Members: Max McLaughlin, Justin Page, Brandon Testerman, Ethan Brown and Scott Stansford

    Retrieval System for 3D Printing Kiosk

    Students standing with their project

    Team Members: Heath Phillips, Steven Duong, R.J. Penpek, Andrew Holden and Kaitlyn Keen

    Spin Weld Testing Device

    Students standing with their projects

    Team Members: Amos Myers, Hoang Le, Seth Reardon, Peter Messiha, Andrew Gardner and Matthew Sisk

    Umbrella Valve Pressure Tester

    Students standing with their project

    Team Members: Daniel Rossie, Michael Newton, Braden Maphet, Tyler McDonald and Jacob Coffey

  • Spring 2014

    Spring 2014 Projects

    3D Scanning Systems

    Students standing with their project

    Team Members: Yeshi Dohmann, Kyle Spalding, Dustin Ryion, Kevin Lutz and Austin Scheyer

    Active Water Generation System

    Students standing with their project

    Team Members: Jonathan Thompson, Stephen Zuccaro and Ian Woods

    Cummins Slurry Cart

    Students standing with their project

    Team Members: Zach Salada, Charles Shoemake, Alex Prohaska, Quinten Bowersox, Bret Noel and Curtis Boggs

    Dynamometer Trailer System

    Students standing with their project

    Team Members: Nicole Claiborne, Kavan McAlpin, Jarrett Snyder, Kendall Hall, Matthew McTaggart and Lewis Pumpelly

    Elephant Warming Hut

    Students standing with their project

    Team Members: Morris Hite, Ben Stevens, Nadar Naim, Ramy El-Hamarnah and Carolyn Bentley

    Passive Water Collection System

    Students standing with their project

    Team Members: Joshua Castellaw, Vincent Guilliams, Jr., Christian Wells, Wesley Wheeler and Matt Blaylock

    Robotic Assembly Cell Part-Nest Transfer System

    Students standing with their project

    Team Members: Austin Cook, Zach Lane, Tommy Hazelwood and Matt Middleton

    Stage 1 and 2 Filtration Stand

    Students standing with their project

    Team Members: Glen Nabors, Michael Hao, Emily Williams, Kyle Wilson, Josh Randles and Seth Bradburn

    Table Top Injection Molding Machine

    Students standing with their projects

    Team Members: Rachel Crane, Ben Toline, Gage Babb, Sam Keener, James Guttery and Coty Thorpe

    Universal Machine Retrofit

    Students standing with their projects

    Team Members: Adam Pylant, Travis Vowell, James Dooley, Dhru Patel, Tanner Cook and Stephen Simmons

  • Fall 2013

    Fall 2013 Projects

    3D Printing

    Students standing with their project

    Team Members: Amber Butcher, Daniel Hamblen, Albert Painter and Hannah Ross

    One of the fastest growing technologies of the 21st century is 3D printing. 3D printing is a method of depositing material in successive layers to create complex structures. Fused Deposition Material (FDM) printing is the most common type of 3D printing. In the FDM method a spool of thermoplastic is fed through a heated nozzle, and the heated plastic is deposited onto the build plate in a thin layer. This layer quickly cools, allowing the next layer to build on top of it. This method is often used in rapid prototyping applications. However, rapid prototyping is not the only command application of 3D printing; the use of 3D printing areas outside of manufacturing has become increasingly widespread over the past decade. Biomedical applications are a particularly promising frontier for 3D printing.

    Hand-Powered Tricycle

    Students standing with their project

    Team Members: Nick DiAngelo, Chris Kirk, Isaiyas Marroquin, Marquis Merritt, Justin White and Chris Wright

    Handicapped individuals have difficulty developing strength and motor skills to the level of able-bodied people. That is why this hand-powered tricycle was proposed. By designing and building this simple machine, individuals with special needs will be able to ride a bike in a way similar to able-bodied people. It will also help them develop strength, balance, and gross motor skills while having fun in the process. Reaching out to the community procides a way for the group to improve the lives of many children over several years to come.

    Hot Ball Machine

    Students standing with their project

    Team Members: Spencer Artz, Harold Balthrop, Justin Lewis, Michael Mason, Joshua Moser and Garrett Perry

    WestCrete Building Systems is a startup company that has developed panels for building more efficient, weatherproof homes (commercial and residential). One of their current processes for constructing these panels is less than desirable and a new process needs to be developed. The process under review is making the holes in the foam that is used in the fabrication of the panels. Currently the use of ball bearings is utilized by heating them in a turkey fryer and placing them on the foam. Even though this method does produce satisfactory holes through thin portions of foam, it is still not ideal for large scale production. Induction heating and resistance heating are just two examples of safer, more efficient ways of heating. Also, there are additional methods that could be used to make the holes such as drilling or even heated rods. These processes are examined and tested for the purposes for this project.

    Hot-Wire Machine for WestCrete

    Students standing with their project

    Team Members: Thomas Burks, Steven Childers, Nick East, William McMillen, Andrew C Nix and Jo Thompson

    WestCrete, an innovative construction company, specializing in building tornado proof structures, is currently using two separate processes to cut the foam they use in fabricating wall and roof panels. They desire this cut to be made in one process. The proposed method for modifying the foam is a hot-wire cutting assembly, which will precisely cut and cauterize the foam. In order to obtain the desired mitered and gable angles in the foam, and adjustable hot-wire attached to a rigid table must be designed. With this design WestCrete will have an assembly that precisely cuts the two angles simultaneously, therefore more efficiently. The amount of labor WestCrete currently uses to make the cuts will be reduced in half by this design. The designed proposed will accomplish all goals and restraints given by WestCrete.

    OSB Drilling

    OSB Drilling

    Team Members: Tim Avello, Alex Bagoli, Chance Holt, Zach Medina, Jie Tang and John Till

    WestCrete is a young company with a new and innovative idea for residential construction. They currently are developing a method to build houses out of concrete. The average house is 2,500 square foot and will cost approximately $250,000 to $375,000. Oriented strand board (OSB) is used in the siding of the house. The typical OSB used in constructing a house is .5" or .042' thick. This means that a house uses 378 cubic feet of OSB. The objective of this project is to efficiently drill holes in the OSB board. The design and construction of an automated machine to drill precise dimensioned holes would cut down on man power and time spent on each OSB board, which is currently drilled by hand. The design will utilize drills that will automatically drop and rise to cut the desired holes simultaneously with the correct spacing between holes. Once the drills are raised a worker will move the OSB a desired amount to achieve the required offset between holdes, and drill a new set. This process will significantly cut down time spent per board which will save WestCrete a considerable amount of money.

    WastAway Combustible Materials Separator

    Students standing with their project

    Team Members: Joshua Blair, Mark Staussberger, Robby Brown, Andrew Redmon, Lance Bailey and Ethan Livingston

    The task assigned to this team is to design and construct a small-scale prototype process that will effectively separate combustible and noncombustible materials. The combustible materials will then be sent back through a previous process for further refinement while the noncombustible materials will be recycled separately.

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