Student Spotlight: Sarah Moore Accepts Rural Reimagined Graduate Internship Position

Grand Challenge

Student Spotlight: Sarah Moore Accepts Rural Reimagined Graduate Internship Position

Sarah Moore headshotRural Reimagined congratulates Sarah Moore for her new graduate internship! Sarah is pursuing her master's degree in Professional & Technical Communication in the English department, and Rural Reimagined is excited to have her on board for the Fall 2020 semester.

In addition to providing her communicational skill sets to Rural Reimagined, Sarah’s internship will include duties such as editing and writing stories, learning and utilizing InDesign for Grand Challenge documents, and assisting in the development of our website! After graduating with her M.A., Sarah wants to become an editor, and she states, “Rural Reimagined is going to give me the opportunity to take the knowledge I've learned in school and apply it to 'real life' situations. I'm excited to learn important skills for my future career on the job and help others while I'm at it." Wings up, Sarah!

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