Rural Reimagined Announces Faculty Research Grants Funding and Expands Outreach - Grand Challenge

Grand Challenge

Rural Reimagined Announces Faculty Research Grants Funding and Expands Outreach

TN Tech CampusRural Reimagined is excited to announce that faculty research grant funding of more than $144,000 has been awarded across campus. These grants serve to support the success of Tennessee’s rural areas through a variety of faculty-led, collaborative, and/or student-involved projects that affect different areas of the Upper Cumberland region and hold larger, potentially national or international, implications! The awarded projects range from mental health care improvement to gaming apps, with a rich diversity in between, and while the funding varies according to each of the ten projects’ needs, up to $25,000 has been awarded per research topic. For more information on the individual projects, visit their respective Tech Times feature. In addition to the faculty grant funding, Rural Reimagined has expanded their presence to roughly 60 of the 76 Tennessee rural counties and has aided more than 125 small businesses over the past year. Rural Reimagined hopes to continue their expansion throughout Tennessee and beyond; however, they plan to also aid the TTU community by giving awarding more than $20,000 of scholarships at the 10th annual Eagle Works competition. Rural Reimagined encourages everyone to find out more about their Grand Challenge and Eagle Works. For more information on this story, visit Jonathan Frank’s excellent press release.  Wings up!

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