Human Resources - Complaints and Concerns

Complaints and Concerns

TTU Policy 141: Prohibited Discrimination and Harassment

How to File a Complaint: Any faculty, staff, or student who believes that he/she has been a victim of Discrimination, Harassment, or Retaliation or any faculty or staff member who has witnessed Discrimination, Harassment, or Retaliation should report the incident, as soon as possible, to any Responsible Employee or directly to the appropriate Reporting Authority.

Employee Complainant: Report to Chief Human Resources Officer, Kevin Vedder at, (931) 372-3038

Student Complainant: Report to Title IX Coordinator, Greg Holt at, (931) 372-6062

TTU Policy 142: Process for Filing Title VI Complaints

Claims regarding Discrimination or Harassment based on race, color, or national origin report to: Compliance Officer, Greg Holt at (931) 372-6062,, or Tennessee Human Rights Commission.

TTU Policy 144: Title IX Policy and Grievance Procedures

Issues related to Title IX and sexual harassment: Report to Title IX Coordinator, Greg Holt at or 931-372-6062 


Filing an Anonymous Complaint

Employee Complaints Student Complaints