Educator Resources for iLearn
Required Training
To access courses in iLearn you must first complete the required training through the CITL. You can request access to the D2L-iLearn Training by completing the form and we will notify you by email once it is setup. All instructors and TA-Fulls are required to take this training.
iLearn Request Forms
Need to combine courses or add TA's, co-instructors or incomplete students, check the iLearn Request Forms link in the navigation menu.
- Learn how to enroll or unenroll TA-Graders, TA-Content, or Mentors to your course.
- What roles are the different user roles in iLearn?
Need a little Help?
- Analytics
Insights Portal Dashboards
The Insights Portal Dashboards will be available on Monday, December 12. The Insights Portal is a collection of reporting visualizations and dashboards which provide a more strategic view of your organization using advanced analytics.
View more information about the upcoming Insights Portal Dashboards.
Course Specific Analytics
- Assignments
- Content
- Discussions
- Announcements
- Grades
- Groups
- Import/Export/Copy Course Components
- Copy Components to Another Course
- Share Content by Exporting and Importing Components
- Import/Export/Copy Course Components Guide [PDF]
- Manage Dates after Copying or Importing Another Course
TIP: If you are the instructor in the two (or more) courses that need to have the same material, use the Copy Components function instead of the Export/Import Components.
- Quizzes
Brightspace Community Resources
- Creating a Quiz (has information about the existing and new creation experience)
- Creating and Managing Quizzes
- Allow Students to View Quiz Results and Feedback
- Reset a Quiz Attempt for a Student
- Videos
Additional Quiz Resources
- Quiz Tool Setup Tips [PDF]
- Using the Question Library in the Quizzes Tool [PDF]
- How to Setup Accommodations in the iLearn Quizzing Tool [PDF]
- A student said they submit a quiz attempt, but it isn't showing?
Using Respondus to Create, Edit, or Download Test Questions
- Downloading the software (only runs on Windows)
- Importing Test Banks
- Importing Test using Word Doc
- Need more information about Respondus, go to the main Respondus page.
Test/Quiz Question Generator
Algonquin College developed a free, online tool to help you import a collection of questions into D2L from a properly formatted Word document.
- Rubrics
- Rubric Basics
- Creating a Rubric
- Create an Analytic Rubric [Video]
- Create a Holistic Rubric [Video]
- Add a Rubric to an Existing Activity [Video]
- Create a Weighted Rubric [Video]
You can also visit the Brightspace Community to view more tutorials and videos. View monthly updates here.
You can also contact the CITL iLearn Support at 931-372-3675 or email us at