Intercultural Affairs - Courses

Intercultural Courses

The Tennessee Tech University Catalog provides information on current course offerings and course codes. The listing below outlines some of the intercultural course offerings that Tennessee Tech provides for students. Please check the Catalog for current courses.

English Courses

African American Literature (ENGL 4712; 5712)

The course alternates on a yearly basis between studies of Native American literature and studies of African American literature. African American Literature Contributions of African Americans to the culture of the United States cannot be overestimated. Arguably, rock and roll would not exist without its black roots. The “slave narrative” has been called the first original American literary genre. Blues, slave narratives, W.E.B. Dubois, the black arts movement, poetry by greats like Langston Hughes and works by Nikki Giovanni, Ralph Ellison, Nella Larsen, Toni Morrison, Maya Angelou, Malcolm X and others you may have never heard of will be part of this survey. The African American literature survey class satisfies the non-Western literature requirement for English education majors, and could also qualify for the Women and Gender Studies minor. It is an excellent class for anyone wishing to know more about American literature and culture, and the contributions of people of color to American culture’s vitality today.

History Courses

Topics in African American Studies (HIST 4390-4390)

The Black Experience to 1877 (3): Blacks in America from enslavement to the era of Civil War and the Reconstruction.                                                           The Black Experience since 1865 (3): Blacks in America since emancipation.

Music Courses

MUS 1076 Beginning in West African Drumming (1): The performance of drum rhythms and songs from Ghana and surrounding countries.
MUS 1077 Advanced West African Drumming (1): A continuation of the performance of drum rhythms and songs from Ghana and surrounding countries.
MUS 1078 Beginning West African Dance (1): Performance of dances and songs from Ghana and surrounding countries.
MUS 1079 Advanced West African Dance (1): A continuation of the performances of dances and songs from Ghana and surrounding countries.
MUS 4110 (5110) History and Literature of Jazz (2): Jazz traced from its multi-ethnic origin through to its present form, and its influences of American culture.

Sociology Courses

SOC 4090 (5090) Cross Cultural Communications and Cultural Diversity (3): An examination of the socio-cultural context of communication with emphasis upon enhancing communication skills across cultures.
SOC 4210 (5210) Race, Ethnicity, and Interculturalism (3): Ethnic and cultural variations in the U.S. and similar mass societies. Emphasis on economic, political, and social relationships between ethnic groups.
SOC 4860 (5860) Social Movements and Social Change (3): Analysis of social movements and other kinds of planned and unplanned change in society.


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