Volpe Library - Work in the Library

Work in the Library

Non-student positions: Tennessee Tech jobs that are not student positions are posted on the university's job portal: https://jobs.tntech.edu/. Please check there for library listings.

Work Study & Scholarship students: you will receive an email with a link to JobX, which is where you can apply for library jobs.

Other students: job descriptions and applications are available through Handshake, which is Tech's job gateway for all students.

All student employees are expected to be responsible, which includes:

  • Reporting for work on time as scheduled
  • Clocking in and out responsibly
  • Tracking and reporting statistics
  • Adhering to library guidelines and supervisor instructions
  • Protecting users’ confidentiality
  • Behaving professionally

Graduate Assistantships: The library does not have any graduate assistantship positions. Graduate students may work for the library by applying as "Other students" above.

Internship Opportunities

  • See the Archives Internship Opportunity for more information.
  • The library can also offer non-Archives, unpaid internships. These internships must be for course credit at Tennessee Tech or other universities. Contact Kelly McCallister for more information.

Tennessee Tech Library - more than you expect

The Volpe Library welcomes your comments, questions, and suggestions.
This form is submitted directly to the Library Dean.

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