Instructional Leadership - Master's

Degree Information

Earn your Master's in Instructional Leadership online or in a hybrid format and prepare for an administrative career in education! Gain outstanding leadership skills through partnerships, research, and inspiring experiences.


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Degree Details

The master's program in Instructional Leadership, offered online or in a hybrid format, prepares graduate candidates for positions in school and education administrative positions. Our program strives to promote skills highlighting outstanding leadership and professional excellence through partnerships, educational research, and inspiring experiences.

Master of Arts
Instructional Leadership
Delivery Style
Hybrid or Online
Department Information
Department of Curriculum and Instruction
Bartoo Hall 313
(931) 372-3181
Department Website
Graduate Studies Information
College of Graduate Studies
Derryberry Hall 306
(931) 372-3233
Contact Now

Admissions Requirements

Students seeking admission to the Instructional Leadership graduate program are required to have:

For admission to the Initial License INSL Program:
    1. A valid Tennessee teaching license
    2. A minimum of two (2) years teaching experience
    3. Submission of the INSL Prospective Candidate Form
For admission to the Master of Arts EDIL Program:
    • Undergraduate GPA: at least 2.5 on a 4.0 scale

Degree program completion requires a passing score on the School Leaders Licensure Assessment (SLLA) Praxis exam.


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