Multidisciplinary Studies - Generalist

Degree Information

The Multidisciplinary Studies Generalist (non-licensure) concentration prepares you for diverse leadership roles and careers in education. This major also provides flexible professional options and broad, applicable skillsets.


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Degree Details

The Generalist (non-licensure) concentration in the Multidisciplinary Studies major gives students the skills and background to enter the profession, as well as administrative and leadership positions in education-related agencies, community services, and support organizations.

Our curriculum is designed to provide not only education-focused courses, but also content from other disciplines including psychology, sociology, child development, arts, music, and personal wellness.

The college offers a wealth of educational resources from the VISION Virtual Learning Lab, the Jeffers Learning Resources Center, to the Millard Oakley STEM Center.

Bachelor of Science
Multidisciplinary Studies
Delivery Style
Department Information
Department of Curriculum & Instruction
Bartoo Hall 313
(931) 372-3181
Department Website

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