Golden Eagle Experience - Making That Small Space Work!

Making that small space work!

If you’re living on campus, you are still learning how to work with your small space and the communal areas. You may be realizing that some of your stuff doesn’t have a place or that you’re overwhelmed with too much stuff. We have provided a few ideas on how to better store your things and make your room feel more like home.

Loft or raise your bed. Your bed takes up a majority of your floor space. By lofting your bed, you create more space for your desk, dresser, and other furniture pieces you have.

Stackable/multipurpose furniture. To keep your room less cluttered and full, think of different ways to store items. You might find that stackable drawers or a double closet rod resolve your storage issues, or you might like a storage ottoman for extra seating and storage.

Take the extra stuff home. After the first few days or weeks of class, you may realize that you didn’t need every article of clothing or that you didn’t really need that extra chair. Your living space is already quaint, so make a trip home to visit with your family and get rid of any unnecessary items. Pro Tip: Pack seasonally and consider bringing clothes home as the weather changes. During the first couple of months, leave all of those winter coats and sweaters at home, then start switching clothes out around fall break.

Get some extra lighting. This may sound counterproductive, but the harsh overhead lighting may not be ideal early in the morning or late at night. Find a tall thin lamp or one that can clamp to your desk or bed to save some space and make your room feel more cozy.

Blankets, pillows and “home-y” touches. A nice, warm blanket, a few comfy pillows, and pictures of your family and pets can be great additions to your room. These things not only make your room feel more like home, but they also add comfort for when you’re spending time in your room.

Make your living space just your living space. It may be difficult to separate your academics from your personal life, especially when you are living on campus. Try to incorporate boundaries to keep your room just your living space, and not have it turn into a study room. Try utilizing other spaces such as the library, Roaden University Center, or even the study rooms in the residence halls to get those assignments and readings done. This will also help your brain designate certain spaces for certain activities (your room for relaxing and the library for studying, which will help you be more productive).

Utilize your Resident Assistant (RA). Your RA is very helpful resource that can provide much more than just answers to your housing questions. Being that they are upperclassmen, they can provide a lot of insight and advice on things you may be dealing with while in school. Try building a relationship with them by attending their programs, adding their phone number/social media, or stopping and having a conversation when you pass by.