Golden Eagle Experience - Keeping Your Academic Stride Strong

Keeping Your Academic Stride Strong

Getting through mid-term exams can be challenging. Keeping yourself in a schedule, managing the changing class delivery methods and keeping up with your assignments, amongst other things can be stressful to get straightened out. If you haven’t learned already, the key to success in college is proper time management and staying engaged in your classes. Tennessee Tech has a number of resources to ensure you are successful during your time here. Below are a few resources and tips we highly encourage you to take advantage of.

  • Stay engaged in class. Staying engaged in your lectures is important to understanding the material the first time it’s heard. If you are watching your lectures virtually, set a designated space with no distractions to ensure you are listening and not getting distracted. Ask your professor questions on material you don’t understand, it will let your professor know you are paying attention, and odds are other students in the class may have the same question!

  • Reach out to your Resident Assistant or the Flight Path Program. If you live on campus, your resident assistant is a great resource to utilize. For commuter students, the FlightPath program was created to support students throughout their first year and beyond by providing resources and support to ensure you are a successful student. Reach out to your RA or the FlightPath program at 

  • Setting and Staying in a Routine. If you haven’t already, get yourself in a routine on going to bed and waking up around the same time every day to set your internal clock, which will benefit you. Do some self-reflection: are you an early bird or a night owl? Figure out when you can be the most productive and schedule those times to work on assignments and to study!

  • Start your mornings off right. Start your day with a good breakfast, and even a workout in the new “Burn” fitness center! Starting your day off on a positive note will keep you alert and focused throughout the day to be the most productive student you can be!

  • Visit the Center for Counseling and Mental Health Wellness. Your mental health as a student is just as important to your success at Tennessee Tech as your academic achievements. The Center for Counseling and Mental Health Wellness at Tennessee Tech is a great asset to students with mental health issues. Students receive 12 free sessions each academic year, so set up your appointment today at

  • Find an accountability partner. Find a friend in your class, or your roommate who also may have early classes or the same exam schedule as you, to ensure you get up in the mornings and encourage you to academically challenge yourself.

  • Get a study schedule in place for exams. Put all of your exams and quizzes in your planner or calendar and set dedicated times to study leading up to them. The night before a big exam should be spent reviewing your material you already know, not learning it for the first time!

Technology Tools for Success

Wondering what technology tools you are going to need to be successful this school year? We’ve got you covered! Take a look at our list below to see the devices and mobile apps that will help you be a productive Tennessee Tech student!

Recommended Devices
  • Laptop and/or Tablet: A laptop and/or tablet is very beneficial for any college student, but not a requirement. Most of your professors will assign homework and distribute notes through iLearn or another online platform. If you don’t own a laptop or tablet device, the Volpe Library on campus offers laptop rental services as well as desktop computer stations that are free to use. If you are in the market for a new device, don’t forget to check out our partnerships with Dell, Apple, and Lenovo along with software provided and recommended hardware based on academic program by visit our ITS Technology Purchasing website.

    If you own a laptop, be sure to have the Microsoft Office Suite installed! Tennessee Tech provides all students access to the Microsoft Office 365 Suite (Word, PowerPoint, Excel, OneNote, etc.). Use your TN Tech credentials to log in, and you will have access to all that Office 365 has to offer!
  • Printer: Throughout your college experience, there will be many instances when you need to print something, whether it’s class notes or an assignment. Don’t go buy a personal printer, though! The Volpe Library is equipped with plenty of printers that are accessible for student use. Every student receives $30.00 of printing money loaded on to their Eagle Card each semester, which should be more than enough to print off everything you need.
Recommended Apps


(by Brightspace/iLearn) Allows you to access courses that use iLearn for grades and assignments through your phone. You can check due dates, grades, and feedback on assignments in just a few clicks. Pulse also allows you to opt-in to push notifications and text messages that will remind you of upcoming due dates and notify you when a new grade has been posted. Download for iPhone

Download for Android
Outlook Will give you access to your Tech email on your mobile device. With the Outlook app, you can email your professors, keep up with campus news, and access your Microsoft calendar all through your phone. Download for iPhone

Download for Android
Dine on Campus The app to find everything you need to know about our on-campus dining locations. In the app, you can find the hours, menus, location, and more of each dining spot Tennessee Tech offers, including the Caf. You can buy, upgrade, and modify meal plans within the app as well! Download for iPhone

Download for Android
Transact Mobile Order This app allows you to place an online order at any of our retail dining locations! You can pick it up or have it delivered wherever you are on campus. Download for iPhone

Download for Android
Handshake A database of on and off campus jobs and internships. It is the best way to get connected with employers who are specifically looking for Tennessee Tech students! Download for iPhone

Download for Android
WellTrack Tennessee Tech’s Center for Counseling and Mental Health Wellness provides access to this self-guided therapy app for students. You can use this app to track your daily mood and stay in touch with your overall mental health. Download for iPhone

Download for Android
GroupMe Many of your classes and student organizations will likely use the GroupMe app to communicate important information. Your SOA probably already had you download this app, but remember to keep it on your phone throughout the summer and during the school year! Download for iPhone

Download for Android
Organizer/Planning App of Choice Many students find a mobile planner app to be beneficial in helping keep up with their daily, weekly, and monthly responsibilities. Apps such as Outlook, Google Calendar, Microsoft To-Do (included with your Office 365 account), and other apps of the same nature can be a huge help in managing the busy schedule of a college student!  


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