Golden Eagle Experience - Dealing with Unexpected Grades

Tips for a Productive Winter Break

As your fall semester is ending, the one thing that is on your mind is Winter Break. Moving back home to spend time with family, seeing your old friends and going back to your seasonal job are all things to look forward to, but why not make the break a productive one as well? Here are some things you can do to relax and remain productive over your much-needed time off from school.

  • Apply for scholarships! The scholarship application deadline is December 15. Finish your finals out strong and get your application submitted! You can apply through ScholarWeb (via TechExpress - 

  • Winter Cleaning. After all of your finals are over with, clean out the clutter from your residence hall with items you did not utilize during your fall semester or clothes you never wore. Studies show that getting rid of clutter greatly reduces your stress level and can make you more productive.

  • Update your resume! Keep your resume up to date with all of the clubs and organizations you became involved in throughout your semester at Tech. Reviewing your resume and keeping it updated on a regular basis will be beneficial as you apply for scholarships, internships and future jobs. Tech's Center for Career Development is open through December 23 and reopens on January 2, so you can always reach out for assistance after finals and before returning for spring.

  • Volunteer. Giving back to your community and making a difference in people’s lives is so important and will not only leave an impact on them, but on you as well. There are so many ways to get involved, either with your local church, food pantry or non-profit organization, but you can also get involved and volunteer within your future career!

  • Shadow someone in a field you are interested in. Now that finals are over, take the time to get into the field you are interested in and see how all of your hard work is paying off! Get to know more about what a typical day is like and what would be required of you as a future employee. The best way to do this is to ask people you already know who are in a field you are interested in. Ask your dentist about shadowing him when you are home for your routine cleaning, or a parent at their engineering job!

  • Apply for a seasonal, part-time job. Many stores are hiring for the busy holiday season, which would be a great way to make some money and start saving up for the spring semester.