Online Education - Resources

Online Education


Tennessee Tech is proud to offer online students the same services and resources available for those on campus. These resources provide helpful information and tools that will assist you in your time as an online student. 


Accessible Education Center  Bursar Office Career Development Center for Counseling and Mental Health Wellness Financial Aid International Education 

Accessible Education Center

The Accessible Education Center (AEC) professionals are committed to ensuring equal access for all qualifying individuals to Tennessee Tech's academic and physical environments, and further dedicated to providing quality services to students and faculty, through a variety of resources including academic adjustments, assistive technology, and software, as well as other support programs that promote awareness of the law and other disability-related services.

Visit the Accessible Education Center ›

Bursar Office

Centennial PlazaBursar is a term unique to higher education and means 'keeper of the funds'. The Bursar's Office collects tuition, fees, and other university-related charges including campus housing. The office also processes and disburses excess aid to students. The mission of the Bursar's Office is to provide friendly and professional service to students, faculty, staff, and anyone associated with the University.


Career Development

Centennial PlazaThe Center for Career Development is the university's centralized career planning and student recruitment center. From freshman year to graduation, our staff provides resources in career planning, resume writing, and job search strategies that enable students to make a successful transition from college to career.


Financial Aid

Library buildingThe mission of the Office of Financial Aid at Tennessee Tech University is to provide access to post-secondary education by eliminating or reducing financial barriers to your academic success. You have made an important decision and one of the most important financial investments you will make in your lifetime: a college education. This investment includes planning your college affairs and finances, allowing you the opportunity to focus your attention on your learning experiences.