Pre-Professional Career Tracks - Professional School Committee Preparation

Professional School Committee Preparation

Committee Letter

Students who plan to apply to medical, dental, and optometry school are encouraged to participate in Tennessee Tech’s committee interview and evaluation process.

The committee letter evaluates you as an applicant based on your academic and non-academic credentials.

The result of the process is a committee letter supporting your application to professional school that is electronically sent to your application service after you apply.

Your Committee Letter will be: 3 faculty references & the advisor letter. Details of this process are provided below.

Checklist and Timeline for Committee Evaluations:

During fall semester, attend “Junior/Senior” Workshop hosted by the Health Sciences advisors to discuss Committee Evaluations.  Click Here to watch the workshop recording.

Fill out Committee Interest Form to receive paperwork via email from Tammy Martorana AFTER you have watched the Junior/Senior Workshop video.

Required paperwork includes:

  • Reference forms for 3 faculty who have taught you in at least a 3 credit hour lecture class (1 Chemistry, 1 Biology, 1 any department)
  • Student Information Sheet – you submit some information about yourself

February:  Priority deadline for Pre-Professional Health Career Track Office to receive required paperwork (3 letters of reference and student information sheet)

  • Email Tammy Martorana during fall and early spring semester with inquiries about the status of your file.

March and April: Committee Interviews

  • One 60-minute interview with two faculty/advisors plus feedback.
  • Check your email often - Tammy Martorana will contact you to schedule your interview when all committee paperwork has been turned in.
  • If you miss the deadline for a committee interview in March/April, your committee interview will be conducted in September.

After your committee interview: Mrs. Carrick writes an additional letter of reference from the advisor’s perspective.

Your Committee Letter will be: the advisor letter + your 3 faculty references 


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