Research & Economic Development - Human Subjects

Research & Economic Development

Policy and Procedures for Employees Completing Degrees at Other Institutions

Employees who are completing degrees at other universities often have to conduct research as part of their curriculum within classes or associated with a thesis or dissertation. In most cases, the universities where they are completing their degrees have Institutional Review Boards. Additionally, the employee is often required to receive IRB approval from these institutions before conducting research. In these cases, to avoid inefficiencies and unnecessary complications, the employee will not be required to receive IRB approval at Tennessee Tech. Instead, they must complete the IRB Certification Form for Employee Completing Degree Other Institution and provide the IRB approval letter from the other institution to the Tennessee Tech IRB. Once the Tennessee Tech IRB receives the Form and the IRB approval letter from the other institution, the IRB Chairperson will review the documents. If the approval letter is satisfactory, then the IRB Chairperson will sign the Form and notify the Tennessee Tech Principal Investigator. The research cannot begin until the Tennessee Tech IRB Chairperson has notified the Tennessee Tech Principal Investigator that the necessary documents have been received and are satisfactory.

If, at any point during the research process, any issues arise related to the treatment of the human subjects, the Principal Investigator must notify the IRB at the institution where they are pursuing their degree and the Tennessee Tech IRB.

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