Research & Economic Development - Training Requirements

Research & Economic Development

Training Requirements

Tennessee Tech University has adopted the CITI (Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative) Program as its training program for human subjects research. All Principal Investigators (faculty, staff, students) (PI), Co-Principal Investigators (Co-PI), Faculty Supervisors of students involved in research with human subjects, and Departmental Reviewers must complete ALL of the courses designated for researchers on the CITI account for Tennessee Tech.

PI, Co-PI, & Faculty Supervisor training courses include:

  • Social and Behavioral Responsible Conduct of Research
  • Human Subjects Research (including privacy) | All student & faculty researchers & Fac. Supervisor
  • Researchers including all student investigators and faculty acting as an investigator (PI/Co-PI)*
    *This is also known as the IPS course.

Department Reviewer training courses include: 

  • Social and Behavioral Responsible Conduct of Research
  • Human Subjects Research (including privacy) | All student & faculty researchers & Fac. Supervisor
  • Departmental Reviewer
  • IPS for IRB Members

A passing score of 80% is required. Your successful completion is recorded and documented in Research & Economic Development, and you should print a certificate of completion for your own records. 

PI and Co-PI training certification is good for a three-year period from when it was obtained. RCR training certification is good for a three-year period from when it was obtained.

NOTE: The requirement for the "Social and Behavioral Responsible Conduct of Research" training course began being strictly enforced on August 1, 2019

Step-by-Step Instructions:

To register and begin your training, log in to the CITI website:

Principal Investigator, Co-Principal Investigator, & Faculty Supervisor Training (This is the minimum training for all Principal Investigators, Co-Principal Investigators, and Faculty Supervisors.)

Departmental Reviewer Training (This is the minimum training for all Departmental Reviewers.)


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