Center for Global Experiences - Orientation - First Things First

First Things First

Studying abroad is an exciting time when you will be trying new things and having new experiences. We want those experiences to be safe, healthy, and happy for you. You will soon be entering into a new learning community and environment. Please think about how you will contribute to your learning and host communities. Study abroad is as much about what you bring to a new place as what you get out of it.

You have the distinguished honor of being an ambassador for Tennessee Tech University. Please take this responsibility seriously so that future generations of TN Tech students can also be welcomed into these host communities.



Time to start preparing to depart by completing TN Tech Study Abroad pre-departure requirements. Get these administrative tasks out of the way so that you can focus on getting ready for your time abroad. 

Complete the following items as soon as possible:

  1. Update the Emergency Contact and Medical info on your application (if necessary).
  2. Fill out the TN Tech Emergency Action Plan
  3. Provide us with your passport information. Make sure that it is valid for 6 months after your return.
  4. Provide us with your travel dates. Submit your airfare confirmation ticket. Please see this TRAVEL webpage for more information on how to purchase a ticket.
  5. Purchase Study Abroad Insurance (if necessary)
  6. Register your trip with the U.S. Department of State (STEP).
  • Pick up your Emergency Wallet Card.

Once you have completed all of the pre-departure requirements listed above, The Center for Global Experiences staff will give you a permit to register for your study abroad program.


Study Abroad Registration

  • The Center for Global Experiences staff will give you a permit to register for a placeholder course that starts with SA - this will appear on your transcript regardless of the program you are doing or the classes you are taking on your program.

  • The SA placeholder course listed on your transcript may not match the number of credits that you are actually taking on the program. Example: you are registered in SA for 12 credits, but your program is actually 15 credits. Don't worry, this will all work out in the credit conversion process.

  • Study abroad registration allows you to maintain your status at TN Tech and continue to access things like your email, the library, and iLearn.  It also aids in processing your Financial aid and Scholarships.

  • You will receive regular TN Tech credit for your program and you will still have access to university resources. These credits are considered transfer credit. and are based on your pre-approved Transfer Credit Form.

  • If you are a senior, the Center for Global Experiences must receive your transcript from abroad and process it before you will be able to graduate.

  • If you have any registration holds on your account, you will not be able to register for the SA placeholder course.  If you have overdue library books or a parking ticket, please take care of these things asap.

  • If you register for other TN Tech courses for the term you are abroad you will have to pay tuition fees on top of your exchange program fees.


Basic Study Abroad Tips:

  • Plan side trips as soon as $$$
  • Research shopping in the new country before arriving
  • Ask about any University resources offered like tour groups/clubs that have trips planned already
  • Learn to navigate without electronics (key landmarks, map)
  • Pack light and smart


Disability Accommodations

The TN Tech Center for Global Experiences is committed to making international education accessible to students of all abilities. We work closely with our partners in the Accessible Education Center (AEC) to provide reasonable support and accommodation for students studying abroad. If you will need a disability accommodation, you must contact AEC at least 12 weeks in advance of your program to make the request. This allows our offices enough time to assess the accommodation and make necessary arrangements.  To reach the AEC, please email


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