The Alumnus June 2021 Special Edition

Crawford Alumni Center

Alumni Association 100th Anniversary Special Edition

About our special edition newsletter

It has been amazing to watch this special edition of The Alumnus to go from an idea to print. Every month we love bringing you news of what is happening here at Tech - how campus is changing, the amazing things our alumni are doing, and how donors are impacting the lives of students. For the 100th Anniversary of the Tennessee Tech Alumni Association, we wanted to honor the past and Tech's rich history while looking to the future and the next 100 years. We hope that you enjoyed this special edition as much as we loved writing and designing it!

Stay engaged by reading The Alumnus e-newsletter every month by subscribing here or reading here. Thank you for reading and staying engaged with Tech!

100th Anniversary Celebration - June 12, 2021

On June 12, we held an anniversary celebration on the Quad! Below are photos of the event.


Donna Porter displays her Tech pride. The Pep Truck in front of Derryberry Hall.Event Coordinator Brooke Fleenor smiles with her son, Terrance, and her Baby Yoda balloon figure in front of the Pep Truck.

Guests pose with a selfie frame at the event. Guests line up for Anthony's Balloons of Pure Awesomeness.  95.9 played some music for the first half of the event!

Brooke Fleenor, her daughter, and Kelly Chambers stand behind the Crawford Alumni Center table at the event. Donna Porter and friend smile and show their Tech Pride  Brandon Boyd and family talk with President Oldham.

Event attendees pose with a selfie frame showing their Tech Pride! President Phil Oldham and First Lady Kari Oldham smile in front of the Pep Truck. Larry and Jackie Ramsey pose with the Pep Truck

Event attendees standing on the Quad Former Tech President Bob Bell, Becky Magura, and Gloria Bell give "wings up." Awesome poses with the Pep Truck

President Oldham addresses the event attendees. Alumni Association Chair Randy Wilmore addresses the crowd. Awesome surveys the crowd gathered in the Quad

Brandon Boyd, Randy Wilmore, Brooke Fleenor, and Awesome award prizes to some of the attendees. Awesome thinks Anthony makes some really amazing balloon art! He's looking at a figure of a little yellow balloon person riding a purple balloon tricycle.The Tech Troubadours entertained the crowd with their amazing talent

Awesome tries his hand at conducting the Troubadours. Awesome wants people to know how awesome Tech is, so he completed an "It's Personal" notecard for a potential student.

The Alumnus Special Edition Logo

The header logo of the Special Print Edition of The Alumnus combines the eagle from the original 1955 Alumnus logo and our current logo for the email and web editions of The Alumnus.  


The Alumnus logo with a sketched eagle and a banner underneath reading "100th Anniversary Tennessee Tech Alumni Association"


View the original 1955 Alumnus newsletter here

Alumni Association in the Tech Archives

A letter dated April 30, 1924 from TPI President Quentin M. Smith, inviting alumni to the annual alumni dinner.

A letter from Tech President dated April 30, 1924 inviting alumni to attend the annual alumni dinner on May 26.

Two gentlemen placing a bumper sticker advertising homecoming on a car.

A photograph of an alumni event in Nashville dated 1980.
A group of alumni mingle at an event in Nashville.

A photograph of a 1985 event on the Quad. 

Black and white photo of people gathered on the Quad for an event.


The Crawford Alumni Center


Giving to Tennessee Tech