Football Operations Center
Tennessee Tech raises $105,000 for Football Operations Center on Giving Tuesday 
Tennessee Tech celebrated its most successful Giving Tuesday ever by raising $105,252 for its Football Operations Center in just 24 hours.
Since 2016, Tech has participated in Giving Tuesday, an international day of giving when people all over the world support causes that have a positive impact on their communities. Tech’s football program has a tremendous economic impact on the City of Cookeville and the Upper Cumberland community which is why Tech chose to make the Football Operations Center the focus of this year’s Giving Tuesday.
“As a former Tech football player, assistant coach and current head coach, it is awesome to see Tech Football as the focus of Giving Tuesday,” said Head Football Coach Dewayne Alexander. “Recruiting, retaining and developing student-athletes require commitment from everyone that is part of the Golden Eagle family.”
The Football Operations Center will help attract top talent to the Golden Eagle football program and develop student-athletes to their full potential. It will include a contemporary team locker room, lighted practice field, academic success center and hospitality suite and will be the primary sports medicine and athletics training facility for all 14 athletics teams.
Alexander and his wife Angy promised to match every gift made on Giving Tuesday, up to $35,000. Their commitment and belief in the project inspired many alumni and friends to make gifts as well.
“I made a personal gift because Tennessee Tech Football has made a positive impact on my life, and I have seen firsthand the positive impact it has made on fellow teammates and young men I have coached,” said Alexander. “I wanted to inspire others through the match because of the purpose, passion and sense of urgency required to complete the Football Operations Center as soon as possible.”
Thanks to Giving Tuesday and other university fundraising efforts, Tech has raised $2.1 million towards this project; however, additional funds are needed to make the vision of a new football facility a reality for Tech. For more information, visit
“Our university is first class and well respected,” said Alexander. “A consistent championship caliber football program will only add to the reputation of Tech and shine a light on what a great university and community we have.”