Information for Graduates
Be ready for the day!
» Commencement Overview
» Preparing for Commencement
» Details for Day of Ceremony
Participation in the ceremony does not confirm clearance for receipt of a diploma - do not cite participation as evidence of graduation. All candidates participating will receive a diploma cover as they cross the stage and will receive their diploma in the mail after confirmation of graduation.
Preparing for Commencement
Get the details you need before arriving to the ceremony.
- » Outstanding University Debt
Chapter 654 of the Public Acts of 1976 prohibits state institutions of higher education from issuing diplomas, transcripts, or grade reports of any nature to any student unless the student has satisfied all debts or obligations owed to the institution. All outstanding debts (including parking tickets) must be cleared with the Business Office (DBRY100) by the 'resolve outstanding university debt' date listed above.
- » Coursework Requirements
All coursework for undergraduate degrees must be completed and grades submitted by 'Coursework and Grade submissions' date listed on the 'dates and deadlines' tab.
Students taking coursework at other colleges must have the official transcript sent to the Office of Admission, P.O. Box 5006, Cookeville, TN 38505 no later than the 'other transcripts requirements' date listed on the 'dates and deadlines' tab.
Any transcript received after this date will be considered for the next semester's graduation.
- » Diploma
Diplomas will be mailed to graduating undergraduates no later than the "Diploma mail out date" listed on the 'dates and deadlines' above.
They will be mailed to the address that you provide to the Graduation Office during your final semester in response to an email with a link. Please make sure this is an address where you can receive mail on that date.
- » Caps & Gowns
Caps and gowns may be picked up during the Senior Salute of your final semester. Senior Salute is an event where graduating seniors pick up their cap and gown, order announcements, class rings and more. The cost of the cap and gown is included in the General Access fee paid each semester. There is no charge to pick up your cap and gown. If you cannot attend the event caps and gowns will be available in the University Bookstore the Monday after Senior Salute. For the cost of shipping and handling, you may have your cap & gown shipped to you. Please click on the “Order Regalia” button below. Orders ship directly from the vendor, Oak Hall. Please make sure to place your order at least 2 weeks prior to your graduation date.
- » Honors
Honors are determined from the Inclusive Combined GPA (not the Overall GPA) and can be viewed on your Degree Works audit.
Honors announced at the Commencement ceremony are based on the totals from the previous semester. Keep in mind that all grades have not been submitted at the time the commencement program is published and name cards printed; honors may change as grades are submitted but what is announced at the ceremony must be based on the previous term totals. Final honors will be determined after end of term processing is complete and diplomas and transcripts will be adjusted accordingly.
If you are an undergraduate student, you must achieve the Inclusive Combined grade point average (GPA) listed below to qualify for honors. Honors are calculated based on the GPA from the previous semester. Information in the program may differ from the final GPA calculation. This GPA includes TTU and transferred coursework.
- Cum Laude: 3.50 – 3.69 (solid purple)
- Magna Cum Laude: 3.70 – 3.89 (solid gold)
- Summa Cum Laude: 3.90 – 4.00 (purple/gold/white)
You can view your inclusive combined GPA by logging into your Eagle Online account – select “Student Records” and “Student GPA.”
Cords are available to honors students through the bookstore. You may purchase cords at Senior Salute or contact the Bookstore at 931-372-3131. Some colleges or honors societies may provide cords to their honors students. As a reminder, cords are part of the academic regalia and must be purchased through the bookstore.
Information for Day of Ceremony
- » Program of Events
There will be no formal rehearsal. Information regarding meeting with readers will be announced soon.
The program will be a combination of video recordings and a live address from President Oldham. Once the program is completed, the graduates will then walk across the stage.
Graduates need to arrive at least an hour early before your ceremony. Go to the Academic Wellness Center east gym to get your name card then proceed to the floor to be seated.
Name Card Pick Up
Name cards will be located in the east gym of the Academic Wellness Center. All graduates should proceed directly to the name card table through the pool entrance.
After receiving your name card, you will be directed to a seat in the Hooper Eblen Center. Specific seats will not be assigned, and graduates can sit in any seat within the area designated for their college. Please be seated at least 20 minutes before your ceremony is scheduled to begin. All graduate students sit with the College of Graduate Studies.
Digital Program
Because of circumstances which require that the list of names be furnished to the printer in final form approximately seven days prior to Commencement, it is possible that one or more of the candidates listed may have been unable to complete all requirements for the degree or may have elected voluntarily to register for additional work and to graduate at a subsequent ceremony. The change does not necessarily imply that a student has failed nor does it commit the university to grant a diploma to a person thus listed in error. Also, students listed with one or more honors distinctions are candidates for the honor(s) at the time the program is provided to the printer and may not complete the requirements to be awarded the distinction.
Once the program is available, it can be downloaded from the main page.
Walking Across the Stage
You will be directed when to stand and walk to the stage. You will give your name card to an usher on the ramp and proceed across the stage as your name is read. You will stand on the marked spot for your photo. Then you will pick up your diploma cover, and as you exit the stage, you will have another photo taken.
Information for PhD candidates
Ph.D. candidates will be hooded on the platform and will be assisted by their advisors and deans. Advisors who will be hooding students will sit on the floor beside students. It's encouraged to contact your advisor beforehand to get an idea where to meet.
Advisors and students can meet at the name card table. We encourage each advisor and Ph.D. candidate to communicate with each other prior to the ceremony to coordinate their plans. Ph.D. candidates and advisors will be a part of the processional, please meet in the tunnel 20 minutes prior to the start of ceremony.
Once you receive your diploma, please return to your seat and wait for the recessional.
- » Dress Code & Behavior
Dress Code
Men: Slacks (no jeans or shorts), shirt, and comfortable dress shoes (no sandals, flip-flops, or tennis shoes).
Women: Dresses or skirts, slacks, or capri pants (no jeans or shorts), and comfortable dress shoes (no tennis shoes or flip flops).
There will be no place to store personal belongings during the ceremony, so please leave those with family members. Keep in mind that you will be standing for quite a while so choose clothing and shoes for comfort.
Anyone under the influence of alcohol is subject to being removed from the line.
Use of cell phones during ceremony is prohibited.
Use of air horns and other such devices is prohibited and those devices will be confiscated.
- » Accommodations
Special Facilities
Any candidate requiring special facilities to participate in the ceremony due to a physical disability should contact the Accessible Education Center at 931-372-6119.
Questions concerning disabled parking areas may be directed to the University Police at 931-372-3234.
Confidentiality of Student Records
NOTE: To have your name appear in the printed Commencement Program, your online registration request must be submitted by the official submission deadline.
If a Nondisclosure of Directory Information request is on file, the University will not release the candidate’s name for any commencement publications that are made available to the public. This can include: proofs of gradation photos, hometown news releases, commencement program, etc. The candidate can request the removal of the nondisclosure request by logging into Eagle Online and removing the “Confidential Flag” on the student record.
Guest Arrival Information
Please enter through the Hooper Eblen Center's main entrance. Guests may enter no earlier than one hour before the ceremony.
Each ceremony will be live streamed. The link will be available here.
- » Photographs
GradImages is the official photographer for Tech's graduation ceremony. Following commencement, your photos will be available to view and order by visiting the website at
To ensure you receive your photo proofs, please register at
On the GradImages website, simply enter your Last Name, your School Name, and select your graduation year from the drop down menu. Once you see your name, click on the link to view your photos. If you need additional help to locate your photos, call the customer service department at 800-261-2576 or email
If a Nondisclosure of Directory Information request is on file, the University will not release the candidate’s name for any commencement publications that are made available to the public. This can include: proofs of gradation photos, hometown news releases, commencement program, etc. The candidate can request the removal of the nondisclosure request by logging into Eagle Online and removing the “Confidential Flag” on the student record.