College of Education & Human Sciences - Community Outreach

Community Outreach Programs

The College of Education & Human Sciences, working in collaboration with regional organizations, public schools, community groups, and the university, provides a range of outreach and engaging programs.

young scholars


Elinor Ross Freedom School

The Elinor Ross Freedom School is a free, six-week literacy and cultural enrichment program for 1st to 8th grade students in Putnam County.


MORE About the Ross Freedom School

P-16 Partnership

The P-16 Partnership is conducted by the College of Education & Human Sciences collaborating with Putnam Co. Schools, IMPACT, Tech’s College of Business and Office of Intercultural Affairs, TN Chapter of NAME, and the Cookeville-Putnam Co. Chamber of Commerce promoting educational events, mentorship, and workshops.

More About P-16

active learning


Since 2016, the BRIDGES Early Intervention Resource Agency has helped support families, caregivers, and children with special needs from birth to age three. 

The agency works with the Tennessee Early Intervention System, a division of the Tennessee Dept. of Education, serving counties in the Upper Cumberland. 

How can we help you?

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Concerned about your child's development? Milestones serves families with children birth to age three (3) throughout Middle Tennessee, as an independent evaluation agency.

As Tennessee’s Early Intervention System (TEIS) receives referrals from agencies or individuals with concerns about a child’s development, a Milestones evaluator schedules a visit with the family to conduct a developmental evaluation.

More About Milestones

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