Spring 2025 Senior Design Expo
Date TBD | 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. | Ashraf Islam Engineering Building
Join us as our graduating senior engineering and computer science students showcase their capstone projects and present innovative solutions to real-world challenges Thursday, April 25, 2024 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Ashraf Islam Engineering Building Atrium located at Tennessee Tech University, 1021 Stadium Drive, Cookeville, TN.
Be sure to visit Tech’s ‘Visitor Parking’ web page to find the closest available parking.
Industry Partners: Get Connected! Sign up here.
Fall 2024 Project Information By Department
Questions? Call (931) 372-3172 or email engineering@tntech.edu.
What is Capstone?
Although the projects do showcase your educational accomplishments, they are more about demonstrating that you know how to learn. They are intended to encourage students to use the critical thinking skills they have acquired through their degree programs to solve problems.
Benefits to Students
- Hands-on experience solving a complex real-world problem in an agile, team environment —skills necessary for success.
- Gain necessary exposure to bridge the gap between student and professional.
- Gain experience applying engineering knowledge to solve industry problems.
- Understand and learn importance of time and budget constraints.
Fall 2024 Senior Design Project and Team Information by Department
Civil and Environmental Engineering
- » Shipping Facility Design for Emerging Leader in the Proppant Production Industry
Project Team Members: Alex Presley, Caleb Neal, Dominic Fosco, Leander Lewis, Richard Prosser
Project Overview: The purpose of this project is to develop PyraMax Ceramics’ shipping facility including an onsite shipping building, dedicated rail spur, employee parking lot, and associated required site development and stormwater management. This project is important to PyraMax Ceramics because it will improve and streamline PyraMax Ceramics’ shipping and will provide additional employee parking, which in turn will improve the facility’s efficiency and allow for further expansion and increased production. This project also benefits the community through the positive economic impact of the construction work and the increased workforce at this facility.
- » Humphreys County Bridge Replacement
Project Team Members: Ethan Horst, Harrison Moody, Logan Johnson, Ryland Haren, Will Hooper
Project Overview: On August 21st, 2021, intense flooding took place in, including but not limited to, Humphreys County, Tennessee that damaged local infrastructure. In particular, the concrete bridge carrying Trace Creek Road over Trace Creek sustained significant damage. The reason for the failure was due to erosion of sediment between the ground and the structures that was supporting the bridge. Due to these events, the bridge was deemed to be damaged beyond repair and would require the construction of a new bridge to take its place. The purpose of this project is to design a bridge that will replace the failed bridge.
- » Lawrence County Motivation Drive Extension
Project Team Members: Andrew Hendrickson, Austin Gilmer, Brett Nordgauer, Elijah Matthews, Joseph Sadler
Project Overview: The industrial zone along Motivation Drive is in the process of planning a future expansion that will introduce increased heavy vehicle traffic. The client, The City of Lawrenceburg, is requesting that the Tennessee Department of Transportation provide safe and reliable access for this expanding industrial district. The project is important to the community due to it providing an alternative route for heavy vehicle traffic. This will prevent heavy vehicles from using other collector roadways. This project will provide adequate access from Motivation Drive to State Route 242 for existing and future industrial businesses.
- » New Hangar Project at Warren County Memorial Airport
Project Team Members: Caden Brunsma, Chase Carden, George Michael Huttick, Nathan Fuson, Noah Lane
Project Overview: The purpose of this project is to design an airfield development for a Fixed Base Operations site at an existing airport located in Warren County, TN. The project describes the need for a set of hangars to provide commercial development for a Fixed Based Operator (FBO). Airport hangar limitations limit the community by displaying the need for expansion and a new site would provide an opportunity for growth.
The community surrounding the airport will be provided with access to new opportunities brought by the FBO. These opportunities can include educational growth and social factors. If the FBO is a flight instruction school, the educational and social factors will be increased, as it is now a place for the community to go and interact with the airport to gain knowledge and create a space for the interactions between the frequent visitors.
- » The Bend Church – New Building & Site Development
Project Team Members: Alley Abram, Grace White, Kallie Harris, Tanyon Grooms, TaRessa Mckinney
Project Overview: The purpose of this project is to address the first phase of civil site design by developing construction documents and associated design calculations for the proposed church buildings and site improvements. The requested scope of work for the project is to add two new buildings and an athletic field to the site provided. This includes plans for the site layout, grading and drainage, retaining wall, utilities, stormwater and water quality, and SWPPP. The importance of this project is to provide the client with a new location and to provide community access to a third space location.
- » Tridon Drive Bridge Replacement over Olive Branch
Project Team Members: Jerry Ross, Joel Wallace, Tanner Keck, Westen Wilson, Wyatt Wilson
Project Overview: The purpose of this project is to design a new realignment of Tridon Drive in Smyrna, Tennessee, including a new bridge over Olive Branch creek, to meet environmental standards while maintaining access to both lanes of traffic and establishments within the construction area throughout the construction of the project. This project is important to the Town of Smyrna, hereafter TOS, as it is replacing a bridge that is out-of-date regarding handling present loads of traffic and design standards. This project is important to the community because it provides truckers going to and from the industrial park with an alternate route over the bridge.
- » U.S. 64 (S.R. 40) Road Widening and Intersection Improvements
Project Team Members: Chloe Lee, Claire Offutt, Gracey Cobble, Gracie Gore, Hannah Willingham
Project Overview: The purpose of this project is to make improvements to the junction of United States Route 64 (State Route 40) and State Route 314 located in Polk County, Tennessee next to the Ocoee River. The roadway currently supports a capacity of approximately 5,000 vehicles per day in this area with trucks accounting for approximately 9%. The 2042 projected traffic quantity for this roadway is approximately 6,100 vehicles per day. To support the predicted increase in traffic the project plan is to widen the existing road (United States Route 64) to 3 lanes, construct a shared-use path along the corridor, make intersection improvements – including Tennessee Valley Authority driveway modifications – and construct three retaining walls, one on the north side and two along the south side of United
Computer Science
- » Team BESS - Cloud Storage for Battery Energy Storage System
Project Team Members: Jonah Johnson, Samuel Sims, Nawaf Almalki, Lauson Tassie, Jalen Stayton, Ethan Dixon
Project Overview: This project aims to collect and manage real-time data from an RTAC server that simulates the performance of a super battery. The data gathered includes key measurements such as voltage, current, active power, reactive power, frequency, state of charge, and time. Once the data is pulled from the server, it will be sent to an Azure Cloud database for secure storage and management. From there, the data will be accessible through a website, where users can log in securely to view the battery's performance. The website will present the data using user-friendly graphs and charts to make it easy to understand. Additionally, users can export the data in various formats, including CSV files, for further analysis or reporting. This project combines data collection, cloud integration, and web development to provide a complete solution for monitoring and visualizing battery performance.
- » Team DIGID - Reusable Identity
Project Team Members: Jacob Sensing, Connor McWhorter, Patrick McCloud, William Cooper, Rachel Coughenour, Joseph Jackson, Matthew Burst
Project Overview: Our project is the Digital ID project. Our members are Rachel Peters, Jacob Sensing, Joeseph Jackson, Patrick McCloud, Connor McWhorter, Matthew Burst, and Will Cooper. We are working on integrating blockchain credentialing with universities by working on onboarding mechanisms and a mobile identification wallet. This allows current and former students to be able to share verified credentials and diplomas across multiple parties with one profile. The credentials associated with the user can also be viewed and managed by them.
- » Team TND - Web Interface for the Tennessee Nutrient Database
Project Team Members: Joshua Demeter, Breanna Moore, Kyle Nguyen, Matthew Ogurkis, and Dawson Wright
Faculty Advisors: Tania Datta, Eric Brown
Project Overview: The project is comprised of a webpage that is designed to track the water quality of waterways in the state of Tennessee. The front end of the website is written in HTML/CSS, while the back end is written in JavaScript, with the data being held in a PostgreSQL database with the website hosted using Nginx. The pages for the website include a landing page with a slideshow carousel showing different rivers in Tennessee, an about page that redirects to the TDEC Nutrient Management page, a tracking and data page that displays the aforementioned hosted data in multiple graphs with an option to view by year, and a page displaying all sponsors associated with the 2021-23 Tennessee Nutrient Strategy Taskforce Triennial Report.
- » Team Stonecom - Room Reservation System
Project Team Members: Landon Crabtree, Nicholas McCloud, Chloe Braswell, Kaleigh Hooper, Fawaz Alkharaa, Brendan Jackson
Project Overview: Stonecom Radio hosts the Gallaher Huffines Community Room, giving government, educational, community, and non-profit organizations a place to host events. The current room reservation workflow consists of manual interactions between Stonecom and the event organizers.
Our team (Fawaz Alkharaa, Chloe Braswell, Landon Crabtree, Kaleigh Hooper, Brendan Jackson, and Nicholas McCloud), as part of Tennessee Tech’s CSC4615 class (instructed by Eric Brown) was tasked with streamlining the room reservation process by automating the redundant parts of the booking process, such as an online booking form; electronic signatures for the room agreement form; reminder emails; exit surveys; and integrated Calendar support via Outlook, Google Calendar, Apple Calendar, etc.
Electrical and Computer Engineering
- » Drone Tracking System
Project Team Members: Austin Williams, JJ Stowell, Aaron Stewart, Sterling Sloan, Abe Perkins, Meredith Nye
- » Golf Ball Interceptor
Project Team Members: Allen Watson, Adam Morrow, Tyler Kasuboski, Jt Jones, Colby Drake, Jonah Burke
- » Electric Motorcycle Test Station
Project Team Members: Branson Stephens, Dylan Scruggs, Aaron Littleton, Jonathan Haas, Ethan Griffith, Andrew Copeland
- » Tactile Navigation Map
Project Team Members: Cole Robinson, Cooper Moorehead, Jeremy Knickerbocker, Derek Harper, Lucas Crawford, Ethan Adams
- » Golf Ball Interceptor
Project Team Members: Kevin Ulrich, Katie Swinea, Finlay Patoto, Jonathan Neal, Savannah Metzler, Garrett Armstrong
- » ECE Electric Vehicle Kit
Project Team Members: Slayde Simmons, Keston Robbins, Carson Ray, Woogenscky Placide, Abdoul Majid Moussa Modi, Jesse Griffey, Troy Dunn
Manufacturing and Engineering Technology
- » Solar Power Charge Controller
Project Team Members: Thomas Courtney, Trevor Harrington, Connor Ottinger, Robert Sudberry, and Kassie Welden
Project Overview: Solar Power Controlled trickle chargers are an innovative utilization of photoelectric technology to supply a charge without the need for an internal battery, whereas conventional chargers require a connection to an external power source to provide continuous power to charge devices.
- » Process Flow for INOAC Group
Project Team Members: Justin Bronson, John Cox, Andy Nored, Rachael Oke, and Allison Vaughan
Project Overview: INOAC USA, INC. seeks to enhance production efficiency by optimizing its manufacturing process flow. The project involves updating workflows to streamline operations. CAD drawings and flow charts are used to map current layouts and track material movement. This effort aims to reduce waste, improve productivity, and establish a framework for ongoing improvement.
- » Toxic Lead Removal from White-Water Rafting Paddle Manufacturing Process
Project Team Members: Reece Arnold, Christopher Buchanan, Nathan Lesch, Tyler Veal, and Andrew Yager
Project Overview: Lead usage in the paddle production is a health concern. This project replaces the lead used for the bladder cores with a safer material while still maintaining the ability to bend by hand.
- » Recycling Bottles To Use for 3D-Printing
Project Team Members: Daniel Gremillion, Spencer Cupp, Blake Greenlee, and Cherish Darnell
Project Overview: Recycling involves taking something that would otherwise be trash and using it in a new way, though much recycled plastic ends up unused. This project takes used PET and uses it to make 3D printer filament, actually recycling it.
Mechanical Engineering
- » DEVCOM Interceptor Game System
Project Team Members: Ishak Lamei, Peterson Rainey, Steven Tucker, Austin Williams
Project Overview: ME and ECE team is working to develop an interceptor system to help DEVCOM develop a game challenge for students.
- » E-Bike Test System
Project Team Members: Catherine Cline, Eli Dunn, Lacy Grinder, Caden Holmes
Project Overview: ME and ECE team working to develop a loading test system for e-bike.
- » Metal Detecting Robot
Project Team Members: Luke Collins, Lucas Kidd, Axsel Pelico-Juanta, Logan Schenk
Project Overview: Team is continuing the development of a robot for use in metal detecting on outdoor historical sites.
- » Nissan Leaf Vehicle Simulator Integration
Project Team Members: Matthew Dunford, Jaxon Godsey, Logan Malone, Michael Vonder Haar
Project Overview: The team continues developing and adapting a Nissan Leaf for use with a vehicle simulation system.
- » Steam Leak Size Identification
Project Team Members: Abdulrahman Aljohani, Clayton Baldwin, Mac O'Connor
Project Overview: The team is working to develop imaging techniques to estimate the size of steam leaks.
- » Lightweight Evacuation Litter
Project Team Members: Ethan Holcomb, Max Marczak, Seth Stransky
Project Overview: The team is working to develop lightweight litter for use by special forces teams.
- » Electric Motor Digital Twin System
Project Team Members: Logan Ahearn, Ty Briggs, Jeremy Otto, Noah Rodriguez
Project Overview: The team is working to develop a tool to monitor the health of electric motor systems.
- » DEVCOM Interceptor Game System
Project Team Members: Caleb Harman, Michael Lumsdaine, Daniel Rickert, Brett Snoderly
Project Overview: ME and ECE team is working to develop an interceptor system to help DEVCOM develop a game challenge for students.
- » Lightweight Evacuation Litter
Project Team Members: Alex Barker, Neal Patel, Christian Sunday
Project Overview: The team is working to develop lightweight litter for use by special forces teams.