Manufacturing and Engineering Technology - Scholarships and Financial Aid

Scholarships & Financial Aid

The Department of Manufacturing and Engineering Technology provides the following scholarships (pending availability of funds):

American Foundry Society


  • Student interested in Metal Casting Career who has completed MIT2010 course.
  • Should be a senior.
  • GPA of 3.0 or better.


  • $1,000 Spring Semester - (Depending on Funding)

Foundry Educational Foundation


  1. An Engineering Technology Student with interest in Metal Casting Career who has completed MIT 3000.
  2. GPA: examined upon receipt of application.
  3. Active member of AFS.
  4. Active career interest in Metal Casting.


  • Four - $1,000 scholarships given in the Fall Semester - (Depending on Funding).

Manufacturing & Industrial Technology Advisory Board


  1. Sophomore or Junior (Completed no more than 67 semester hours).
  2. Enrolled in Industrial Technology and in good standing with the university.
  3. 70% Overall GPA.
  4. 10% Involvement in Professional Society (AFS, EJC, EPT, SME, or Co-op Education).
  5. 20% Subjective interview by scholarship committee covering attitude, maturity, purpose and goals.


  • $750 Fall and Spring Semesters - (Depending on Funding).

Joe M. Floyd Scholarship


  1. Junior/Senior - level status
  2. GPA of 3.0 or better


  • Full semester - Depending on Funding.

The McSpadden-McNew Industrial Technology Scholarship


  1. Be financially disadvantaged and academically challenged students who may have difficulty completing the Industrial Technology degree program.
  2. Be a current student of Tennessee Technological University in good standing in accordance with current institutional policies and enrolled in the Industrial Technology program.
  3. Have satisfactorily completed a minimum of one semester in the Industrial Technology program.
  4. Be from McMinn county as a first priority, Roane as a second priority. Third priority shall be for students from Putnam County if there are no qualified candidates from either McMinn or Roane counties.
  5. Any qualified student from within the State of Tennessee may be considered provided there are no qualified candidates from the above mentioned counties.
  6. Scholarship will be awarded to the student with the greatest financial need if candidates are otherwise equally qualified.


  • Full maintenance fees in effect at the beginning of the academic year for which the scholarship is awarded.
  • The recipient may retain the scholarship for the duration of his/her undergraduate program provided he/she continues to make satisfactory progress toward degree requirements.
  • Scholarship benefits shall be limited to a maximum of five, four, and two academic semesters respectively for a sophomore, junior and seniors.


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