College of Engineering - Recommended Computer Specifications for Students

Recommended Computer Specifications for Students

Currently the college requires students to have an entry level (primary) portable computing device. Note that secondary computing devices like tablets can be used, however they are not considered primary computing devices.

student with computer sitting outside on the quad.The recommendation below will work well for all academic degrees within the College of Engineering as an entry level computer.

Be sure to check with individual academic programs for any advance configuration requirements.

Microsoft Windows Laptops

  • Processor: Intel Core i7 processor or equivalent
  • Memory: 16GB RAM
  • Storage: 1TB solid state drive (SSD) or more - strongly recommended
  • Nvidia graphics recommended.  Video: 1920 x 1080 resolution. 4K displays may have to be operated at a lower screen resolution to be compatible with some software. Several departments will make use of SolidWorks. There have been some reported issues of graphics cards not being compatible with this program. Students may want to consult for a list of tested and certified graphics cards for SolidWorks.
  • Operating System: Microsoft Windows 11

Apple Macintosh Laptops*

Please be aware: Not all classes uses Mac software and not all software work with Apple computers. 

  • Recommended Hardware and OS Specifications
  • Processor: M1or M2
  • Memory: 8GB RAM (16GB strongly recommended, especially if you plan to also run Windows)
  • Storage: 500GB solid state drive (SSD) (1TB SSD strongly recommended)
  • Video: 1920 x 1080 resolution with minimum screen size of 13 in. (15 inches is probably better or access to an additional monitor). See note under Windows machines for SolidWorks compatibility.
  • Operating System: Monterey or later


Recommended Accessories

  • *** Laptops with only USB-C or Thunderbolt ports will likely require dongles for easier compatibility with USB-3 on campus ***
  • USB Flash Drive (64GB or higher)
  • USB External Hard Drive (500GB or higher)
  • A mouse MAY be preferred over a trackpad; brand/type does not matter.

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