College of Engineering - Submit News

Submit Your News

Share your news with our team! The College of Engineering shares stories about our students, research, events, education and outreach — including peer-reviewed publications, grants and other awards, as well as how the work of our faculty, staff and students has a meaningful impact on local, national and international communities.

Our team will consider your ideas for potential story development and amplification via both internal and external communication channels — including newsletters, the college newsroom, Tennessee Tech Family Connection, email campaigns, publications, and social media channels. We also share college news and events with the Office of Communications and Marketing for the university newsroom and media coverage, as well as photo opportunities. 

College of Engineering faculty and staff can submit their ideas for both news stories and newsletter announcements via our intake form below.


Additional guidelines for submitting the information required for us to develop content are contained within the form, but you can also consider the following additional resources for developing your own story to share with us:

Tips for a Successful News Story

Your news content should not:

  • List all of a person’s credentials. For faculty members or guest speakers, highlight key achievements and consider linking to their CV or personal/professional web page.
  • Simply list award recipients. Provide context to make the content more interesting. Provide background information on the award and explain its significance. Please include professional headshots and blurbs about each recipient or a group shot with a caption (with identifying information, i.e. “Picture from left to right…”).
  • Use the news section on the website as an archive for department activity. News stories should be compelling and interesting.

University News Outlets

Tech Times: Faculty and staff can directly submit to the university-side newsletter, Tech Times, by completing the form on the Tech Times website: 

News stories and media coverage: The College of Engineering dean’s office coordinates news and media coverage with the Office of Communications and Marketing. You can submit your news items via the college’s form and we will coordinate news on your behalf. All stories involving College of Engineering departments and student organizations are reviewed by the Dean’s Office prior to publication and distribution.

Alumni news: We coordinate submitted news items involving college alumni with the Crawford Alumni Center for alumni publications. Faculty and staff can submit alumni news item through the college intake form above. Alumni and other community members can email us at with your name, email, phone number and a description of the news you wish to share.

For questions about College of Engineering news, please contact:

Stephanie Irwin, Communications and Marketing Liaison, College of Engineering at (937) 231-0477 or via email to: 

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