Theses & Dissertations: Abstract
The abstract must be a single page. The 7th edition of the APA Manual recommends that the abstract be limited to 250 words.
The entire page is single-spaced including the titles; since your entire document is set for double spacing, just highlight the text on this page and choose single spacing.
- At the top is the page title:
For dissertations: AN ABSTRACT OF A DISSERTATION - Leave the next line blank.
- Enter the TITLE OF YOUR THESIS/DISSERTATION, which is centered, bold, and in all caps. Your title must also form an upside down triangle if it is more than one line. This means the first line is the longest and each consecutive line is shorter than the previous line.
- Leave the next line blank.
- Type your name as registered with the university, centered.
- Leave the next line blank.
- Type your degree title and the program, for example, Master of Arts in English.
- Leave the next line blank.
- Type the content following the general formatting except the paragraphs are single spaced with a blank line between paragraphs.
- Add your abstract. Paragraphs should be indented.
- Add your keywords (optional). Keywords need to be descriptive and capture the most
important aspects of your paper. They are used for indexing in databases and as search
terms for readers. You can include three to five words, phrases, or acronyms as keywords.
Formatting should be as follows:
- Add a double-space after the body of your abstract
- Use italics
- Indent and type the label: “Keywords: ”
- Add your keywords; each keyword is separated by a comma and a space
- There is no ending punctuation after the final keyword
- Keywords can be listed in any order (not necessarily alphabetical)
- if the keywords run onto a second line, double-space the two lines and do not indent the second line
- The Abstract page will have the first printed page number — "ii"; the title page is considered to be the first page, but it should not have a visible page number.
Example of Abstract with optional keywords: