Nursing - Be Healthy Outreach Program


EducationPediatric Critical Care Training in Belize





ESTAR Sanos is a unique health resource available to regional rural and Hispanic communities.

Dr. Geist Hits the Air Waves | "Good Morning Cookeville with Jason & Sheila" 

Wednesday, March 12 from 7-7:30am

Listen on WHUB News Talk 107.7 OR live on their Roku app "Hub Plus".

Watch live On Facebook

Vaccination Clinic, Anyone?

Next FREE vaccination clinic is in April...details to follow!

Would you like to know more about planning a FREE vaccination clinic for your organization or community?
Please email for more information. Supported by the Tennessee Department of Health.

ESTAR and Health Hero Team

Nursing Faculty & Students Deliver Healthcare in Belize

Belize December 2024In Dec. ’24, a group of Tech nursing students, led by Professors Melissa Geist and Jennifer Mabry, participated in a mission trip to Belize, Central America. The students gained hands-on experience while serving underserved communities. 

During the visit, students completed clinical rotations at a small remote hospital, assisting with patient care and learning to adapt to limited resources. They also worked in local polyclinics, providing essential healthcare services to residents and learning about community-based care. 

“This trip combined cultural immersion with professional growth, fostering empathy and clinical competency,” related Geist.

Additionally, the students conducted annual physical assessments for children at a nearby orphanage, ensuring the kids received necessary health evaluations and more.


#buildingvaxconfidence / Stay Connected / Comuniquese con Nosotros


  • COVID-19 Vaccine Information / English


    As the COVID-19 virus changes and circulates, it is essential to maintain your and your family’s vaccine barrier against a potentially severe case, complications, hospitalization, long-term illness, or death. The vaccines are safe and effective.

    For decades, vaccines have offered protection to people throughout the U.S. and abroad against a variety of illnesses and diseases (including influenza, hepatitis B, small pox, measles, and whooping cough).

    Get Up-to-Date Information

    Contact your local Health Department for updates and access to vaccines, either by appointment, mobile service, or vaccine-specific events.

    Check your and/or your family’s booster eligibility...

    a. when/date you had your last booster/vaccine;

    b. see the age guidelines and details; vaccines are available starting at six (6) months of age.

    Community Resources

    Vaccine Flow Chart

  • Nuevas vacunas y dosis de refuerzo / Español

    Infórmese sobre el Covid. ¡El virus no se va!

    Debido a la evolución y propagación del coronavirus, es esencial que usted y su familia aprovechen y reciban las vacunas contra un posible caso serio, complicaciones, hospitalización, enfermedad de largo plazo o la muerte.
    Las vacunas son seguras y efectivas.

    Por décadas, las vacunas han protegido a personas en los Estados Unidos y en otros países contra una variedad de enfermedades (incluyendo la gripe, la hepatitis B, la viruela, el sarampión y la tos ferina).

    Obtenga información actualizada

    Comuníquese con su Departamento Local de Salud para noticias recientes y acceso a las vacunas por medio de citas o durante eventos que incluyen vacunaciones.

    Revise su elegibilidad y la de su familia en cuanto una posible dosis de refuerzo…

    a. Cuando fue (la fecha de) su última dosis de refuerzo

    b. Observe las reglas de edad y los detalles; las vacunas están disponibles empezando a los seis (6) meses de edad.

    Community Resources

    Vaccine Flow Chart Espanol


Whitson Ele event

A Whitson-Hester School of Nursing and Tennessee Department of Health community outreach initiative.

Una Iniciativa Caritativa de la Facultad de Enfermería Whitson-Hester y el Departamento de Salud de Tennessee.

ESTAR logo

Supported with funding through a cooperative agreement between The Tennessee Department of Health, award number NH23IP922617. Information is the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily reflect the official views of the CDC or the TDH.

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