Purchasing and Contracts
Current Bid Opportunities
Below is a list of current bid opportunities with Tennessee Technological University.
In addition to the bid document listed, the following documents shall also be considered
an integral part of the bid when applicable:
RFQ – Standard Terms and Conditions
Data Privacy and Security Terms and Conditions
GDPR Data Protection Addendum
Purchase Order Terms and Conditions
To obtain a hard copy of any Request for Quotation or Request for Proposal, click on the "Description" link. For additional information, please contact the person listed under “Purchasing Contact.”
Due Date | Description | Purchasing Contact |
2/27/2025 |
RFP- High-Tech Greenhouse Installation Deadline for Submitting Proposals: 2/27/2025 RFP IS ON HOLD UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE |
Milghen Ortiz-McMahan |
3/12/2025 |
RFQ - Main Breaker Replacement Prebid Meeting Rescheduled for February 27, 2025 @ 10:00 am |
Tina Girdley |
3/14/2025 |
Amendment 1 - Questions and Answers Deadline for Submitting Proposals: 3/14/2025 |
Donna Wallis |
3/14/2025 | Peni Austin | |
3/20/2025 |
RFP - Small Grid Development Consortium Creation (rebid) Deadline for Written Questions/Comments: 3/4/2025 Tennessee Tech Answers Questions: 3/6/2025 Deadline for Submitting Proposals: 3/20/2025 |
Donna Wallis |
3/25/2025 | Tina Girdley | |
4/2/2025 | Tina Girdley | |
4/8/2025 | Tina Girdley |
Mailing Address:
Tennessee Tech UniversityPurchasing and Contracts
1 William L. Jones Drive
Derryberry Hall 301
Cookeville, TN 38505-0001
Contact Information:
Phone: 931-372-3491Fax Number: 931-372-3727
Campus Box 5144
Office Hours:
Monday-Friday8am to 4:30pm CST