College Town Kickoff - Community Involvement

Community Involvement

August 19, 2023 • 3 p.m. - 10 p.m. • Downtown Cookeville 

View College Town Kickoff event details!

Want to get involved? Consider the opportunities below, and contact Ben Stubbs at with additional questions or ideas.  

Booths and Tables 

College Town Kickoff hopes to connect students with community resources, groups, and opportunities that align with their interests. Businesses and community groups are invited to set up a table or booth at the event. Booths are expected to operate from 3 p.m. - 8 p.m. and are responsible for providing all the necessary equipment. To register, complete the forms below:

» Booth Application and Agreement (PDF)

» Food Vendor Application and Agreement (PDF)

Shop and Dine 

Businesses located in the West Broad and Courthouse Square areas are encouraged to participate in College Town Kickoff by extending operating hours and offering discounts or other opportunities that will attract attendees and help them get to know your business. We expect approximately 2,000 students to attend this event and want to help you make the most of it.  

Businesses wishing to participate in College Town Kickoff should send an email to with the following information: Business name and address, contact person name and email, description of any relevant discounts or features on August 19, and a brief description of your business. This information must be submitted by August 11 in order to be included in the printed guide.  

Program Sponsorship 

We are not seeking event sponsors in this inaugural year. However, if you would like to get involved with the event by hosting a “Kids Zone” tent, providing water for the event, or in other ways not listed above, please contact us at


More information coming soon!

For questions or how to get involved, contact us at

View College Town Kickoff event details!

Looking for More Involvement Opportunities


Visit Our Student Engagement Website